


Life is good
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Joined : 1st Jan 2010 - 14 years ago
Comments on StephenPotter tracks

Other users have posted 340 comments on tracks by StephenPotter

Comments 101 - 125 of 340
GramoChopin 11th Jan 2011 17:43 - 13 years ago

on The speed of a thought (DEMO) by StephenPotter
I havent notice your mixing is pretty good stephen. im glad to be back to listen to great music. this is really nice man! keep creating the universal connection to all.

StephenPotter replied Unknown
Will do, its good to have you back!

Ste :)
Nosleeves 9th Jan 2011 20:10 - 13 years ago

on The speed of a thought (DEMO) by StephenPotter
this track speak to u calmily and spirtually in my mind

love it
StephenPotter replied Unknown
Glad you like it screenplay, always good to have positive income from ya!

Ste :)
Cogitoergosum 6th Jan 2011 23:45 - 13 years ago

on The speed of a thought (DEMO) by StephenPotter
short:( but super!
StephenPotter replied Unknown
I need to work on this, can't wait till I can actually get something done :)

Thanks for listening!

Ste :D
WeazelBeats 4th Jan 2011 16:19 - 13 years ago

on Down but not out by StephenPotter
lol the ending had me like "OMfG here it f-ing comes!!!!"
and then there was nothing.... lol

anyways, what I liked best in this track were the drums cuz they were F-CKING SWEET!

but I'm not all that happy with the wobble though,
I don't think it would make a difference in this track if you would or wouldn't wobble that bass (cuz I didn't even notice it the first few seconds...)

some really cool stuff but also some 'hmm' stuff...

I think you should see deadmau5 as an example (just like you always say) great producer but not for dubstep...

same with you ? lol
StephenPotter replied Unknown
I dislike the wobble in this one too, kinda why I put it as chill out rather than dubstep.

The end is where the drop is gonna go, but again, not quite dubstep yet, so I'm not gonna call it dubstep until it actually is dubstep (just so I dont disappoint people)

I know a good vst to make the wobble more dubsteppy though, so I reckon I'll be using it on this one.

The drums is what happens when I mess around with the samples on the sample CD that came with fl :P

As for inspirations for this track, I got a few people who I've been listening too: Skrillex, xKore, Rusko and Caspa to name a few.

Thanks for the review!

Ste :)
Peres 2nd Jan 2011 19:19 - 13 years ago

on This needs vocals by StephenPotter
Stephen nice work,don't think it really needs vocals it brilliant as is!
StephenPotter replied Unknown
I like what I've done with this track, it just feels to me like a singer would have made it a better track.

Glad you liked it!

Ste :D
Nosleeves 1st Jan 2011 15:41 - 13 years ago

on Airborne by StephenPotter
this is really good for a trance song it must be my lucky day or somthing.
StephenPotter replied Unknown
Sorry about not reviewing your track, just reminded me to do so. I typed it out then got blue screened..

Anyways, I'll go re-type it.

Thanks for dropping by!

Ste :)
JohnBoutilier 31st Dec 2010 13:56 - 13 years ago

on Taxidermied homosapiens by StephenPotter
lol, Taxidermied Homosapiens, with a title like that how could I not listen to this track?

You have to flesh out this sweet puppy for another minute or so, lol, or some people may get angry with you.

Solid wall of sound here. Love the atmosphere

Faved and Downloaded

Happy New Year, My Friend, May All Your Dreams Come True

StephenPotter replied Unknown
Yeah.. I'm trying dubstep again though, once I get a decent track I'll probably take this one down, along with a few of my less impressive songs.

Glad you liked the track, happy new year to you too John!

Ste :D
JohnBoutilier 30th Dec 2010 22:30 - 13 years ago

on This needs vocals by StephenPotter
Excellent, it worked fine today. That was a fun ride. Great sounds, transitions and production. Mostly I like its upbeat feel. Not a lot of songs get me groovin in my chair, but this one did.

Super Job, My Friend, Faved

StephenPotter replied Unknown
Sorry about the long reply, been kinda busy. Glad you liked the track though John!

Will be taking a look at your stuff again soon, but I've got to put some of my unfinished collabs as a priority this time, rather than reviewing.

