
22nd Mar 2016 16:39 - 8 years ago
Description : One of the most successful songs I've ever posted here
Older but good

the dead can not only dance, no, they can also make very good music ....

Somewhere in the barren wide swamp landscape.
The death turns merciless the wheel of life .
And at night, in the sparkle of the pale moon,
gather he his victims to let them sing on the old cemetery their song.
Gloomy sounds floating through the fog and tell us about past times

CBG guitars by Burt, the rest plus mix is me

Comments (26)

If you have time take a listen and give joecramer some feedback.

PatriciaEdwards 14th Jul 2023 17:53 - 1 year ago
Heyyyyy there Joe. :-)
I like the track.
Your vocals sound a little far away, but that could be the crappy computer I'm listening on. Haha
Good work.
joecramer replied 15th Jul 2023 - 1 year ago
Hello Patricia,
no, it is not the computer you are on :) it is really that way. and every time i hear this song i think >>you could sing it again joe or mix it again
DijamMusic 15th Oct 2019 01:43 - 4 years ago
Hello Joe,
Nice to see you back.
The track is amazing.
Well Done
joecramer replied 22nd Oct 2019 - 4 years ago
Thanks a lot Jamid
This is an old track and it is nice that you could enjoy the stuff Burt and me did then.
Hopefully you can also enjoy my new track that i posted here on looperman after a real long time.
It is really nice to see that people like you are active after all this long time.

So stay tuned Jamid
lujuju 17th Sep 2019 02:35 - 4 years ago
Downstairs, I heard a girl crying and calling: "Why don't you pick up my phone and ignore me?" I thought it was another phone call to check my girlfriend. When I walked past her, I heard her crying and said, "You want If you break up, you will say it well. Don't miss the call. Others will worry about your safety. You know how to drive, and you love to go. I am afraid that you will be in trouble. If you break up, don't scare me..." Feelings, how great How humble
joecramer replied 17th Sep 2019 - 4 years ago
It is always nice to see that someone feels something when he hears our little song. Because feelings are what makes us human. Best thanks for your words lujuju and I hope that the girl is doing well.

stay tuned
thechockehold 16th Sep 2019 18:26 - 4 years ago
Nice throwback to 90s song!
joecramer replied 17th Sep 2019 - 4 years ago
Good to know that you could enjoy our work.
So thanks for the listen and your comment

stay tuned thechockehold
Burtsbluesboxes 7th Sep 2019 17:35 - 4 years ago
I was just thinking about this song this morning talking with a local musician that does graveyard blues! Great to hear from you, definitetly we need to do more! I still have this guitar, my first homemade and cant part with it :D I've taken up winding my own pickups now too. If you ever get to building your own metal one I'll have a pickup with your name on it. Notice the name change, more in line with what I'm up to these days. Ok back to work, talk soon.
joecramer replied 17th Sep 2019 - 4 years ago
I'm working on two tracks right now and i think that there is at least one who needs a cool slow CBG solo playing.

The metal self made guitar is still in my mind and i will ask for the pickup for sure if i starting the project :)

stay tuned
PsychoArtzz 16th May 2019 01:25 - 5 years ago
Nice song, I like it
joecramer replied 3rd Jun 2019 - 5 years ago
Thanks a lot for your comment PsychoArtzz.
Always good to know that others like what we have done and also good to know that there are people around who listen also to older tracks.

stay tuned
centralsdev 27th Oct 2018 17:35 - 5 years ago
hi good to see you are back on looperman i have miss your music :)
i can see you didnt made anything new. we should make a song together soon or later :)
joecramer replied 28th Oct 2018 - 5 years ago
Hey centralsdev. Long time not seen you. Good to know that you didn't stop making music at all. I did and do making stuff but last times i have not that much time to finish things and so on …. family man things :) …..

