
21st Feb 2023 14:33 - 1 year ago
Description : Now on youtube:, soon out on my upcoming album "Step by Step"!
Inspired by a track of Pseudoble. I was noodling along to his track "I wish I didn't know" (which is awesome) and had the words "Snow in Athens" in my head. This with the smooth jazz/fusion atmosphere led me to this track with a sort of Steely Dan feel.

Comments (18)

If you have time take a listen and give BaoBou some feedback.

2Sisters 6th Jun 2023 09:20 - 1 year ago
Hello, I'm glad you're doing well. I was worried that I hadn't seen you for so long. You're right. Sometimes you have to set priorities in your life. It is very important to follow these set priorities.
Angelica is fine. She's in love again and I've also overcome my little health crisis. We are working hard on new songs. A small album is also planned for the end of the year. Our website must finally be finished.
I wish you great success in everything you have in mind. Stay healthy and check in every once in a while so I don't have to worry. *smile
Kind regards, Manuela
2Sisters 5th Jun 2023 07:27 - 1 year ago
Hallo mein Freund, wo bist du?

Liebe Gruesse Manuela
BaoBou replied 5th Jun 2023 - 1 year ago
Hello my dear, yeah between trying to finish the album, playing live and actual life happening and ambushing me, I do have a couple ideas for tracks, but nothing like a full song.
The idea is to get life back in order first (no worries, nothing terrible, just inconvenient), then finish the album, then start writing new stuff.
Oh, and play live of course, I'll have a "paid" performance this Sunday :D
How's life for the sisters?
Shaman77 26th Feb 2023 18:58 - 1 year ago
I'm in a gloomy mood, there can't be snow in Athens)
BaoBou replied 26th Feb 2023 - 1 year ago
Well, by Russian standards this hardly counts as snow, but by Athens standards, this is quite a lot ;)
luvroxu 26th Feb 2023 01:51 - 1 year ago
BaoBou replied 26th Feb 2023 - 1 year ago
Thank you :)
RitajustRita 25th Feb 2023 08:12 - 1 year ago
Kijk nou.
Ben ik even een paar dagen niet op LM geweest en heb ik bijna dit prachtige nummer gemist.
Ik vind het echt geweldig als je zingt en de muziek is zoals altijd weer perfect.
Dikke 200 views in een paar dagen..nou dat zegt ook wel genoeg he.
BaoBou replied 26th Feb 2023 - 1 year ago
Haha toppert. Dank je wel :)
Dr komt nog meer aan, dus stay tuned!
kingmt77 25th Feb 2023 07:54 - 1 year ago
BaoBou. Superb! You've heard this from me before...... Donald Fagen. This mix is pristine, your guitar solo @2:15 is excellent. Keys, bass, and drums are polished to perfection. You've come in hot here. I thoroughly enjoyed this track. Peace

BaoBou replied 26th Feb 2023 - 1 year ago
Thanks so much Mark, a compliment from the master means a lot :)
BananaLu 24th Feb 2023 12:21 - 1 year ago
hey baou, you are a great observer of the human soul. i specially like the " you dont wanna let me see your face and you dont want to share". your direct approach on lyrics with an open interpretaions makes it unviversal and everyone can take something out of it. im glad for your output and make my own baou album on my laptop :). you give me such an energy, i wake up everyday with hold on, to remind myself to just hold on. its a hard time for everyone right now. you have this calm guitar lead thing going with explosions and it feels like something want to get out of you and you just grabbed it and put in his own special safe place back. your vox is amazing and your own and it calms me down and sometimes i get emotional when i listen to you. love and respect from a banana.
BaoBou replied 24th Feb 2023 - 1 year ago
Dude, I'm floored by that. Thank you so much for that, that truly means a lot. That brought a little tear to my eye (more than one, to be honest).

Thank you so much. IF you like the looperman version, maybe you also want to check this one:

Wow. I need a walk, that was huge. I have to stop reading your comment or I'll really burst into tears. Thanks man (person (banana)).
Mykael 24th Feb 2023 04:24 - 1 year ago
Hiya, my friend in music. The composition is wonderful. You seem to have caught everything that needs improvement, so no sense in going over any of that. I will say that I love the "texture" of your voice. To my ear this is an obvious nod to Steely Dan, as someone else pointed out. I hear it in the music composition, and the way you deliver your vocals. I'm digging it!


