
13th Jan 2022 09:57 - 2 years ago
Description : Updated 1/7/2023. This is a progressive fusion flavored jazz number. I called on fellow Looperman DISCIPLINE to season this composition with that FIRE GUITAR, and he did! Let me know your thoughts on this one. Enjoy.


Comments (24)

If you have time take a listen and give kingmt77 some feedback.

2Sisters 6th Jan 2023 21:21 - 1 year ago
Oh Mark, if you knew how brutal I can be...... *lol. Have a nice weekend, too!
kingmt77 replied 6th Jan 2023 - 1 year ago
Manuela......... Thx for the heads-up! That being the case then I'll take the smaller dose of your wrath of the musicians' temperament LOL:) Go easy now. Peace.

2Sisters 6th Jan 2023 10:53 - 1 year ago
Hello Mark , even if this title is a bit older. He has lost none of his musical topicality. Almost timeless. The guitar is wow. But also the playing of the individual instruments with each other is brilliant. Therefore, it is not possible for me to highlight only one instrument in this production. Everything just fits together again. Good job!. As I can judge it today, mix and mastering are also well done. But I'll take a little more time next week and listen to the song in the studio. Maybe I'll find something to complain about with a linear playback *Smile. Best regards Manuela
kingmt77 replied 6th Jan 2023 - 1 year ago
Manuela. Greetings. Yep, you're right as this one is vintage 2021 LOL:). And as soon as you can scrutinize this in the studio, let me know your findings. Be brutal haha! I'm still hearing some mid-frequency buzzing in certain sections. Also, some mud in my bass. But in spite of the paralysis of analysis, you enjoyed my effort. Your musical perspective is admirable, so your comments mean a lot. Have a wonderful weekend and stay safe.

CelestiaAngel777 6th Jan 2023 07:05 - 1 year ago
Thanks Mark lol...We do need to have a convo about a collab sometime in the future maybe...Anyways until then JAZZMASTER! keep *shining* :)
kingmt77 replied 6th Jan 2023 - 1 year ago
Angelus. No, thank you:) That convo will definitely happen. I've had a few ideas for you for a while. At the appointed time, we'll join forces. Your support is treasured and valued big time. Have a joyous and peaceful weekend. And most of all.......KEEP WRITING-KEEP SINGING MY FRIEND!

CelestiaAngel777 5th Jan 2023 14:53 - 1 year ago
Hiya Mark, still AWESOME!!! this sounds so, so, goooooddd! and it's simply remarkable, that guitar is like, ~Watch me now~ haha...splendid work here my friend & as you know I love the brass instruments, everything is right on! Loved hearing the updates. This is huge! Bravo!
kingmt77 replied 5th Jan 2023 - 1 year ago
Greetings and Happy New Year to you, my friend. Gratitude for sharing your impressions on my updated track. And right, you are about the guitar. Discipline brought that fire correctly. I'm glad you found everything in its proper place and you absolutely enjoyed your listen. NOW YOUR TURN! YUP! You and I need to have a convo about "LAY BY ME". So you have the audacity to walk in with your velvety vocals on top of a lo-fi and detuned piano melody. That's bossed up all the way. What a vibe. Wonderful backing track that provided an excellent foundation for your vocals. You know you sholl can sang [sic]:) Excellent Production.

ilovebagelz 4th Jan 2023 07:42 - 1 year ago
The drums are killer in this, really a wall of sound with just the drums. The vocals and piano mesh well with them. Then the guitar comes in and it's a great vibe. Over all the balancing and arrangement of this sounds like some Persona 5 level quality. Quite a journey of a composition you got over all. The panning work on the rhodes. The amp guitar that comes in later followed by the rythmic rhodes pattern. It's some great sauce.

Then the trumpet, OMG. it's so fire.

This is def one of the highest level of compositions I've come across on this site. Great use of a wide variety of synths and actual instruments, it must have been a lot of work to balance everything together naturally. Brilliant overall nothing about this mix is bad TBH.

This is a certified BANGER.
kingmt77 replied 5th Jan 2023 - 1 year ago
ilovebaglelz. Greetings and Happy New Year. Thank you for stopping by. I appreciate the compliments and intricate details for what you heard. Jazz fusion is one of my favorite genres because of the musical journey it will take you on. I'm happy you thoroughly enjoyed this listen. Be safe

