
11th Nov 2012 04:40 - 11 years ago
Description : Update: So this was the looper tune that started it all for me on this site. Hard to believe it was Over 10 years ago. This tune carries the ethos I bring to music...interesting, always change the genre mid-flight and you won't see what's coming next. Also cool to see the early comments and who is still around as well. (#Feeling retro tonight) Orig: Trance-step tune that changes direction a few times

Comments (54)

If you have time take a listen and give crucethus some feedback.

anarshahi 8th Jan 2023 15:07 - 1 year ago
thanks a lot
crucethus replied 9th Jan 2023 - 1 year ago
Your very welcome!
secondnature1 7th Jan 2023 04:44 - 1 year ago
crucethus replied 9th Jan 2023 - 1 year ago
CelestiaAngel777 6th Jan 2023 16:31 - 1 year ago
Phew that was a long scroll lol...WOW! flipping hell this is a track and a half what a delicious! beat this is. I have to say you never disappoint ever, I'm seriously enjoying this it's full of exciting! sounds that are just pulling me in, freaking! AMAZINGGGGGGG!!! on every level. That transition around the 2:35 mark is sublimeeeee!!! so heavenly. Love It! Kosher!

Happy New Year!!!
crucethus replied 9th Jan 2023 - 1 year ago
Thanks, Like static nomad stated I was trying to use all these gneres and riffs trying to make a cohesive sound back then. I have become a little bit more refined now but still have that wild ride side every now and then.
phantomproduction 6th Jan 2023 11:18 - 1 year ago
Hi Steven , glad to see you again, I didn't know this composition, like you it hasn't aged! cool original track in your image! happy new year!
crucethus replied 9th Jan 2023 - 1 year ago
Thank Michael. I can'
t believe its been 10 years already here.
CINCOCENT 6th Jan 2023 08:00 - 1 year ago
Great synth works mixed with the rock guitar, pretty creative Steven. I like it. Raw happy tune! Good Bass 2! Synth sounds with that 80s style drum beat I'm fool for love it
crucethus replied 9th Jan 2023 - 1 year ago
Thanks, it was my first ever posting on looperman back in 2012
rockoff 28th May 2022 20:37 - 2 years ago
nice work mate you gave me advice to take the surf sound out of my surf song in mastering pretty much wasnt the problemplate and reverb spring reverb what makes surf sound problem was i messd up the playing on guitar and over mixed it
crucethus replied 9th Jan 2023 - 1 year ago
No worries mate, thats what this site is for, experimentation and learning.
Critical90s 18th Dec 2021 18:12 - 2 years ago
Very nice 80s track good work!
sirefox 15th Jul 2021 07:59 - 3 years ago
He llegado un poco tarde , pero he conseguido escuchar esta maravilla de tema. Tiene todo, calidad de mezcla, de sonidos electrónicos muy bien escogidos. Una clase magistral de como hacer un éxito. Bien hecho amigo crucethus, esto es genial.
bringerofDOOM 5th Nov 2020 17:35 - 3 years ago
Nice crisp sound. Is the wah drawn automation or are you turning knobs?
Good guitar tone and distortion choices. I like the floaty frequency stuff with the keys. Good song structure, like the movements and their transitions.
Well mixed, nice work.
BaoBou 30th Sep 2020 04:15 - 3 years ago
Still a damn good track Steven. Always a plaesure to listen to your tracks!
DFay 28th Apr 2020 02:35 - 4 years ago
i like it
mondobongo 18th Dec 2019 15:52 - 4 years ago
Good variety of stuff going on here. Nice production
ShawnPonthetrack 18th Dec 2019 03:04 - 4 years ago
I can dig it!!..Also, Thanks for the feedback om my track "Leave Your Love". I'm mixing on desktop speaker...:)
Nodog 2nd Jun 2019 15:36 - 5 years ago
Hey Cru every now and then i hear something fresh and different this makes a nice change for me i also like trance stuff. You have some very nice ingredients going on here which is different and very creative nice work bud best regards Robbie.
crucethus replied 21st Aug 2019 - 4 years ago
Thanks for that, that's a very nice compliment to give on one of my first endeavors with loops on this site!
thanks again ;
LASTDAYSVISIONARIES 31st May 2017 18:48 - 7 years ago
Good one !
crucethus replied 21st Aug 2019 - 4 years ago
RaulSotelo 9th Feb 2017 03:20 - 7 years ago
crucethus replied 21st Aug 2019 - 4 years ago
vigwig 4th Jun 2016 11:17 - 8 years ago
I think this more electonica or glitch or something but Idon't think it is trance. However my ignorance of the genres is legendary. This is something for my bucket list of thoings to do when I can't go fishing anyb more. vic
crucethus replied 21st Aug 2019 - 4 years ago
Reel in those Fish Big Man, never let life stop U from Fishing!
Crypt 4th May 2016 00:56 - 8 years ago
Excellent track with gorgeous synth melodies and tones. Just noticed you're from Ottawa too!!! DUUUUUUDE!! :D
crucethus replied 5th May 2016 - 8 years ago
Thanks my fellow Outaouais. I will be releasing a b-side soon that is more in your industrial vein of pleasure.
BeyonceMonroe 10th Sep 2015 00:16 - 8 years ago
Very cool man, funky yet well organized me gusta . :)
crucethus replied 10th Sep 2015 - 8 years ago
Me gusta comentarios agradables!
MissEnergy 26th Aug 2015 14:46 - 8 years ago
Like the different parts of the theme, always another atmosphere - beautiful!
crucethus replied 10th Sep 2015 - 8 years ago
Thank You for that. This tune sets the tone for my loop work.
PRINCELECTRO 25th Aug 2015 22:48 - 8 years ago
Something is missing but what?