I am always open for some collabs. So if you have an idea or some cool loops or stuff - just tell/send me and we will see what happend

stay tuned
BobsHouseParty 27th Oct 2018 13:04 - 5 years ago
Just beautiful,

Turn that cymbal DOWN!
joecramer replied 28th Oct 2018 - 5 years ago
Thanks a lot for your friendly comment. Good to know that you think that this one is a beautiful song.
I never had a problem with that cymbal jet. You are the first one who said that it is to loud.
Maybe the dead drummer was not 100% there :)

stay tuned
Burtsbluesboxes 4th Apr 2016 19:32 - 8 years ago
Cigar box anonymous only makes it worse ;)
I got my violin bridges the other day, still waiting on tuners, kind of at a stand still until those arrive along with the weather sucking lately! (I have to cut and sand outside) I'm going to build a 4 string guitar cello, I guess you call it hahaha It'll be the 4 low strings from a guitar set at an arch like a cello and played with a bow, that should make some nice gloomy music :p After we use up all 9 lives do we get 9 more? That's great people feel better after this doom and gloom! I've got to do some funeral doom with a cbg. I'll send more your way soon, got to keep Beyond the Sky album growing.
joecramer replied 5th Apr 2016 - 8 years ago
I wonder whatkind of music we will do next.
Still waiting for some cool new sounds from your cool new CBG's to make some cool new music ....

stay tuned
TeeGee1965 4th Apr 2016 19:30 - 8 years ago
I listened to both versions, I think I prefer this version. I can't understand the words, it is more like an instrument.Some sort of Mantra. I really like this, and those swamp slide sounds. Very very cool blues track, well done both of you!
joecramer replied 5th Apr 2016 - 8 years ago
Thanks a lot for your friendly comment TeeGee1965
Nice to hear that you could enjoy our little swamp slide blues like song.
One of eth reasons why i didn't changed the version here on looperman was that i also like this bit more muddy sound. But there are still listener who prefer a version with some little bit cleaner vocals. So now everyone can listen to the version he likes :)

stay tuned
theHumps 4th Apr 2016 18:55 - 8 years ago
My life suddenly seems great after listening to the march of the doom and gloom brothers. ;) Kinda spooky and dark, your description was good! Sounds like Burt is going to need cigar box anonymous soon.

Gloom Rock LIVES!!!

joecramer replied 5th Apr 2016 - 8 years ago
Thank you Wayne for your time you invest into listening and for your friendly words.
Burt is so creative since he startet to make one cbg after the other :) so don't stop him until we finished our album :)
His cbg's have so a nice kind of sound like he recorded them in a small, abandoned hut, somewhere in the deep swamp. Just a gloomy sound like from another world :)

stay tuned
VicaMOOR 3rd Apr 2016 00:29 - 8 years ago
nice job. you know. i dont think i needed to understand the vocalist because the muddiness on the vocals add to the haunting, yet light feel of the track. nice
joecramer replied 5th Apr 2016 - 8 years ago
Thanks OViea91 for this nice comment
Good to know that you could enjoy this track just the way it is.

stay tuned
crucethus 1st Apr 2016 02:32 - 8 years ago
Gloomy and melancholic but in almost a afterparty kind of way. Hypnotic and psychedelic in like a quaaluded version of Roxy Music. I had to fav it. I just was compelled to fav.
joecramer replied 1st Apr 2016 - 8 years ago
Oh, thanks a lot Cru. I bet that Burt will be same happy then me to read this nice and friendly comment.
Good to hear that this little track compelled you to give us the favor of a fav.
And you are right, in a way it IS a afterparty song :)

stay tuned
lechina 31st Mar 2016 21:31 - 8 years ago
Nice groove right here.The drums are great asset in this track.The vocal however is too deep to be heard,well unless it was done deliberately.overall not too bad.
joecramer replied 1st Apr 2016 - 8 years ago
I made a different version with much more clear vocals, cause i had the same feeling that they are much to muddy/low and others also said that. So i uploaded a wav file with the better sound to soundcloud. You can find the link in the description.
Thanks a lot for the comment and the time you take yourself to listen to our track.