phantomproduction 3rd Jan 2023 13:18 - 1 year ago
very nice track , happy new year to you and family !
kingmt77 replied 3rd Jan 2023 - 1 year ago
Happy New Year to you and your family Michael. I appreciate the kind words. Take it easy and be safe.
UncleErin 20th Jan 2022 07:15 - 2 years ago
All I can say is SMOOTH!! Love it
kingmt77 replied 20th Jan 2022 - 2 years ago
UE, gratitude, it’s an awesome honor for me that this one is good for you.
pseudoble 17th Jan 2022 01:31 - 2 years ago
Oh yeah - very nice (and I think some substantial) tweaking but the mix is sounding so spot on now
kingmt77 replied 17th Jan 2022 - 2 years ago
pseudoble, thanks for making the comparison. The mix was rough and really needed help but a tweak here and a change there makes a big difference. Your listen and feedback is greatly valued. Be safe.
dimestop 16th Jan 2022 21:32 - 2 years ago
Great update M.T. I like the change in drum the hats are great it seems lighter to me even though you've added, the sax is class as is the bass droppin in the percs are great I love using them, another accomplished piece from our king of jazz and funk fussions
kingmt77 replied 16th Jan 2022 - 2 years ago
Paul, thanks again for listening and pointing out the differences that you noticed. I'm taking note of the instruments that hit just right for you and we are one and the same when it comes to funk-jazz-fusion instrumentation. I'm working on new material. Stay tuned. Be safe Paul and kiss the grandbaby for Uncle M.T.
bringerofDOOM 16th Jan 2022 20:52 - 2 years ago
Yeah the beginning lead was a definite needed touch, and was executed pretty much spot on. The hats are definitely bright at first, but that could be due to a master compressor bringing them out when there is not much else happening. They dip back once everything gets going. I believe I'm hearing ducking in several sources, but I could be wrong, and if so it is not a bad thing. I like the feel of the "pressure increase" of side-chained percussion and occasionally bass as long as it is subtle.

Regardless of any nitpicking, sounds excellent, Already faved.
kingmt77 replied 16th Jan 2022 - 2 years ago
bringer, Thanks for your stop and listen. The first go-around had plenty of spare musical real estate and DISCIPLINE touched that spot just right. I switched the drum kit to move this forward in a grand fusion style with a punch but balance the present swing which the hats acted as a metronome of sorts. I'm working on perfecting this technique. The only thing I ducked was the bass triggered by the kick. Maybe what you're hearing is a kick-beater effect I'm using.TTYL
Jynxz 16th Jan 2022 20:48 - 2 years ago
What's up Mark.

Did the first version have Vibraphone or the doubled Lead at the end? At any rate the track is smokin smooth. Absolutely excellent writing and arranging. No need to even mention the Mixing or Mastering. I do think this version is a few dB quieter than the first. Is this a less is more lesson:-)

Great track. Faved (again)

kingmt77 replied 16th Jan 2022 - 2 years ago
Rob, no actually the earlier version had a kalimba and a tabla setup playing the melody for that section. I squashed that idea and broke out Roland's Vibraphone. Also, Roland has an update so I'll shoot it over on the drive shortly. The new instruments brought me to tears! As always thanks for your listen and favorable commentary. TTYL.
2nick8 16th Jan 2022 19:32 - 2 years ago
everything coming together sweet especially lovin the bass licks..
kingmt77 replied 16th Jan 2022 - 2 years ago
2nick8 thanks for listening. Be Safe.
crucethus 16th Jan 2022 02:35 - 2 years ago
Nice auto-panned (rotary) Rhodes. I used to Emulate that effect on my Korg MS2000. Sax has a nice reverb on it. all the instruments sit nicely in the mix. A great composition as well. Always impressed with your work mate!
kingmt77 replied 16th Jan 2022 - 2 years ago
Cru, as you can tell, there’s never ever too much Rhodes for me. I love the sound. Thanks for your listen and feedback as always. It’s good to know this was another good one for you. Be safe.
Jynxz 15th Jan 2022 22:34 - 2 years ago
What's up Mark

Is it me, or am I the only one thats trippin on the "Hats"? They steal the show. Of course the whole kit is off the charts good. The Vocals & Guitar give the track a lighter more Progressive Jazz Fusion sound. I love it. The excitement created by the Guitar, which I think is absolutely tailormade for this track, is right on target.

Great track. Faved.

kingmt77 replied 16th Jan 2022 - 2 years ago
Rob, thanks for checking this one out. Got a few more touches then we’ll call it done. The hats and bass and that side chained kick gave that progressive forward motion. TTYL.
UncleErin 15th Jan 2022 06:28 - 2 years ago
Great Track. Drum sound is awesome. Your mixes are so clean! Pleasure listening to your stuff. UE
kingmt77 replied 15th Jan 2022 - 2 years ago
UE, Again it a great honor for your listen and feedback. Likewise your work is phenomenal! Yep I haven’t recovered from “Make A Wish” yet:)! Be Safe.
CelestiaAngel777 15th Jan 2022 04:43 - 2 years ago
Geezus! first time listening to your work and I have to say it's super classy and for grown up ears haha seriously what a deliciously groovy composition here and to top it all off there is a fave instrument of mine running through it & that is the sax. All very lovely to listen to Nice Work. Kudos!