Still good to listen . i loved the part after 3:50. nice work
crucethus replied 10th Sep 2015 - 8 years ago
I think an Elephant stamping out a clown is missing as I HATE CLOWNS, other than that not sure what you are referring too?
BradoSanz 25th Aug 2015 17:09 - 8 years ago
This sounds like a 1980's evil clowns song haha. Think "Attack of the Killer Clowns." I am always impressed by your work cru and this one is no exception. :)

crucethus replied 10th Sep 2015 - 8 years ago
Ah well thank you my friend. I hate clowns...seriously I HATE CLOWNS, that out of the way it does have a circus like feel to it.
StaticNomad 25th Aug 2015 04:51 - 8 years ago
Trancey greetings, Cru Dawg.

Your title is pretty much composition philosophy/technique - keep throwing stuff at a track and see what sticks and keep on going until you hit on a really cool riff, fill or whatever.

Anyway: I like this.

Intro has a bit of fairground organ feel. That's what they play on the trance Merry-Go-Round.

0:07 much dirtier and then a bit of a music box type of melody and sound.

When that dirty top line kicks in 0:31, it all comes together, even without that much of a bassline. That is such a cool riff. What is it? It's quite a bit guitarey.

This has some of the dirt of grunge but it's very much a dance track so congrats on bringing those genres together - something I also like to do.

2:50 bongo grooves plus metallic percussion are good.

3:36 another synth with some cool movement and timbre, getting more intense around 3:52. shit building nicely before the next breakdown.

4:23 and it sounds a bit like a DJ changing record. Definitely at 4:38 as it sounds like a new track.

Aha my fave riff is returning but then drops out a little before 5:34 when another synth part takes over.

6:07 bassier synth moving about playfully.

Ending is too abrupt though I know it can be hard to do something else that fits nicely.

Overall: an accomplished piece of genre-merging dance skill.
crucethus replied 5th May 2016 - 8 years ago
Shit, I did not see this one so sorry for the late reply.

Your title is pretty much composition philosophy/technique - keep throwing stuff at a track and see what sticks and keep on going until you hit on a really cool riff, fill or whatever.

Not Exactly as I was very new to this at the time as I did it adn I really had no idea what I was doing or why I was doing it but it seemed to work when I mixed this with that and then with this I would mix that. It's my first post on looperman and one of the early tracks using Acid. It also was the genesis for me to start mixing genres, and that that was OK to do that. I should go back and remix this, but I think I will leave it as a monument like in a museum. It will remind me where I have come from.
mudhoen 24th Aug 2015 21:00 - 8 years ago
This does not sound like trance but is an awesome mix of different music styles. Love the creative blend in it. Nice synth/bass and groovy rythm...
crucethus replied 10th Sep 2015 - 8 years ago
Thank You, there are elements of trance in the second half of the tune. But it really is a collage of style, glad U enjoyed.
theHumps 24th Aug 2015 16:36 - 8 years ago
4 years, wow, doesn't seem that long ago you joined. 2012 was a tough year form me so I wasn't around often, missed it on it's debut, sorry. Pretty neat track. I like percussion so when you went nuts with the bongos and shakers I was totally diggin' it! You constructed it as an evolving, ever morphing, juicy musical audible treat for me to play and enjoy a couple times to get it all soaked in before I could comment.