stay tuned
Tinka0 31st Mar 2016 20:56 - 8 years ago
Oh damn.. That takes me to a place I've forgotten.. Something about the vocals I can't place.. A beautiful composition.. Such good music on the loop at the moment, keep it up guys!
joecramer replied 1st Apr 2016 - 8 years ago
Thanks Metabolic for your friendly words.
Maybe you find the place again if you listen once more to this track :)

I did a lot of collaboration with Burt right now. So lets see when the next hit comes out :)

stay tuned
15ludwicke 30th Mar 2016 20:19 - 8 years ago
Loving the atmosphere here! Before even reading the description I knew what you were going for, which is a testament to the production! Great use of haunting vocals as well. Loving everything about this track. :)

Enrico L.
joecramer replied 31st Mar 2016 - 8 years ago
Thanks Enrico for your gentle words.
Good to know that this little track work.
Burt did a great job with his CBG's and the bass, so it was in a way easy for me to do the synth's and vocals.

stay tuned
mudhoen 29th Mar 2016 17:26 - 8 years ago
Joe, you have done it again. Your unique style blended with some good old rock guitar. It is dark, it is sweet in a lakritze kind of way and it sound great as a whole. Nice work. For sure Burt wont be buthurt about this fun track!
joecramer replied 31st Mar 2016 - 8 years ago
Hello mudhoen
When i listen to this track it isn't easy for me to get this "joe Cramer" thing, but if you think it has this "feeling" then it sure will have it in a way :)
Burt saíd he likes the mix i did with all his great stuff. So you are righ that he isn't buthurted at all

Thanks for your comment and the time for listen

stay tuned
silverman 27th Mar 2016 09:32 - 8 years ago
Takes me back to eighties moments with New Order and the Hacienda club in Manchester NoRth West of England.
gREAT ATMOSPHERIC STUFF THIS AND TODAY i Think I will get the chance to have a full listen to your reverbnation stuff.
Nice work Joe.
joecramer replied 29th Mar 2016 - 8 years ago
I hope you could enjoy this extreme collection on reverb :)
I know that i should sort it a bit more out but there is really mostly all from the very beginning (1984) to now (2016)

Nice to see that you could enjoy at least this track again.
So thanks again for the listen and the comment

stay tuned
zachvenus 25th Mar 2016 08:25 - 8 years ago
thanks for responding, i like the interaction, please make more stuff like this! Not sure where your influences are but my god it works man!
joecramer replied 25th Mar 2016 - 8 years ago
Burton and me did some more stuff and have a kind of an album on reverbnation called - Burt and Joe behind the sky - maybe you will find something that you like

All other stuff from me you can find there also and sure the most newer tracks also here on looperman.

I am also not really sure where my influences came from but some of them sure from the 80' and from dark wave, ebm, punk, ndw .... :)

stay tuned
zachvenus 24th Mar 2016 21:31 - 8 years ago
Very Tasty and dark, a twisted and sweet blend of melancholy, Great work
joecramer replied 25th Mar 2016 - 8 years ago
Hey zachvenus
Nice to read that you liked our work.
Thanks for the time that you invest into listen and writing this friendly comment. I couldn't say it better then you done it. "Very Tasty and dark, a twisted and sweet blend of melancholy" Thats fits!

stay tuned
Orlando51 23rd Mar 2016 22:21 - 8 years ago
Famous zombie lads at work again...great collab Joe...such a nice creepy scene...Might be true what Silverman wonders
that the Devil has the best music !:) Faved !:)