kingmt77 replied 15th Jan 2022 - 2 years ago
Angelusyeux, greetings. Thank you so much for stopping by and listening in."Grown-up ears"? I See you talk my language! I'm glad you found this to be to your liking. Check the update and stop back in for music for those grown-up ears:) Be safe.
pseudoble 15th Jan 2022 01:19 - 2 years ago
Very nice work (as usual) - i think at times some of the instruments are a little loud in the mix but I absolutely trust your ears (more than mine) to sort that out as you refine it. Another amazing track : )
kingmt77 replied 15th Jan 2022 - 2 years ago
pseudoble, Thanks, check the update out.
sirefox 14th Jan 2022 20:04 - 2 years ago
Otro gran tema amigo Monte, me encanta el saxo y la guitarra eléctrica, son geniales, tienen mucha energía, y ese toque de reverberación consigue darle más vida, y hace que la disfrutes de una manera más viva. Buena batería, como siempre. Buena mezcla, de mucha calidad. Que tengas un buen día hermano. Paz y salud.
kingmt77 replied 14th Jan 2022 - 2 years ago
Mi buen amigo sirefox. Gracias por revisar esta sintonía y compartir sus sentimientos al respecto. Desde el sonido general de la mezcla, energía, instrumentación, etc. Todo es una alegría. Soy bueno para compartir lo que siento mi buen amigo. Esté seguro y tenga un buen fin de semana.
BONEZONMARZ 14th Jan 2022 15:27 - 2 years ago
Sounds great man those vocals remind me of CARRTOONS check him out he’s great I’m sure you’ll find some inspiration from listening to his album. The guitar that you brought in from discipline was amazing as well, went so well with the keys. Keep it up MT!
kingmt77 replied 14th Jan 2022 - 2 years ago
BONEZONMARZ, I can barely type. I'm listening to Carrtoons NPR concert. Thank you for the solid. Thanks for stopping by to listen and your kind comments. I will keep it up! Be Safe BONEZ.
Modnex 13th Jan 2022 23:31 - 2 years ago
I enjoyed the groove on this one. I'm curious to see what you'll add to this. Thus far it sounds great as is. The live instrumentation always does it for me. I'm so used to hearing fake/synth sounds, so it's always nice to hear the usage of real instruments or synths that come close to the real thing. Nice work per usual.
kingmt77 replied 14th Jan 2022 - 2 years ago
Modnex, greetings and happy new year to you and yours. Thanks for stopping by. We could go for hours on the subject of live instruments. I’m adding guitar and maybe a lead vocal. I appreciate your feedback as always. Be safe.
bringerofDOOM 13th Jan 2022 19:29 - 2 years ago
Since it's a WIP, definitely hearing some singing lead in the beginning (almost pink floyd esque), and about the time I imagined a "doubled-up" sax solo you pretty much did it. I'm liking the spacy synths as well. The chord changes (ii, III, i), got me thinking about the 2-5-1 jazz staple, and a bunch of other theory stuff.

Nice work.
Faved, looking forward to more.
kingmt77 replied 13th Jan 2022 - 2 years ago
bringer, yeah I'm still stretching out a bit. I'm grateful for this listen from you and for bringing out your observations on musical notation and harmonic rhythm which is always a plus for me. You know refresher course on theory! I'm glad that this one too got a fav. TTYL.
BCVProductions 13th Jan 2022 19:25 - 2 years ago
I like it a lot. Especially the bass work is great. The saxes sound a little too reverbed into the background at 1:50 when they are featured. You could reduce it or mix back in the dry sax over the verbs to add some punch when they are featured. other than that I can't offer any advice. It really sounds just fine :)
kingmt77 replied 13th Jan 2022 - 2 years ago
VirginiaSlimm, greetings. I appreciate that you've stopped by for a listen and your comments. On the next round, my thoughts on the sax's were to widen the stereo and back up on the wet. Thanks for letting me know that this listen was a good one. Stay posted for an update soon.
dimestop 13th Jan 2022 19:24 - 2 years ago
Sounds absolutely great Mark lovely intro love the backing vocal wicked beat and cymbal love the 2 second bass drop 34 to 36 secs, I was waiting for it to come in,it didn't, then the keys. The sax is phenomenal, this is packed already and you wanna add more, amazing. Nice soft outro too M.T.
kingmt77 replied 13th Jan 2022 - 2 years ago
Paul, oh yes bringing that bass aggression. I've been working on bolstering up the areas that I can greatly improve upon, Vocals. Every time I try to run from the sax man he just keeps popping up in my compositions! Anyway, your listening and comments help a great deal. Be on the lookout for round 2.
RuslanG 13th Jan 2022 16:16 - 2 years ago
Very nice!
kingmt77 replied 13th Jan 2022 - 2 years ago
RuslanG, thanks for the listen and feedback. I’ve got a few more things to add.

