Description : Found the loop "toxic" on youtube. Author is the looperman member McTinna. Made this instrumental track with it. If you like it or use it pls let me know
Description : Again one of those MMM Loop Projects of mine
You may use it for your projects but I want to be named when you publish it and please send me the result!
Description : based upon Loops Fancy und Insane by Tinna Loops (youtube)
keys: e-Moll,
speed : 176bpm,
pls let me know if you use it to create a song or remix!
Description : Had the lyrics and no idea for the melody, went to minor2go´s loop-page, found the "converging tracks" and the "converging tracks 2", put it together with a beat and here it is!
lyrix: BBRossa
musix: minor2go, BBRossa
vox: BBrossa
mix: BBRossa
Description : New Life ist der Arbeitstitel, weil der Track auf den "New Lfe" Loops von Minor2Go basiert. Gesangsmelodie stand schon vor dem Erstellen des Instrumentals fest, aber es gibt noch keinen Text...
Description : Based upon the loops "Horizon Piano HD", "Remains Strings", "Energy Strings", "Planes Piano" and "Planes Piano Part 2" by jawadalbloshi (and maybe some others I can´t remember at the moment)
It was the trial to find an instrumentalisation tom my track "Empty Rooms". I even did the song, but the other versions became better... so that´s the way it is, now.
Description : Nicht besonders einfallsreich meinerseits, einfach einen vorhandenen Text auf diesen gleichnamigen Track von E2EE zu adaptieren... und ich fürchte auch nicht im Sinne des Komponisten :-D Sorry dafür, aber mir gefällt´s...
These tracks have been uploaded by bbrossa. If you listen to any of these tracks please leave your comments.
Please note that the creator of a track retains full copyright in that track and you are only entitled to listen to or download. For further details on how you can use any tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.