
1st Nov 2009 23:56 - 14 years ago
Description : An 80's punk song. Vocals inspired by the late Jim Carroll, author, poet, punk rocker. Updated- remixed and did some mastering, March 2020. Sounds a bit better.

Comments (48)

If you have time take a listen and give theHumps some feedback.

2Sisters 27th Apr 2023 17:08 - 1 year ago
Hi Wayne, you got me curious and I've listened to the song now too. And I have no regrets *smile. Very straightforward fundamentalist rock song, uncompromising, very well thought out and executed. Although relatively simple in design, the song has tremendous expressive power. Drums, bass, guitars and vocals, everything fits together! Great! One can only say "back to the roots". Greetings Manuela
theHumps replied 23rd May 2023 - 1 year ago
I had just joined looperman a few weeks before I posted this. I hadn't much idea on how to mix and was using computer speakers and $50 headphones to mix so it's lacking in quality. But the idea of the angry man, mad at the world is like the guy in the song Itinerant. It's really stripped down musically and it was meant to be like that, basic and stark like the guy's life probably, ha.


FreeRadical 23rd May 2014 13:22 - 10 years ago
This is great. Am i sensing an influence of velvet underground in this piece. The lyrics are great. I often get that feeling that some people are put on this earth for the sole purpose of pissing you off, so i couldn't agree more with the point of the track.
The only annoyance is that it's too short man. You could have at least got away with another couple of minutes of that.
Top tune. I'm going to download this and put it on a compilation CD for my mate, He's really in to this kind of thing so i'm sure he'll like this one.
theHumps replied 23rd May 2014 - 10 years ago
It has a bit of Lou Reed in it I suppose. I had so much fun writing the lyrics. When I first played it to my friend who is into punk music he loved the words, they were meant to have some humor to them and he was laughing out loud. Kinda weird that I took it as a compliment as he was laughing at my song but I guess that's what I had intended all along.

Glad you liked it, one of the first songs I posted here. It's short, punk should be short I think. I just say hit the play button again, lol.

deciBel 1st Aug 2013 15:31 - 10 years ago
Wow wayne I think the percentage of fav mark & this wonderfull rate of comments shows everything ! worthy of adoration by every respecT & as Patrick says makes me too rmember 80's
when I was a child and then a novice to music .
U sing so good , gentle as U are & your voice is so honesTly impressive . more professional than several professional published album I think .best wishes,___Behnam
theHumps replied 1st Aug 2013 - 10 years ago
Thanks! I can sing lead sometimes, and there's times when I am not creative or good enough to do it. I can deal with that. Glad you liked it.

PatriciaEdwards 17th May 2012 15:09 - 12 years ago, you're saying I need to listen to more punk? Cuz I like it, a lot!

I feel like getting all dressed up in jeans and sneaks and dancing around the room.

Those vocals and the melodies are just great here, love the lyrics. This is just an overall 10!!

You've got SO much great stuff in your lab Wayne. Thanks for sharing :-)
theHumps replied 18th May 2012 - 12 years ago
This is my interpretation of punk, hope the lyrics made you chuckle,they were supposed to be a little fun. I try to do some different things musically but also try to keep within my sound and ability. This, like a lot of my music is so simply constructed and that formula goes a long way as I'm not the most talented musician here. This one was such fun to put together. Glad you liked it and glad you left a review on my punk track, shows your open mindedness towards music, thanks!
digitalSKYY 1st Jun 2011 23:32 - 13 years ago
lol So badass man! Has a comedic side to it!
Chill vibe.

Kenny Lee
theHumps replied Unknown
Ha, ya, it's a bit funny, the self centered outlook of a punk. Glad you liked it!

ShortBusMusic 19th May 2011 05:43 - 13 years ago
There is not enough punk on the Loop. I actually remember this one from my time here prior to my one year vacation, haha. It was great then, and it's great now. Stellar mix, outstanding lyrics, and a real fun listen. Adding this to the favorites. Thanks for keeping it in the rotation.

theHumps replied Unknown
Thanks Bear, I didn't think you were still here when I posted it but obviously you were. This one seems to be my most popular song despite being so simple in it's construction. It's a fun one imo. Appreciate you checking it out and leaving a comment!

