Description : most people won't care
some will say it's good that the bitch is gone
a few will maybe think about it
This acoustic track was uploaded by 2Sisters. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (22)
If you have time take a listen and give 2Sisters some feedback.
Wow, your words carry so much weight and honesty. Its clear youve put a lot of thought into your feelings about the community at Looperman. Its disheartening to see how things have changed, especially when the essence of music is about support and connection. I appreciate you speaking out about the importance of kindness and respect. Your perspective is valuable, and I hope others take it to heart. If you do decide to return, I hope its to a more welcoming environment!
i!! can feel everything
the space vibration kissing my blue eyes white dragon
The difference is high risk
What's different is that you have the full support of over two hundred thousand ears
All completely different so why do you say that
i!! still love you
When we hear the sound of 2 sisters we will understand pulse of surviving a car wreck that eventually never moved
This manor makes me laugh!ii
Much Love-EazyBeatz1250
I think you should continue your work's important to all of us and it matters in ways I can't explain. Everyone has value and I get it that some folk value hate more than love but that's their issue. Music is a great communicator and many styles and genres make us all stronger.....I like them all so give it some thought.
I'm so sorry to hear about this. This made me sad. There will always be haters no matter where we go, that's the internet for you. But, you can't let the negativity drive you away. The light you bring to this website, with your amazing talent and your knowledge of music is HUGE. You've helped so many people by being here, me included. Some people can't take criticism well, so they become negative and defensive, but that's an issue they must fix and you shouldn't let that get to you. I understand that you may just need a break from all this, sometimes a break is necessary, but just know you will be missed. If you ever need a friend to talk to or to vent to. I'm always available and I'm sure some of the other loop vets are here too. I'm sorry to see you go, but I understand. I wish you all the best in your future ventures.
Thanks for all the help, we loopers appreciate you :-)!
Greetings dear friend, Now this is something different. And such a strong a message attached to it indeed. And you are so totaly right. But for me, I take people like a grain of salt. And only spent my energie to those that know how to be honest, critical, respectfull and reasoneable. I see it all the time. And yes people are the worst kind of creatures to deal with. most of the times that is. That's one of the many reasons iam always be on my own in my endeavors. And luckily not all the people do work the same. Those haters or people that dont know what they are talking about at all. (Because there are plenty of those in here as well unfortunately) They are simply a waste of time and energie. So my advise to you is, focus only on the people that do appreciate the things you say and do. It works for me thats for sure. Focus only to the people that matter to you. And do appreciate the things you say and do. And you will see it will make you a different person along the way as well.
Hi Manuela, this is incredibly sad to me, and also makes me really angry. I despair sometime at human nature. Any criticism you have given to artist's work on this site has always been completely constructive and honest, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who has valued your thoughts and input and benefitted from it. I hope you just take a good break from it and come back at some stage. All the best my friend.
But I could tell you one thing though LM does not tolerate any type of immaturity so report that person if you have if they have outspoken to you in a wrongful manner. And they will take care of it
This breaks my heart, Manuela. When i 1st came to this community 5 years ago, alot of the time i was afraid to let myself shine....but by some miracle, some wonderful people here believed in my work, and had a huge hand in showing me how to believe in myself. You were one of those people, as well as your collaborators, and i couldnt imagine this community without you. i dont want to. You even said kind words when i was talking about how I lost my mother, you are truly a beautiful person. It hurts me to know youve been going thru something like this, and I had no clue. Somehow almost everyone that Ive had contact with was kind to me, Im sorry this happened to u. Youre always going to be welcomed by me, no worries there. I know some other folks whod be heartbroken to lose u here, as well. If theres anything i can ever do to help u, Im there in a second. - Aaron
Ich finde jeder sollte getreu dem Leitsatz "Wenn Du nichts Positives zu sagen hast, halt einfach die Fresse!" handeln. Ich habe hier auf looperman zum Glueck noch keine schlechten Erfahrungen gemacht. Ganz im Gegenteil.
Unfortunately, I didn't notice what happened to you here, whether you had a serious argument with someone. It was clear to me that your open way of addressing things and expressing your opinion would eventually be met with rejection. I've been here for a few years and have seen really nasty trolls and characters here who were incredibly contemptuous and aggressive. And then I often thought, what the heck... just leave the place behind you. But on the other hand, there are so many good people on board here that I kept thinking that there are assholes everywhere else too. But LM is still the place where real collaborations happen... without it, for example, I would be completely culturally isolated during the Corona period, really. I'm still grateful for this opportunity to still stay in touch with good people. Please think about it again...!
Hi Manuela.
Thats a long time ago uhmm?
It's been a long time since I was on lm but I could already see that lm was changing.
I see a lot of new members, but fewer and fewer members I know.
The way you express it in this spoken word is beautiful and reality.
Im behind you and your words.
I think that your intelligence, warmth and community mindedness will be missed here ... not to mention the beautiful song writing, singing and playing. Thanks for all the time listening and careful feedback - very much appreciated
Hi Manuela, I didn't expect to hear this message...whatever happened I am sorry to hear about your bad experience, music should unite and that's the main concept of this place, encouraging collaborations and constructive feedback to help each other get better, I don't understand why some people (which I am sure is a small minority) get on this site to share their music and cannot accept feedback...and on the top of that insult others.
Hopefully you decide to stay and keep sharing your great work, as in my opinion leaving means giving importance to these individuals...but of course we all have to respect your decision
It's a real pity if music is not a bond among people, especially from the side of those who live with it, one way or another. You know what has been so much painful and you are dealing with it, your way. We have to respect your decision . You are an excellent singer and your music is of high quality. So keep up the good work and remember life is a gift.