Ste :)
JohnBoutilier 30th Dec 2010 10:33 - 13 years ago

on This needs vocals by StephenPotter
this track ended for me at 1min18secs, is that what it's supposed to be?

Anyways, what I got to listen to was sweet. I did hear some clipping, but that is easy to fix.

Great work, my friend, keep it up

All The Best For The New Year


btw, if you have the time, I have a new track up, The Trickster, I'd like to know what you think
StephenPotter replied Unknown
It shouldn't do. It should be about 4 minutes long. I geuss if you want the rest of the track you could download it (I'm geussing its either the site, your flash player or your internet? Or my tracks messed itself up, lol)

I'll go take a look at your track then! :D

Ste :)
MalvyDuo 27th Dec 2010 10:41 - 13 years ago

on What I think (Second Version) by StephenPotter
Amazing . I think it needs a nice pad and a running baseline :)
Then it would be top work . Good job
StephenPotter replied Unknown
Yeah, it is something I gotta do something with.

Thanks for the review!

Ste :)
RoyaleMuzik 27th Dec 2010 02:33 - 13 years ago

on Down but not out by StephenPotter
I so love this, the sound is so laid back and smooth, It sounds like it could be a dubstep track, though it would probably need more wobble bass...This sound more though like a Pop track or an R&B track to me...either way, good job, hope to hear the finish version!
StephenPotter replied Unknown
Yeah, I know a few ways to make the wobble in this into a harsher sound, so I'll probably do that.

Pop Or RNB, probably not a good decision for me.

Ste :)
Nosleeves 19th Dec 2010 23:16 - 13 years ago

on In Paradise (Remixed) by StephenPotter
hey man i would like this give a long review but in a short amount of time i was like noooo give me more LOL

good track very chill-laxing in a warm coze kind of way.

get that CPU fixed and come back strong.

also here a relaxing dance track for u
StephenPotter replied Unknown
Yeah, I think I need to give more to recieve more.

The CPU shouldn't be a problem after Christmas, getting a new computer should help with a bit of luck.

Will be checking out that track soon.

Thanks for the review!

Ste :)
Influx 13th Dec 2010 08:33 - 13 years ago

on What I think (Second Version) by StephenPotter
Sounds really good, bro! Only thin i would suggest is toning down the sidechain haha. You probably already realized that though :D Anyways, Loved the track. Really bumpin!
StephenPotter replied Unknown
Yeah, I fixed the sidechain shortly after uploading, after I heard exactly how heavy ir was, lolz.

Glad you liked the track!

Ste :D
clinthammerMUSIC 10th Dec 2010 18:49 - 13 years ago

on In Paradise (Remixed) by StephenPotter
Very nice! This is relaxing and intriguing. Really diggin the delayed stab melodies. The drums are mello and fit perfectly. I wish it was a finished piece, I see it progressing into a darker realm a little later down the line. Great musik!
StephenPotter replied Unknown
Hmm.. a darker approach could be the way to go with this one. The drums were all sepearate sample channels in FL, and took forever to get the pattern right. glad I got them sorted. I think I do need to add a few more things to this track, it feels like its not filled up in places and sounds a little empty.

Thanks for the review!

Ste :D
Theorist 7th Dec 2010 00:25 - 13 years ago

on I need a rapper by StephenPotter
i like it mate... you got a nice sound and i kick it to the limits pro-found... :) am in th uk though whichmay be a littl
Nosleeves 5th Dec 2010 20:58 - 13 years ago

on This needs vocals by StephenPotter


StephenPotter replied Unknown

Theres my new track. And I'm doing fine thanks :)
RickMal 4th Dec 2010 08:56 - 13 years ago

on Hip Hop test 1 by StephenPotter
this is a nice beat,u can tell its made by someone who makes electronic/d + b stuff cos its got loads of little triphop sounds in it,makes it really cool Stephen,good stuff
StephenPotter replied Unknown
Yeah, I'm not normally a hiphop producer. I want to get better at it though. Glad you liked the track though, will review some of your stuff soon.

Ste :)
koble 2nd Dec 2010 17:16 - 13 years ago

on Please take me home UPDATED by StephenPotter
This is very nice Stephen. Too short though imo. Needs to be processed a bit too I think. The treble is too forward compared to the bass I think. It also needs a bit of compression. The track is a almost an ambient Trance piece. Very pleasant to listen too. Nice.
StephenPotter replied Unknown
Too short to me too, definatly need to work on this one. I think I also need to make more mid notes as a lot of them are treble or bass. As for compression, it doesn't really take long for me to get it right, so thats not a problem.