HardcorePampers 10th Apr 2011 15:22 - 13 years ago
Great track sounds great ;) Well mixed in the fav !
theHumps replied Unknown
Thanks for checking it out!

ultrabase 19th Feb 2011 10:08 - 13 years ago
26 downloads,42 reviews,22 favs says a lot!!!how about you making more tracks like this?i wish you would.
best punk track on the loop!
cheers from the base
theHumps replied Unknown
Thanks man, ya this is my most popular song I guess. I am working a new punk track out right now and should have it posted this week. It is a good follow up track to this punk track. Same type of delivery and a bit of fun mixed in.

BrianMaiden407 14th Aug 2010 00:46 - 13 years ago
This is great song wayne, nice clear recording! I never heard it, but i would love to hear this on steriods, its rocks big time! very kool!

theHumps replied Unknown
Thanks Brian, not much to clutter things up here,I kept things simple. Glad you liked it.

Kikajon 4th Aug 2010 00:09 - 13 years ago
I love this – country punk almost like DAD. Short and sweet, Wayne. A fav of course!
theHumps replied Unknown
This has to be one of the simplest song I've ever put together, yup, short and angry, I mean sweet, haha!!
JohnBoutilier 19th Jul 2010 08:18 - 13 years ago
This is a great track, but might be a bit too well done for a true punk song from back then, lol. The only criticism I have is that it ended too soon :-) Other than that the track is super sweet.

All The Best Brother

theHumps replied Unknown
Thanks John! Ya, I like to keep my songs short and to the point, in general 1:30 to 2:30. Thanks for stopping by again, glad you liked!

CrashTheSystem 28th Jun 2010 20:16 - 13 years ago
Heh heh great punk song my friend definately has an iggy popish sound to it and the lyrics totally match the 70's-80's style you were very obviously trying t convey. Keep up the good work mate!
theHumps replied Unknown
Ya, there is def some Iggy in it. Thanks for the review and glad you liked it.

phantomhim 27th Jun 2010 01:42 - 13 years ago
He also said you have to be the change you want to see in the world, if depopulations your thing, then so be it.

: )
theHumps replied Unknown
This isn't the place to argue politics and everyone's entitled to their own opinion so lets leave it at that. No hard feelings here but maybe we should keep the discussion to music, a much happier topic. The lyrics are tongue in cheek in the song, taken from the self centered punk attitude of the late '70s of, why is everybody picking on me or something like that.

I also have a song called "My Way or the Highway" which has the same "poke at society", tongue in cheek lyrics. The two songs make a social statement to some degree, and were meant to. They were also written to be chuckled at at the same time. In a way, I'm glad you responded as you did because it struck a nerve with you, but isn't that what a good song is supposed to do, stimulate some kind of emotional response? I think I succeeded at doing that with this song.(a shameless pat on my own back,haha)

btw, I don't and will not have any children(46 yo)so I've put my money where my mouth is. ;)

Take care,
phantomhim 26th Jun 2010 17:20 - 13 years ago
Good track, but the planet is NOT OVERPOPULATED. It's an agenda to cull a bunch of people on the planet. Hence the UN sterilising starving women for cash and food. Don't believe everything you hear. Good music tho.
theHumps replied Unknown
The Dalia Lama says: Don't believe everything you think.

Be Good.
DJMudDuk 14th Jun 2010 21:56 - 14 years ago
You really captured the true essence of punk rock with this track. the message in the vocals really explains the angst almost everyone feels at some point now a days.
theHumps replied Unknown
Thanks man! Ya, I know what ya mean about the angst we all feel, that sums it up here!

Anomelie 13th Jun 2010 08:40 - 14 years ago
Loved this when I first heard it, still love it. Totally reminds me of some stuff I listened to in high school. It really works, there's nothing you could do to make this better. It's perfect as is. Thanks for sharing!
theHumps replied Unknown
Def an old school feel to this, glad you liked!
thnknde 18th May 2010 03:34 - 14 years ago
You rock guy, I'd work with you anyday of the week. No critiquing necessary
theHumps replied Unknown
Hey man thanks for the nice words. I'm sure we could work together and do a track. Life's got me a bit busy right now and not able to find as much time to record these days, so be a little patient if I can't do anything right away, ok. Thanks.

donmega 7th May 2010 20:19 - 14 years ago
broke my finger scrolling
down this song is raw i loved it
it is my fav track of yours
theHumps replied Unknown
At first I was wondering what you were talking about your finger breaking, then it hit me, lol, ya, this one has a couple reviews.