Compliments to both_____Orlando
joecramer replied 24th Mar 2016 - 8 years ago
Thanks for your comment and the fav Orlando.
No zombies around here this time but the death had done his work .... i wonder why all believe that the devil is in the house :) ... ok it's a bit gloomy and dark and creepy but ....
Nice to know that you like what we have done
I am sure Burt will also be happy about your words

stay tuned
Burtsbluesboxes 22nd Mar 2016 19:13 - 8 years ago
Yaay! Another Cat \(^._.^) Wasn't it you that did a song for the LZA sometimes they come back, well.... Then I shot you when you turned hahaha. So many tracks could be linked together in a huge story from these stories. We need a good video maker to make us a movie. I think I shared the Bayou Blues stems with you, and have more blues in various stages as well as more coming almost daily, I'll share too. Google translate sucks, I couldn't write a description in another language if one of my 9 lives depended on it. I think Brado's description nailed it with the dreamy surreal feeling. It's kind of like seeing the world from the other side of the veil. You should've hunted down the devil and stole his fiddle made of gold! Always a pleasure Joe. Dan asked for a country type tune, that's how this came about. I still want to try photo shopping those braids onto him LOL!LOL!! Hoping to make my own violin/fiddle soon. Looked up rosin for the bow string, very cheap, as well as the materials I can't scavenge. I just need to select a box.
joecramer replied 22nd Mar 2016 - 8 years ago
You know that i already made this "head movie" for the LZA.
Maybe we should start a new "movie" about dark and deadly things ..... and you are right, a videomaker would be a cool thing.

I still love the blues and will soon start working on something. Lets see what you have for me.

I dont know why but i am sure that playing Violine will not be that easy then playing a cbg ..... but blame me and show me what kind of cool Violine player you are :)
Dan will looking awesome with that braids
Our Burt and Joe behind the sky album get filled up with lot of different things man. I really enjoy this collabs with you

stay tuned

BTW i had this golden Violine already in my hands but it is much to heavy to handle it in a good way. So i gave it back and got a new handfull of lifes for it ..... :)
TinyFinger 22nd Mar 2016 18:27 - 8 years ago
Hi. Good stuff man.
joecramer replied 22nd Mar 2016 - 8 years ago
Thank you TinyFinger for your friendly comment and the time you invest into listen to our song.

stay tuned
silverman 22nd Mar 2016 17:28 - 8 years ago
Sorry to hear you're dead Joe but the music still sounds good.
Is it true the Devil has the best music?
joecramer replied 22nd Mar 2016 - 8 years ago
I am like a cat :)
Once i am dead i just take one of the left life's i have.
And sure it is true, cause you know that the Devil owns all the things you need for good music - sex and drugs and rock'n roll :) ..... ok, i am a little liar cause i only was dead but i didn't meet some of the "big bosses" there. Maybe they only chill out with you when you stay a little longer.

Good to read that you think the music sounds good.

stay tuned
BradoSanz 22nd Mar 2016 17:01 - 8 years ago
Definitely gloomy but the guitar really has a unique sound to it that really sets the emotion :D Really feels like the dead are playing the song haha. The way the song kinda swings in and out of time really adds that dreamy, preternatural element to the song. Great number!


joecramer replied 22nd Mar 2016 - 8 years ago
Hello Brado.
Thanks for your friendly words. I bet Burt enjoys them same as me. Always good to know that we did not disappointed you with our work :)

stay tuned
Burtsbluesboxes 22nd Mar 2016 16:57 - 8 years ago
Excellent Joe :D This was a fun one, bit gloomy, but fun :D I love the whole atmosphere and the description sets the scene so nice! I love rich music like this, really transports you there into the scene. Here's to many more! :D
joecramer replied 22nd Mar 2016 - 8 years ago
I couldn't done it without your great steems Burt!
Nice to know that you think that the track works.
It is always a pleasure to collab with you on some cool music. To write a good description in english isn't easy for me and google translate isn't a real help :). So i am happy to read that you think the description fits.

Maybe now it's the time to do this blues number ... if not another song comes in the row :)

stay tuned

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