Glad you enjoyed the listen!

Ste :D
ShortBusMusic 1st Dec 2010 23:33 - 13 years ago

on Please take me home UPDATED by StephenPotter
Nicely done. This piece has all the makings of a hit. If you wanted, you could take it in a "Muse/Pink Floyd" direction and add some guitar work to it (power chords for a rock section in the middle, maybe a David Gilmour lead added) and then step back and collect your money for your hit record. The mix is terrific. Like everyone else, I just wanted more :) Keep at it, this one is special.
StephenPotter replied Unknown
Hmm.. not a bad idea. A guitar would take this track in another direction. Only problem is that I cant play and my samples really don't sound that good. but its an idea.

Glad to know that you think this track is special, because I've got a few plans for it, but not as it is at the moment (I need to add more things)

thanks for the review!

Ste :D
Alen9R 1st Dec 2010 23:23 - 13 years ago

on Please take me home UPDATED by StephenPotter
Hello Stephen!

Nice track here!
I like the intro, and great synth work!
I'd like to ask you something,can you send me this track without drums, I would try to do something with this....Of course if you agree!!

StephenPotter replied Unknown
Give me a few days to get all the wav files/midi files ready, my laptops playing up again, but I will send you the files if you want.

Ste :)
Spivkurl 1st Dec 2010 22:45 - 13 years ago

on Please take me home UPDATED by StephenPotter
A very enjoyable song my friend! The synth work is really creative, and fun to listen to. I hope you decide to extend this one, because it's so worth it! An awesome sonic experience! Faved for sure!
StephenPotter replied Unknown
I hope I get the opportunity to extend this one.. I don't want to miss out on a great opportunity, that I think this track might give me.

I'll definatly be posting when I update this song or any of my other songs in the future ;)

Ste :D
StarTropix 1st Dec 2010 22:43 - 13 years ago

on Please take me home UPDATED by StephenPotter
Hey STE,
Nice work here, I am not usually a fan of trance (nothing against it tho) but this has a nice watery vibe to it that I just love.
I especially love the tape stop/glitch at 0:25-0:26 into the frantic detune lead. All the synth sounds in this really flow.
(needless to say I liked it)
StephenPotter replied Unknown
The detune lead you mentioned was me messing around with fl studios WASP plugin, automation on the sustain. First sound I put into this project. The tapestop was from Dblue glitch, there was supposed to be a gate on it as well, but I think it sounds bettet without it.

Thanks for the review, will take a look at your songs sometime soon (probably tommorow by the looks of it)

Ste :D
TraXnCtrl 30th Nov 2010 21:51 - 13 years ago

on ZyKoh ft Minette and Ray KoeFoed by StephenPotter
really great sounds here Ste....and the vocals do fit well the way you have cut them up
well done
StephenPotter replied Unknown
Thanks Trax, will be taking a look at your stuff soon hopefully.

Ste ;D
Mrbillionx 25th Nov 2010 17:20 - 13 years ago

on This needs vocals by StephenPotter
Is it me or does this seem rather loud in places to where it kinda clips.

Yeah this sounds rather boomy so its dance material.

I don't know how many times I would replay this.
StephenPotter replied Unknown
It does clip.. and quite regularly. Unfortunatly theres nothing I can do about it now though. I wouldn't image you'd be playing it that many times as it is kinda repetitive.

Thanks for the review though!

Ste :)
Spivkurl 19th Nov 2010 19:17 - 13 years ago

on What I think (Second Version) by StephenPotter
Wow, I'm impressed! You've really taken this to the next level with your additions! The piano parts are just superb! I like that sidechaining a lot! This was over way too fast! Really good tune my friend! Faved for sure!
StephenPotter replied Unknown
I really need to work on this track more. New sections, more synth layers, fxs, probably a better bunch of drums as well are in order I think. and of course, the length needs to be increased to a level I'm happy with (because I find if I'm not happy with it, the listener normally isn't either)

Glad you liked the track though!

Ste :)
Comments 101 - 125 of 340