It doesn't get any more simpler than this as far as production but the lyrics just make it work I guess. Thanks man!

ChaseManhattan 25th Apr 2010 21:22 - 14 years ago
why are all these people in my way!!! i really like this one. it has a lowriding vibe to it. nice job on this one
theHumps replied Unknown
Thanks GBY!

I still get a kick out of the lyrics,lol.

tinphish 25th Apr 2010 19:01 - 14 years ago
That tone you use for the rhythm section is simply neat Wayne. It's clean at the same time it has a certain aura. what mic do u use? the vocals sound great, it is clear and expressive. i still have your advise on the mics, but which one are you using on this track? sounds swell.

theHumps replied Unknown
This was recorded on my old 8 bit system. I listen to it now compared to my new stuff and I hear a big difference in quality. That rhythm is a clean strat, little reverb. check your email on the mics!
Phyruis 14th Mar 2010 11:08 - 14 years ago
ooohh.. now this take me back to the band television.. some post velvet underground lou reed... you know? blank generation? Transformer?.. anyway nice production I would have been a little heavier with the bass because that early stuff was always bass driven.. Listening I thought straight away richard hell... stranglers.. keep 'em coming brother
theHumps replied Unknown
Yup, your right on the money with those bands!! Thanks for the listen! It's an older 8 bit recording, lacks some fidelity in lows and hi's. All my tracks could use another mix, lol, oh well!

n0mad23 10th Mar 2010 00:26 - 14 years ago
I think Punk in it's first overt incarnation (lets not forget the proto-phase in NY City) was more of a blanket generic designation. In other words, Punk was what wasn't mainstream. (A bit like Hip Hop's claim if I'm not misreading it.) In the UK, punks were hanging out at Reggae clubs before they had their own music.

In that sense, this one seems more like circa `77 to my ears. A gathering of sonic flotsam and jetsam, discarded pieces of things that came before....


theHumps replied Unknown
You nailed it, 1977!! I basically used a formula for this song from a Boston punk band called LaPeste that were popular in the late 70s. They were a 3 piece that put out a few albums worth of simple, stripped down material like this.

I'll be uploading a cover in the next week or so of these guys with the original Hump line up. It has this simplicity but with cranking guitars.

Thanks for stopping by!

ShowGunProductions 4th Mar 2010 17:50 - 14 years ago
Man thank you for this! I needed some good punk. nice production as well. Good job man.
theHumps replied Unknown
Thanks for the listen and review bud. Working on a new fast punk song with the original Humps line up, maybe upload in a week or so. I'll swing by and check out your new material, looking forward to hearing it!!

BemusedStranger 17th Feb 2010 04:24 - 14 years ago
nicee, i dont know which version i like better!?! if i HAD to choose, i like this one... but they both rock. great lyrics man.
theHumps replied Unknown
Thanks dude! I like the fast version but I couldn't resist slowing it down and using the lyrics again. I'm reworking the unplugged version a little, hopefully get that up in a while.

haven 2nd Feb 2010 19:33 - 14 years ago
Hi Wayne,
great track - really enjoyable - "mellow punk"... but punk yes - very nice mix and tune - great variety in all your stuff - thank you!
theHumps replied Unknown
Thanks Haven, appreciate the listen and review. Enjoy your tunes as well!

RayKoefoed 24th Jan 2010 01:09 - 14 years ago
This is a really cool and fun song Humps. This takes me back to when MTV first started (yes, I am elderly =), the only difference is that it is much better then most of those old songs that no one remembers now. Great Job.
theHumps replied Unknown
Thanks for cheking it out and the review!

Crypt 22nd Jan 2010 21:11 - 14 years ago
Great track man, it kept my attention the whole time. Vocals are excellent and the lyrics are good too. Good job with this!
theHumps replied Unknown
Thanks Crypt, appreciate the listen and fav!