BaoBou replied 24th Feb 2023 - 1 year ago
Thanks Mykael! We know each other's taste and that makes a comment like that extra wonderful.

I'm not sure I could actually do it, but I'd love to try to write something for you to record. Drop me a DM if you would consider that (and no worries if you have your own sources).
theHumps 23rd Feb 2023 15:18 - 1 year ago
Sure, I can hear the Steely Dan influence, nicely done! Well written and composed, I didn't hear any earlier versions, been a little occupied lately elsewhere but this sounds fine. The singing, the harmonies are reminiscent of SD, nice job with that too. Two thumbs up!!

BaoBou replied 23rd Feb 2023 - 1 year ago
Thanks a lot Wayne and glad to have you back. Hope life doesn't overload you too much!
2Sisters 23rd Feb 2023 14:28 - 1 year ago
Hello, it seems to me that the song is much more balanced after your changes, it sounds more harmonious. The instruments are well and neatly arranged in the acoustic space. It also doesn't sound as overlaid in terms of frequency. It sounds like what a good song of this genre should sound like. Well done! However, there is a louder crack at 1:25 and a quieter crack at 2:18. Good mix, good mastering, excellent work. Greetings Manuela
BaoBou replied 23rd Feb 2023 - 1 year ago
That super Manuela!
I just had a session with my producer friend and he was also generally positive; much more so than on the "I'm sorry" track which needs a lot more work, especially on the bass and drums, but even in general, on the composition. Actually, even the lyrics.

This one he commented to tighten up the vocals more, which I'm going to do, and he had some ideas to make the piano and drums sound a bit better.

All lovely. I need to find a balance between making the most of tracks and also leaving sufficient space for new tracks... But this is one that I think deserves some love :)

Thanks so much Manuela!
2Sisters 23rd Feb 2023 13:14 - 1 year ago
Hey guys, don't worry, everything is really fine! Greetings Manuela
BaoBou replied 23rd Feb 2023 - 1 year ago

(And Michael too ;) )
phantomproduction 23rd Feb 2023 10:36 - 1 year ago
Hi Bao , good ideas in this track, to deepen! I think Manu is sincere and that she wanted to help you in your compositions, let's keep calm to share our passion for music!
BaoBou replied 23rd Feb 2023 - 1 year ago
Hey buddy of course Manuela is sincere, nobody is thinking otherwise! I live her very much and she is always incredibly helpful. I really really appreciate every comment she makes and I totally appreciate every critical comment. Those are the best comments, and I wish everyone would do that!

They don't even have to be nice, but Manu always manages to do it in a respectful way. She has years of experience and a wealth of knowledge and it's totally amazing and great she shares some of that here. Couldn't be better.

Also, don't hesitate to give me similar advice. I'm very sorry if I gave the impression I didn't like it - the opposite is true. 1 comment saying "ooh, this is a bit XYZ" is 100 times more helpful than 100 comments saying "yeah great" (although of course I also like those ;) )

Again, I love what Manu said, but I felt I knew her well enough to also make a little joke :) my apologies if that wasn't clear to you :)

