Description : This acapella is in f# moll. Please when uploading write ft.Alexandra Ratsouk. Here my daughter is singing and I myself is the author of the melody and lyrics
Description : it is a chorus in stanzas - if you put all the tries together - It is about family - love and devotion in a folk style. The first try and the last two tries - are not good - better not use them
Description : My daughter sandy Sang this vocal line. It doesn't start with the main stress - it starts with a little delay - this way - one - so Do you.. - - so on the word 'Do' falls the second stress -
Description : tempo is 120 mi minor - E- mol - The stress in rhythm falls on the second beat - so yoUng and yet - so strOng
you wAnt to be alOne
come hEre - embrAce me - chIld
my Arms are wArm and mIld - etc.
So - you shouldn't put this on rhythm automatically - better - manually - better put it on 6/8 - but also comes nicely on 4/4
Description : It is what we sing to our beloved little ones - 4/4 - it's Dm - C - B bemol - F_C - Dm - C - B bemol_C_ Dm.
Ref: (A-A-A) Dm - C - B bemol - Am
Dm - Am - B bemol - Am
Description : When somebody looses a person he loved - thus he sings... One more thing - the first stressed note falls on the syllable "sun" in the word "Sunshine"
o-o-o-mOOnlight -
hear my cAlling
you sEE-
(etc.)but in the refrain:
lEt the grIeve bE-
plEase, forgIve mE
The rhythm is 4/4. The furst treole is out of stress
Description : Tho children run through the forest to the bank of the river - to watch the sunrise. Pure words about the friendship - and - maybe - the first love. The rhythm is 4/4 or you may count on 8. But the melody starts with the 1/8 delay.
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