Kenikos 17th Jan 2010 00:25 - 14 years ago
Why are all these people in my way? Now that's a question I ask myself quite frequently. :) Timeless theme! I love the vocal on this track and it has a great, catchy beat. Really cool song. I love it. -Ken
theHumps replied Unknown
Thanks Ken, the lyrics seem to amuse eveyone, even me!
Frantik508 16th Jan 2010 02:38 - 14 years ago
This sounds exactly like it would be a single in the 80's haha great job!
theHumps replied Unknown
Thanks man!! I want to do some more like this one, I'll let ya know when I do.
DJShemZee 13th Jan 2010 11:31 - 14 years ago
I`m an old PuNk fan. yOU VE DOne a grEaT JOb sounds A biT new wave or post punk to me but still itqs GREAT.Made me smile...
theHumps replied Unknown
Thanks a lot! This one's a lot of fun, the music is simple and the words are amusing,lol I'm an "old" punk guy myself so this stuff means something to me, I'm sure you can relate...

CalifKen 12th Jan 2010 11:33 - 14 years ago
OMGGGGGGGGOD. WAYNE. fk yes. this is so you my man and like so enjoyable. totally blew me away this evening, LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE This.

We need to do a video. cam yourself at the store for me, just like 5 seconds. it's all we'll need to do a psychadelic emotional montage that will reflect the gold of the song.

seriously. that was so off-beat, pleasant, casual, jam and cool. big cheers W. kc
theHumps replied Unknown
Thanks Ken, this was a fun one to do, funny lyrics, lol. I'll be in touch. Glad you liked!

Salook 11th Jan 2010 23:49 - 14 years ago
I am glad i found this track, i love this, has to be ahead of its time or i'm going backwards. great song writing short and to the point. cheers.
theHumps replied Unknown
Thanks Salook, appreciate the review! My main formula in song writing is short and interesting, make 'em play it again, lol!

Planetjazzbass 11th Jan 2010 06:47 - 14 years ago
Hey there mate...nice rockin groove..your being a little too polite in your lyrics to get this into the punk and you didn't scream once! haha..seriously this is a great little tune,I enjoyed it immensely and it's so good to hear played instruments!..cheers planet :)
theHumps replied Unknown
Thanks planet, prob sprain my vocal chords out if I tried to scream/sing,lol!! I hope to do a few more punk tracks, soon I hope(in the process of sorting out some new software and hardware right mow).

StrikingDaggers 8th Jan 2010 21:35 - 14 years ago
Awesome track. Like the overall feel of the song. Great job on the mixing and mastering. Nice work.
theHumps replied Unknown
Thanks Shatner, Mastering is new to me, thanks for your feedback. Still a lot to learn bout that.

SYNTHIZIZ 8th Jan 2010 13:44 - 14 years ago
HEY WAYNE! gratz on the icon/elite promotion!...great song here man...i would love to remix this! i love this me nad my mom was jamming to your tunes!..ha ha great work!
theHumps replied Unknown
Thanks Mike, nice to be an elite member like you and many other talented loopermen(and women)!!

If you would like to remix it send me an email thru my "contact me" tab and I'll send you the tracks.

LuFa 6th Jan 2010 18:41 - 14 years ago
whooooooowwwww...! ok. i'd never hard a track like that. ok.
becouse i certainly dont listn to this genre. but heeeey
from the first moment i'd listn to thisone i falld in love with this one!!!
pretty cool!
mfg LuFa
theHumps replied Unknown
Thanks LuFa for the review. I'm glad you liked this one!

MStokes 31st Dec 2009 16:04 - 14 years ago
No disrespect to the dead, but I always thought Jim was soo overrated - he coulda been a contender with this kinda track. Thanks for rocking!
theHumps replied Unknown
Thanks for the review Michael. I actually think he never got the recognition he deserved(especially the "Catholic Boy" album, simply great). But drugs had such an effect on him. He put out limited music but was more of a poet. Watch the movie "The Basketball Diaries" about Jim's life(Leonardo DiCaprio plays him). Pretty sobering what he went through.