Still a nice debut, it was new to me today, he. Cool track!

crucethus replied 10th Sep 2015 - 8 years ago
Thanks Wayne, time is a flying bye!
Byleth 24th Aug 2015 15:17 - 8 years ago
Im sorry but enven your intro is great (liking the bottom end sounds) you still don't beat your Ottawa one.

I also enjoy this track since its a mix of many genre with that stategy you can make more favorite since more people will at least like 1 or mutiple part of that track.

finally I foud that funny for the intro to have a cute and innocent xylophone with a beast and a bit creepy bass sound.

like the title of your track keep it going

crucethus replied 25th Aug 2015 - 8 years ago
Hey mon, I know that I will never top Ottawa for you so that is ok. I like contrasts in music hence the xylophone and the beast bass. My total goal is to make it all come together at the end with all parts.
vigwig 10th Mar 2015 05:02 - 9 years ago
The skeleton of Sound, the sultan of swagger. With Spivkurl wit you, who could be agin you? Certainly not me, given another funktastic review.
crucethus replied 25th Aug 2015 - 8 years ago
Aye the skeleton of sound, very profound.
DjRima 9th Mar 2015 12:45 - 9 years ago
Nice song but no energy :(
crucethus replied 25th Aug 2015 - 8 years ago
Details please?
ProgRockDan1 12th Oct 2014 18:33 - 9 years ago
Excellent development. Everything builds on what came before.
crucethus replied 17th Oct 2014 - 9 years ago
Thank you for that
Anonydeth 18th Sep 2014 05:13 - 9 years ago
thas some GOOD SHIT man got my head really likin ya schiznit Droog
crucethus replied 17th Oct 2014 - 9 years ago
Bonne Merde!
gothicevils 30th Jul 2014 06:17 - 10 years ago
this is so cool! :)
crucethus replied 17th Oct 2014 - 9 years ago
Thanks for that
GramoChopin 21st Jun 2014 00:44 - 10 years ago
Sup Crucethus, first off i agree with the others. Has a circus vibe ( More so in the beginnning) but an seemingly transparent aggressive dreamy nature to it. (Idk if i can realistically combine those words, but meh i just did) It's transparent in the way it blends together nicely. Love that breakdown by the 3 min mark, interesting and creative mixture of sounds here. Progressively arranged track here, nice work! peace

crucethus replied 2nd Jul 2014 - 10 years ago
Thank you for that!
DanGoldstein 25th May 2014 01:22 - 10 years ago
sounds good to me. sometimes I just look at the wave form and can tell how interesting it is gonna be. I mean, there are discreet sections, and you can see that intensity levels change up. as for the sounds - it's very sophisticated and impressive from where I stand. peace.
crucethus replied 2nd Jul 2014 - 10 years ago
Thanks for that as it was my first upload to
Mosaic 24th May 2014 06:14 - 10 years ago
Hey Steve

Never heard this style of trance before, but this is good, picked up a couple of loops early and at the mid stages of the track that I have in my library, technically maybe not a trance piece in some ways but does have a lot of trance elements running through it, best part of this track I love is the arrangement, the way it has been done, gives you a few different tracks all rolled into one, but still keeps it in one track if that makes sense? which makes it extremely interesting for the listener, which this piece does...Fav'd...Thank you for sharing this enjoyable listen man...Peace n Respect...Mosaic...
crucethus replied 2nd Jul 2014 - 10 years ago
Sorry I haven’t gotten back to you sooner as I don't unusually pay attention to this track much any-more since it was the first one I Uploaded on Looperman. This is more derivative of my style that tends to have many musical ideas, but as I like to explore... how do I weave them all into one and make it coherent? This is a very raw version of my thought process with looping. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
dachopdocta 7th Apr 2014 20:56 - 10 years ago
Very nice track. Kept me interested from beginning to end. Love the drop at 2:35. The effects, panning and mix are on point. This is one of those tunes that you can play in your car while driving somewhere and not be distracted. Very relaxing and enjoyable.