All good my man! Thanks for listening and commenting, even commenting that the reply wasn't clear is a useful comment, so thanks for that!
dimestop 22nd Feb 2023 20:33 - 1 year ago
yes bro what a great vibe, that guitar is fly, the subdued drum is great. and what can i say about the singing, you blowing fam, i love the pleasantness of the whole thing. great production
BaoBou replied 22nd Feb 2023 - 1 year ago
Thanks a lot Paul, that is very much appreciated :)
2Sisters 22nd Feb 2023 13:38 - 1 year ago
Oh oh! I think you totally misunderstood me!!!!!!!! I mean it like I said it! I am not offended! But you are really so good now that you can recognize your weaknesses and strengths yourself. That's exactly what I mean. I took it as praise! Not as criticism! Greetings Manuela
BaoBou replied 22nd Feb 2023 - 1 year ago
Hahaha I was just yanking your chain a bit. Pulling your leg, as it were. No worries, I totally got what you meant, but I decided to make a todo list myself.
I already started a bit and especially upgraded the vocals a bit and applied some EQ and compression on the instruments. See if you like the difference :)
pseudoble 22nd Feb 2023 11:33 - 1 year ago
Well this is a lovely track, and Im very chuffed that my own recent effort helped to you to find it - it's a better track than mine in my view, has a lot more heart and sounds a lot more real. Nice structure, lyric, arrangement and playing (Im sure too you can polish it more if you want)
: )
BaoBou replied 22nd Feb 2023 - 1 year ago
Your production values are so much better, and I have to say I enjoyed the structure of your song just fine. I gave it another listen and it's a really excellent track!
Maybe we need to set up an exchange - you produce my track and I do the minimum of (re)arrangements on yours :)

Thanks for listening my friend!
2Sisters 22nd Feb 2023 11:08 - 1 year ago
Hello BaoBoo, what can I say? We've been walking the same musical path here for quite a while. Not together but close to each other. I have always been critical of the development you have made here and I have to say that you have made incredibly good progress. And that makes me very happy! I don't think you need my well-intentioned advice anymore. You have found your musical path. Keep it up! Greetings Manuela
BaoBou replied 22nd Feb 2023 - 1 year ago
Ok now I know mow you're taking the piss ;)

Of course I need your advice, well intended or not. In fact, the way you say it is how I would react to an unruly teenager who never listens... So now I'm thinking which of the lessons didn't I follow?

Well, there are many:
- it's too draft
- the vocals are very unfinished and need to also be more aligned with the music
- there's a transition where I took the lazy option of just copy pasting something from another section rather than re-recording it, and it sounds weird
- I think I need to put some high pass filters on the groups to let the bass/mid come out more
- the keys overlap with the vocals and the guitars, and I'm not 100% sure where to put them, as this is simply the sound I like
- the drums were a quick setup as a placeholder. I made some improvements which made it worse, so I need to take the track to the practice room, listen a couple times without drums and start from scratch

More ideas?
I mean, I say Steely Dan, but I'm sure Becker and Dagen would be appalled by this mess.

...which is why I put up tracks like this when it's fresh and exciting, not the next morning when I think I failed entirely and should move into something more suited to my talents, like collecting pet rocks or something ;)

Mit schoenen Gruessen,

Maj2 22nd Feb 2023 03:13 - 1 year ago
Wow, B.
What can I say to justify this beautiful track vibe?
And your worm voice Budd.
Great track.
BaoBou replied 22nd Feb 2023 - 1 year ago
Thanks a lot Majid, much appreciated :) I hope you can hear the joy I had making it (and a bit of the pain in the lyrics)
VicUrba 22nd Feb 2023 02:08 - 1 year ago
very nice soothing vibe great work ;D
BaoBou replied 22nd Feb 2023 - 1 year ago
Thanks a lot man! Still needs some work but this is one of those tracks I got really enthousiastic about when playing and then I just have to show it to people... so thanks for listening :)

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6th Feb 2014 20:23 - 10 years ago
Tags :
Description : This track contains only free loops downloaded from and, furthermore several loops from looperman artists - listed below.
Hope you will enjoy it.

Applied loops:

Danke : 0671112-0057227 (i think so), 0671112-0064444 (touch of the wind),
Sakura : 0036530-0000930 (drawn),
Tumbleweed : 0498019-0068258 (babylon 8 pad),
Apokapbeatz : 0287197-0020417 (harp sample 1) ,
Planetjazzbass : 0111346-0029497 (voices 2), 0111346-0029496 (voices 1),
Waper : 0334474-0048653 (strings 2),
Deejayroo : 0318145-0043939 (classical ending),
Megapaul : 0448131-0065840 (the waterpope 140BPM E),
Thehumps : (Sad D minor 1 Verse - 150 bpm) - download from stayonbeat. :S
13th Jan 2022 09:57 - 2 years ago
Description : Updated 1/7/2023. This is a progressive fusion flavored jazz number. I called on fellow Looperman DISCIPLINE to season this composition with that FIRE GUITAR, and he did! Let me know your thoughts on this one. Enjoy.