Thanks again, Wayne
Mosaic 31st Dec 2009 08:38 - 14 years ago

Man this is soooooooooooooo Coooooooooool, never been a fan of Punk but if it was like this then I would be hooked, line and sinker man, so love the beat and the vocal is out of this world, whole track is brilliant my friend...Downloading for sure mate...

adding to fav's man...

theHumps replied Unknown
Glad you like this punk song Estafano, kinda catchy vocals,haha.
FrenchKid18 30th Dec 2009 22:55 - 14 years ago
You know this song is my favourite track of yours with "Uptown".I love your new mixing and mastering:the backing vocals and guitar solo sound really great like this!
French Kid
theHumps replied Unknown
Thanks buddy, I played around a bit with some delay on the lead. The mastering really brings things upfront, lovin'it!
dolawhite 23rd Dec 2009 20:57 - 14 years ago
Ha, i loved this one, nice work on it and im glad i stumbled upon it.
theHumps replied Unknown
Thanks man, fun working with you, glad you liked it. Like your version Alpha Dog as well!
bcway 21st Nov 2009 17:17 - 14 years ago
Love this. People in my way - lol - oh yea absolutely.
theHumps replied Unknown
People seem to find the lyrics amusing, so do I, haha!
renegadezer0 16th Nov 2009 16:13 - 14 years ago
I thought this was really funny. Great stuff! *Faved Great job too, lyrics we're awesome. :)
theHumps replied Unknown
I'm glad you enjoyed it!

My rendition of the self-centered whiney punk song,hehe.

Thanks for listening,

Spivkurl 14th Nov 2009 19:38 - 14 years ago
Hah, this is too cool! I'm lovin the 80's vibe, it almost suggests new wave. The vocals are very well done, and the lyrics are very entertaining. Faved and DL'd for sure!
theHumps replied Unknown
Thanks bud, glad you like it. Was a bit unsure about uploading this one, glad I did!

vigwig 14th Nov 2009 12:33 - 14 years ago
I like the words. They are irreverent enough to be provocative but not annoying. It is different, I was expecting a Johnny & the Hurricanes type sound.
theHumps replied Unknown
Thanks! I tried to make the lyrics as if they were from a self centered punk attitude of "why is everyone affecting me in negative way" type of thing and make it kinda seem as if the singer was a bit ignorant to the fact that everyone else was probably thinking the same thing about him, haha.

Johnny and the Hurricanes, heard of them but had to resort to you tube to check them out. I recognized one of their songs, kinda surf stuff, nice.

jfw 14th Nov 2009 00:15 - 14 years ago
This is quite different from your other tracks ( 'Tis good to diversify ) I enjoyed the vocals in particular - good stuff Wayne.
theHumps replied Unknown
Thanks and yes, it's nice to shake things up a bit by going back to some garage band stuff!!
GHOSTthatcheR 10th Nov 2009 09:26 - 14 years ago
nice man, is that you on the lyrics? and bass? probably doing the whole lot aye!!! but man, this is nice, got that feel like i wanna see it in some dark bar, sticky beer stained carpet, and just people out and about listening to this on the back of their ear!, i would love this to start pumping in my dark beer stained carpet pub!!! nice man.
theHumps replied Unknown
Thanks again ThatcheR,

I like your "beer stained carpet" description, very fitting for this song. Tried to keep it simple, raw and garage band sounding. Yup, did all instruments and vox.
FrenchKid18 2nd Nov 2009 14:23 - 14 years ago
Yeah,Lou reed feel on this one.A bit of Iggy pop too.I love it.Your bassline is really amazing.
Faved and downloaded
French Kid
theHumps replied Unknown
Yaaa, Iggy Pop!

I really stripped this one down.

Eh, something different.

Thanks Frenchkid.

ultrabase 2nd Nov 2009 09:16 - 14 years ago
back to my roots!fav and downloaded!80's pop punk lou reed kind of track!great work
theHumps replied Unknown
Thanks ultrabase for the review.

I tried to keep the production simple and give it a garage band/early N.Y. punk scene feel. Lou Reed and Jim Carroll("People Who Died" fame) were influential in the vox.

I'll swing by and listen in on a few of your tracks.


Wayne, the Humps

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