Keep doing your thing man. Love the work.

crucethus replied 3rd May 2014 - 10 years ago
Thank you for the kind words!
JacVanBee 9th Feb 2014 07:00 - 10 years ago
it's got a bit of a cicrus vibe to me, in a cool way! Btw, I loved too, lol
crucethus replied 13th Feb 2014 - 10 years ago
Yeah I can see the circus vibe as well. was the best back in the day. Thanks for stopping by!
DesignedImpression 2nd Feb 2014 19:07 - 10 years ago
Interesting experiment. Some of the mixed elements make good presence such as that guitar like sound and the pads with percussion. Actually reminded me mix of games. I heard some Mario Kart Mortal Kombat a lot while listening here, she said whola dance haha. Not a bad idea Cru, Thanks for sharing the trip. Peace.
crucethus replied 13th Feb 2014 - 10 years ago
Thank you
mackit 12th Jan 2014 06:27 - 10 years ago
Well planed out composition. Like the key change and breathing space. Great mixture of sounds.Be back soon. PEACE THE MACK MAN OUT.
crucethus replied 13th Feb 2014 - 10 years ago
Thanks man!
Pepskii 5th Jan 2014 21:43 - 10 years ago
Awesome track man, some crazy sounds mixed! Like the way the track evolves :D
crucethus replied 9th Jan 2014 - 10 years ago
Thank you!
ALXSIX 20th Dec 2013 20:52 - 10 years ago
That intro is so great and playful. Feels like entering into a amusement park of some sort.
Nice job on blending different styles, dig the guitar sounds much and it fits nicely with the rest.
I like how the track is divided into 3 parts, all very enjoyable and different, but it flows smoothly from one to the other. Esp. like the second part with the gradual buildup.
Great work mate. Really enjoyed it!
crucethus replied 21st Dec 2013 - 10 years ago
Thanks mate for listening and commenting. It was one of my early attempts at using the loops from this site.
I like being able to blend different genres. I feel music is flexible that way.
Polyfronetic 23rd Nov 2013 22:35 - 10 years ago
Cool made trance music - like the spirit and flow of the tune. :)
crucethus replied 27th Nov 2013 - 10 years ago
Thank you for that my friend. This was more an experiment in melding genres, but I appreciate the props all the same.
obmij 16th Nov 2013 07:57 - 10 years ago
Alright man. Very nice tune. Ok, you don't like labeling songs much....but how about "romp and stomp" ? ;)

all the best
crucethus replied 16th Nov 2013 - 10 years ago
I owned a pair of romper-stompers as a kid they were fun, and ridiculously dangerous! That's why they were fun. Thanks for stopping by!
SpellJammer 7th Nov 2013 09:10 - 10 years ago
Brilliant track bro. Love all the elements and the build up. Great job.
crucethus replied 10th Nov 2013 - 10 years ago
Thank you!
Nosleeves 26th Sep 2013 04:24 - 10 years ago
like that sample horm that play,i have that too havnet been able to use it form here.

this has driving adventure mix with organ goodness and rock appreciation tuned into a good space within my belly...thats a good thing.

in all,very good,the pad break down with the conga dance session was solid and finishes off with justice .

not bad will be swinging by here often bro
crucethus replied 26th Sep 2013 - 10 years ago
I appreciate that as this tune is the weakest in my repertoire!
InverSound 6th Sep 2013 04:03 - 10 years ago
interesting song cool sounds
crucethus replied 26th Sep 2013 - 10 years ago
Thank you
guitarguy316 13th Aug 2013 21:07 - 10 years ago
The rythym flows very smooth from one moment to the next ! Very interesting and thought provoking, great work !
crucethus replied 14th Aug 2013 - 10 years ago
Thank you!
guitarguy316 13th Aug 2013 21:04 - 10 years ago
I really like the rythym fl
VicaMOOR 28th Jul 2013 17:30 - 11 years ago
Hey, I like the distorted bass noise in the background. I really like how you got everything going, sounds like you took some form of metal and made it your own. Twisted Metal! jk
I like it, keep it up!
crucethus replied 28th Jul 2013 - 11 years ago
Thanks, I like to combine genres in my songs! I love metal, just as much as I love EDM.
MWRatridge 22nd Jul 2013 04:02 - 11 years ago