25th Oct 2014 17:59 - 9 years ago
Description : This track is built around the repetitive lead guitar line which I have previously incorporated as an intro for the rocker track "Sweetheart Runner" by LM user TinyFinger whom I have helped in arranging, mixing and producing his song. This extended session was a good oportunity to test some new equipment....Thanks to Tiny for not being mad about it...:)^^
4th Aug 2013 17:47 - 10 years ago
Tags :
Description : Psychedelic blues hip hop with lead banjo and acoustic resonator slide guitar. Acoustic drum kits, fat basslines, soaring filtered strings, some strong Eastern elements (from guitar and strings), some dub and funk from the bass and drums and a bit of rocking electric guitar. Very unusual piece of music and a trip like no other I've heard. Some of it is like a dark, deep Southern delta blues track over a hip hop and dub backing. All played and programmed by me, no loops used.
9th Jan 2021 22:26 - 3 years ago
Description : Jynxz: arrangement, drum programming, keys, synths, fx
Micky: fx, guitars

After a quite turbulent long travel we’ve reached a totally unknown planet which is mostly covered with clouds. As we pass over it we can see parts of rivers through the clouds that come out of the dark rocky surface in some places. So the whole scene is alternating textures of white, dark gray and silver flashes. Unfortunately there’s no chance to land anywhere so we just pass, wonder and travel on …
26th Jun 2021 21:50 - 3 years ago
Description : A spoopy song, early for Halloween. This was a collaboration with Micky, who did most of the work.

A musical realization of a poem by Thomas Hardy
Idea: Spearcarrier
Voices: Spearcarrier & Micky
Music: Micky
Genre: We don't know yet. Suggestions welcome. LOL
27th May 2020 11:12 - 4 years ago
Description : This one features my friend JYNXZ. He contributed his wonderful synth magic. Danke sehr!
16th Aug 2023 01:26 - 11 months ago
Description : the rise of AI
this i would describe as hip-hop space rock, last night of the proms sort :))
its different, a fusion of genres, this is all played by me, no loops. got a little more music theory now, so put it to the test.
its my first attempt at writing something myself and hopefully show i can produce a bit too. i wanted all the instruments to have their place but to shine alone, let me know if you think i achieved my description.
3rd Jul 2015 21:57 - 9 years ago
Tags :
Description : Return To Forever was a group that started my love of fusion jazz and this is my attempt to cover their 1976 track, “The Romantic Warrior. I know I wore out several inceptions of this album from LP, cassette and 8 track. The original track was over 10 minutes long, so I abridged it some. Hope you like and download.
28th Jul 2015 15:57 - 9 years ago
Description : A moroccan traditional song from 70s titled "Toudart" which means "Life" in Moroccan berber/Tamazight, revived and composed in a modern way, I used minor2go's piano loop which you can hear on the background, everything elese is from me.
1st Jan 2022 06:56 - 2 years ago
Tags :
Description : Chris's new track mixed in with my new track

Drum and bass(?) and Jazz and Dub

Nuts : )

HNY (despite covid)
1st Oct 2021 14:03 - 2 years ago
Description : Found some 70's funk drum loops that I liked and added some funk horn loops. Then I found some effects and percussion loops that worked well with the bass loops I found. Yeah, all loops but 1 vocal track of mine. :) Funk/fusion? Might be cool to have some hip hop styled vox on this, any takers?
22nd Apr 2019 06:02 - 5 years ago
Description : Cinematic/Classical,Jazz,Funk,Fusion,Electronic,Rock,Weird...
I strongly suggest you not be wearing headphones @2min6sec of this track!
22nd Jan 2016 19:03 - 8 years ago
Tags :
Description : violin and clarinet duet sheet music
30th Sep 2017 22:30 - 6 years ago
Description : A Blend Of Death Cad For Cutie meets Coldplay before they sucked.