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15th Dec 2022 07:21 - 1 year ago
Description : The process of continual improvement. This is a fusion of jazz and funk. Enjoy.

6th Feb 2014 20:23 - 10 years ago
Tags :
Description : This track contains only free loops downloaded from and, furthermore several loops from looperman artists - listed below.
Hope you will enjoy it.

Applied loops:

Danke : 0671112-0057227 (i think so), 0671112-0064444 (touch of the wind),
Sakura : 0036530-0000930 (drawn),
Tumbleweed : 0498019-0068258 (babylon 8 pad),
Apokapbeatz : 0287197-0020417 (harp sample 1) ,
Planetjazzbass : 0111346-0029497 (voices 2), 0111346-0029496 (voices 1),
Waper : 0334474-0048653 (strings 2),
Deejayroo : 0318145-0043939 (classical ending),
Megapaul : 0448131-0065840 (the waterpope 140BPM E),
Thehumps : (Sad D minor 1 Verse - 150 bpm) - download from stayonbeat. :S
21st Feb 2023 14:33 - 1 year ago
Description : Now on youtube:, soon out on my upcoming album "Step by Step"!
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4th Aug 2013 17:47 - 10 years ago
Tags :
Description : Psychedelic blues hip hop with lead banjo and acoustic resonator slide guitar. Acoustic drum kits, fat basslines, soaring filtered strings, some strong Eastern elements (from guitar and strings), some dub and funk from the bass and drums and a bit of rocking electric guitar. Very unusual piece of music and a trip like no other I've heard. Some of it is like a dark, deep Southern delta blues track over a hip hop and dub backing. All played and programmed by me, no loops used.
26th Jun 2021 21:50 - 2 years ago
Description : A spoopy song, early for Halloween. This was a collaboration with Micky, who did most of the work.

A musical realization of a poem by Thomas Hardy
Idea: Spearcarrier
Voices: Spearcarrier & Micky
Music: Micky
Genre: We don't know yet. Suggestions welcome. LOL
27th May 2020 11:12 - 4 years ago
Description : This one features my friend JYNXZ. He contributed his wonderful synth magic. Danke sehr!
16th Aug 2023 01:26 - 10 months ago
Description : the rise of AI
this i would describe as hip-hop space rock, last night of the proms sort :))
its different, a fusion of genres, this is all played by me, no loops. got a little more music theory now, so put it to the test.
its my first attempt at writing something myself and hopefully show i can produce a bit too. i wanted all the instruments to have their place but to shine alone, let me know if you think i achieved my description.
3rd Jul 2015 21:57 - 8 years ago
Tags :
Description : Return To Forever was a group that started my love of fusion jazz and this is my attempt to cover their 1976 track, “The Romantic Warrior. I know I wore out several inceptions of this album from LP, cassette and 8 track. The original track was over 10 minutes long, so I abridged it some. Hope you like and download.
28th Jul 2015 15:57 - 8 years ago
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1st Jan 2022 06:56 - 2 years ago
Tags :
Description : Chris's new track mixed in with my new track

Drum and bass(?) and Jazz and Dub

Nuts : )

HNY (despite covid)
22nd Apr 2019 06:02 - 5 years ago
Description : Cinematic/Classical,Jazz,Funk,Fusion,Electronic,Rock,Weird...
I strongly suggest you not be wearing headphones @2min6sec of this track!
1st Oct 2021 14:03 - 2 years ago
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22nd Jan 2016 19:03 - 8 years ago
Tags :
Description : violin and clarinet duet sheet music
30th Sep 2017 22:30 - 6 years ago
Description : A Blend Of Death Cad For Cutie meets Coldplay before they sucked.
5th May 2015 18:27 - 9 years ago
Tags :
Description : It is pretty hard to set a genre to this music sorry. So if someone have a better idea about what genre it is feel free to tell me.For that one I focused on the melodies instead the complexity (a lot of instrument with fx). So basically this tune is a piano one featuring piano, organ and 2 synths only no drum or fx.All those instrument follow the same melodie(composed by myself took me hours for that XD) The name is due my mom loved that one as the one I did for her long time ago.This is more a experimentation for me so plz have that in mind when you will write a comment.Also there are a surprise at 1:42 min.Hope you will enjoy this one.I also profit to say all my works will be avaliable to download without having to post a comment for the may 30 only.the reason is a mystery.