Great all around track with some exciting breaks from the groove.
Nicely done.

crucethus replied 28th Jul 2013 - 11 years ago
Thanks for that!
FreeRadical 19th Jul 2013 19:25 - 11 years ago
This is really retro and electronic sounding in places and then it goes a bit kind of grunge as well.
Nice blend of flavours which give it a unique sound.
Interesting track which twists and turns and just has to be listened to from start to finish to get the full picture.
Nice one.
crucethus replied 19th Jul 2013 - 11 years ago
Thank you, I like to leave the listener guessing which direction one of my songs will take. I appreciate the props!
djkillapaul 24th Jun 2013 01:31 - 11 years ago
Nice work and especially love the middle section!
crucethus replied 19th Jul 2013 - 11 years ago
Thank you.
Spivkurl 2nd May 2013 17:59 - 11 years ago
A very enjoyable listen! Very nice selection of sounds! Kind of rockin if you ask me! Great stuff!
crucethus replied 5th May 2013 - 11 years ago
Thank you. Thank you.
LouaGuapa 14th Feb 2013 21:57 - 11 years ago
J'aime bien ce que tu fais mon cher crucethus! Je dirais plus tot aussi que sa ressemblerais plus a un sous genre du trance :)
crucethus replied 14th Feb 2013 - 11 years ago
Merci Lou. Je suis content que vous aimez mon travail. Je suis d'accord avec votre assesment!
TCAS 25th Nov 2012 21:39 - 11 years ago
Great intro!!!
But I would not name this trance...
Maybe electro? it's sounds really great!
Nice sound choice!

crucethus replied 25th Nov 2012 - 11 years ago
Thanks TCAS.
It's really more of a trance step tune, but that was not a genre choice for me on Looperman. The middle section fits more in the trance genre, but ultimately I hate labelling my songs as I usually like to not be constrained. The beginning has electro dub-step and indie hipster vibraphone sounds as well as double bass heavy metal drums. The Middle is more trance-y and the end is a coda of the beginning with a more electro twist. Thanks for the comment!

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22nd Aug 2016 21:54 - 7 years ago
Tags :
Description : Unofficial preview* of my upcoming first produced track named Therapy. Litterly a cut out of the track. Uploaded with first thought of letting it hear to a fellow Looperman member for a possible collab later on.

Comments are welcome tho!

About the preview, after the drop will start to another semi drop and with an harder more rawish main chorus part behind. Everything is as good as done now and being checked by demo listeners for response and feedback before getting a last hand at mixing&mastering.

* It may be changed/further defined etc.
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11th Feb 2019 17:58 - 5 years ago
Description : Funk House/Disco inspired by Daft Punk

No Samples used
Various vintage synths
Kontakt libraries: Ilya Efimov Telecaster for guitar, Session Horns Pro, Chris Hein Strings, NI Guitars
Vocals: Plogue Chipspeech & Alter Ego
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28th Nov 2014 14:47 - 9 years ago
Tags :
Description : EDM song with cliche "Animal" drop. Let me know if you would like the big kicks, claps, or drop synth. (only ones I can give out) Key of F# minor. Made with Ableton Live 9 Suite.
9th Nov 2019 22:10 - 4 years ago
Description : check out janimifsson for these vocals
learning how to do house
good vocal effects
terrible drums
couldnt find a melodic loop to fit the track
figured out the key
the harmony basically matches the melody
probably in some dorian scale or something so
have to learn about that
the drums are my weakest point
good at the start but awful after the beat drop
please comment any songs to listen to to learn drums in this style
any advice please comment
29th Jan 2020 19:45 - 4 years ago
Description : decided to try a little bit of bass house. let me know your thoughts and feedbacks please :)

bass patches made in Serum
Drums from some cymatics pack

Vocals: 21 Savage - Red Ops

BeatsByHash - lil yatchy melody
28th Jun 2015 07:40 - 9 years ago
Tags :
Description : just an idea.. tried to get into House/EDM. 128 bpm.credits to those who created some of the loops used here.
**update** removed dance-ish part in the end and continued with house music.