Description : After 6 months, i turned into Sister Nancy and bam bam bam my plants grew like my inspiration. i try to get better with my mixes. Im feeling like i never find my eq balance on vox.
This religious track was uploaded by BananaLu. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (17)
If you have time take a listen and give BananaLu some feedback.
hey BananaLu,
really well done!
i don't usually use that kind of language but this is dope. :D
can't fault the eq either, sounds excellent to me.
mmm jazz cigarettes, i can't resist. especially when i need syncopation.
i smoke two joints before i smoke two joints and then i smoke two more.
brilliant tune mate, both musically and lyrically.
Nice, man! This sounds like you took some early 2000s alt music and flavored it with late 70s early 80s ska. What a brilliant mix of sounds. It has great energy.
Back in the 90s, when it was still illegal, I smoked the shit all the time. Always goin' to sketchy dude's places to get whatever we could get our hands on. A constant hunt for the Purple K, White Lotus, etc.. Usually just ended up with decent green. Sometimes stems and seeds, but not too bad. Fast forward a couple decades, living in Washington state, the second state to legalize, I wasn't in a position to smoke anymore. Word around the campfire is that the quality of that legal weed put the Purple K to shame. There's a cruel irony for ya.
Anyhow, killer track, man. Fav'd for sure!
thank you V, life is a tragedy in close up but a comedy in a long shot. Yeah washington got some really quality herbs but without it life can be much more easier. And i think its a better decision if you are not in a position that allows that. thank you for nocticing all my influences, specially ska. I got so much love for it and dancehall, reggae, dub. i try to move it to another century. love from a banana
Awesome tune mate! Come to Canada, Ontario has an insane selection of the wacky weed, even specialty drinks like jalapeno Margaritas with 10MG THC. The most open laws of any country. Now about the mixing. Here's a friendly tip. When you are about to add the compression, lower the master mix by 3db. Creates headroom that clarifies the instruments. Loudness wars mean we get ear fatigue from artificial loudness. What you want is the right balance of gain which gives you good dynamics with just the right touch of Compression. Love the tune ehh!
i will definitely hit canada in spring 25, in europe we tell us a story about the mythical growers there in canada, they transformed that plant into trees. yeah, im not really impressed with my compression either. thank you for that, i will work on that. i always mix at -3db and all my inserts are -6. i got a new bus compressor and i went overboard with it. my main problem is, i know theres is a flaw in my mixes, but i cant point exactly . that why i love lm and value your time crucethues. love from a banana
Hallo Manuela, grossartige Lyrics und Produktion. Werde ich euch bei der naechsten Koelner Sommerjam sehen koennen?. Ich komme dann doch nichts um das 7db :)
toller Song! Der haette auf dem Sommerjam-Festival in Koeln gepasst. Ich weiss gar nicht, was dich an deinen Vokals so stoert? Ich finde, du hast eine tolle Stimme und die Band hat einen hervorragenden Job gemacht. Toller Sound, sehr schoener tanzbarer Rhytmus. Eigentlich ein wunderbarer Party-Sommer-Song. Hervorragend!
Liebe Gruesse MAnuela
Dude, this isn't getting anywhere close to the recognition it deserves. I expected to see a much higher interaction rate besides plays based on how professional this sounds. The only reasonable solution is more bong rips
hahahaa love that, it always my solution-bong rips till death. But i have my fun with this song, i gave it some local Dj and they remixed it and i can see the joy and laughter in their faces.
Hey long time ago isnt it?
But wow!!! this track is sooooo coool hahahaha
How you sing it in a funny way is great.
Love it.
I don't smoke it myself, but about 7 years ago I had a number of PP plants under 600 watt lamps.
Watching them grow and taking care of them was crazy to do but so very illegal lol
ohh yes, but im always coming back:) i get so much input and ideas in this forum. yeah i love those funny voices, like alter egos slim shady style. 600 w is beautiful, you can get a lot out of this. growing plants is like watching magic. and i dig that illegal feeling, you are real OG crazy one Rita :)
Ive become a fan in about 2 mins. I hadnt put much thought into the legalization process in my area in awhile, but im thinking about it now. its something i never imagined Id see in my lifetime, yet here we are. the i find the sound itself is very good, I listened twice in a row. and THEN i saw u used a Helix, as in Line 6 Helix? my goodness, thats quite a prize, if so. Id love to put my little washburn on one. ah, well. A man can dream lol. Well done all around, man. - Aaron
hey thank you Aaron, thats sad that your state doesnt have it. because after some states in the US legalised and with all the money they made, europe relaxed. best wishes that something happens like that in you state as well. ohh god, i wish i owned that helix toy. im just lucky enough to grab some stuff after tour season. love from a banana
Yes, it is a very good one. You have managed an excellent song in 2:39 min time, something that shows you have brilliant ideas. Your mix is very good too and the final result is of a really good production. Very well done
Best wishes, Anthony
thank you Anthony for your feedback, i try to to mix for a long time and i get more comftable. but it is still hard for me, i can hear the flaws in my mixes but i dont know how to fix them. best wishes too
Hahaha .. yes, my plants are doing great too! Legalization wasn't really necessary, everything is as before ...
Great track, really fun!
i was always thinking if mickey smoke some herbs. you got that mellow soul going in your production. Also auch ein Hobbygaertner, das freut mich. ich hoffe deinen Ladys geht es gut. Boomshankar and love from a banana
hey dustymusic89 thank you for listening. i couldnt decide what to do so i try to smash everything into a pot and ask myself what would sound like if the clash met Sister Nancy :)
Lu it great to see you about my good mate, this is great, vocal is super cool bro, plenty of vibe, good transitions and excellent production, great return, im puffing a blunt listening :))
Hi Crazy Banana, good to hear your great voice again. Funnily enough I'd just been wondering if we'd hear from you again. Fun track, got a great bounce and drive to it. All the best, Zoot.
hey MC Zootman, thank you for welcoming back. i love the community on LM. i always come back in autum , then ist recording time for my little weird projects. looking forward for a lil collab, love your cinematic sound approach.
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really well done!
i don't usually use that kind of language but this is dope. :D
can't fault the eq either, sounds excellent to me.
mmm jazz cigarettes, i can't resist. especially when i need syncopation.
i smoke two joints before i smoke two joints and then i smoke two more.
brilliant tune mate, both musically and lyrically.
Back in the 90s, when it was still illegal, I smoked the shit all the time. Always goin' to sketchy dude's places to get whatever we could get our hands on. A constant hunt for the Purple K, White Lotus, etc.. Usually just ended up with decent green. Sometimes stems and seeds, but not too bad. Fast forward a couple decades, living in Washington state, the second state to legalize, I wasn't in a position to smoke anymore. Word around the campfire is that the quality of that legal weed put the Purple K to shame. There's a cruel irony for ya.
Anyhow, killer track, man. Fav'd for sure!
Take care.
toller Song! Der haette auf dem Sommerjam-Festival in Koeln gepasst. Ich weiss gar nicht, was dich an deinen Vokals so stoert? Ich finde, du hast eine tolle Stimme und die Band hat einen hervorragenden Job gemacht. Toller Sound, sehr schoener tanzbarer Rhytmus. Eigentlich ein wunderbarer Party-Sommer-Song. Hervorragend!
Liebe Gruesse MAnuela
But wow!!! this track is sooooo coool hahahaha
How you sing it in a funny way is great.
Love it.
I don't smoke it myself, but about 7 years ago I had a number of PP plants under 600 watt lamps.
Watching them grow and taking care of them was crazy to do but so very illegal lol
Best wishes, Anthony
Great track, really fun!