Best wishes, Anthony
its completely different, our community should realise we have a responsibility to each other more than anyone else, thanks for having the bravery to point out this problem, you have nothing to apologise for, this hurt Manuela,
we are all here to share have fun, feedback is vital, something the site seems to have lost, and attacking somebody for their opinion is just wrong, ive been guilty of it once , it still cuts me,
your a great artist Manuela respected and valued by most, the heart has gone from the site and i question my own participation, you will be a sad loss to more people than you think
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Description : NOTICE: this song is made ONLY FOR NON-COMMERCIAL PURPOSES. Contains an emulation of a TM legendary song (send to the original authors, i add them on Fb time ago).
This is a surprise, for those was young in 1999, for the beloved Patricia (and the gift of her voice) and my brothers Nous2 and Jamid, kind people i met here. Let's go crying guys, hope you enjoy.
Description : There were two separate tracks in work, but who knows why I got tired with them and then decided to merge them (or at least what left from them) into one piece hence they originate out of same musical purpose. No world war was ment here, except my recent personal one...haha...and you don't want to know about it.:) It's not real etude by any means, yet it's quite alot about practicing...practicing...
Description : Remastered March 2023. Recorded live on two mics. For my wee daughter Tui; I wrote it sitting on the bathroom floor, keeping her company while she was in the bath....
Description : This track contains several loops from various Looperman artists, listed below. Merry Xmas! UPDATE 2015.10.24.: improved audio quality - lower lows, higher highs. Now in 256kbps!
Applied loops:
THEHUMPS: 0308224-0052308 (C Mando Blues Acoustic Guitar Fill 1- 100 bpm),
0308224-0052216 (Mando 1 Strum C-D 100 bpm),
0308224-0052215 (Mando 1 Notes C-D 100 bpm),
PSYCHOTROPIC_CIRCLE: 0071878-0006824 (Triangle 116), 0071878-0004044 (Fragment), 0071878-0003099 (Lion Perc and Orc 01),
BILLYENGLAND: 0133538-0005877 (Sparkle Piano), 0133538-0005879 (Dream Vibe),
DEVODALE: 0134239-0044149 (Devodale - AmGFx2 - Pt4 Wah 030511),
RAYKOEDFOE: 0146059-0015988 (Dusty Steel Guitar),
ACIDPARADOX: 0152969-0011344 (Medieval guitar loop),
REALSTRINGS: 0175741-0009205 (Real Strings - 8),
CHRISTPSPAROGLOU: 0128032-0023631 (Akoustic machine loop),
CHIEFJUSTICE: 0138351-000600 (Cow Bell Loop),
BIGFORTUNE1: 0090927-0002582 (Basic Jambeau),
ENTER_THE_RETURN: 0096555-0014434 (Am F C G Chord Progression),
ANCHOR: 0072432-0001988 (Hungarian Piano 01),
ALIVIDLIFE: 0158799-0017887 (Our Voices Never Touched Guitar Riff),
CENTRIST: 0079105-0003788 (Acoustic Guitar Picking 1),
INNSTRUMENTALZ: 0265235-0019477 (Piano Loop 1),
TZA1800: 0239374-0052187 (Woodwind and Mallet Percussion Melody),
ICZAR13: 0190625-0012289 (Acoustic GTar loop),
BENRUDGE: 0303073-0021908 (Melancholic Piano Loop in A minor).
Description : Again, another early production from like two years ago. I had a cheap little Yamaha acoustic guitar that I borrowed and mic'd and some congas that were given to me as a birthday present. I used my iPad GarageBand app to record the strings and the big bass drum thingy at the interlude and little electric guitar parts in there too haha. All the vocals were done by myself and my brother throws in some little things here and there with his voice :P Enjoy!
Description : A rhythm guitar track I made and sent to my cousin on the East Coast. Made with Tape-A-Talk app. from the Google Play Store. Download and collaborate with it.
Description : My very first acoustic piece in quite a while..
I hope someone grabs this and puts some vocals to it.
The software I used is Reaper, Addictive Drums and Gearbox.
Hardware is a Jackson RR3 plugged into a Line 6 Pod X3..
Description : Thats my newest Track all made out of free vst of the dsk series. Its a kind of chill out acoustic string thing that makes me thinking. Its very calm,inspirational and gives me power...
Description : I started composing this tune with an excellent loop of MINOR2GO.
This is the result so far, hope you'll like it.
Guitar: Daniel Hirschi, Hanspeter Dubach
Dobro: William Endres
Bass: Alex Richard
Hammond & Keys: Claude Barbotte (R.I.P.)
Strings & Pads: Costa R. Zbinden
Drums: Laurent Wirz
loops: MINOR2GO, Megapaul, Loneninjah
Composed & arranged by: Laurent Wirz, Alex Richard, Costa R. Zbinden
the space vibration kissing my blue eyes white dragon
The difference is high risk
What's different is that you have the full support of over two hundred thousand ears
All completely different so why do you say that
i!! still love you
When we hear the sound of 2 sisters we will understand pulse of surviving a car wreck that eventually never moved
This manor makes me laugh!ii
Much Love-EazyBeatz1250
I'm so sorry to hear about this. This made me sad. There will always be haters no matter where we go, that's the internet for you. But, you can't let the negativity drive you away. The light you bring to this website, with your amazing talent and your knowledge of music is HUGE. You've helped so many people by being here, me included. Some people can't take criticism well, so they become negative and defensive, but that's an issue they must fix and you shouldn't let that get to you. I understand that you may just need a break from all this, sometimes a break is necessary, but just know you will be missed. If you ever need a friend to talk to or to vent to. I'm always available and I'm sure some of the other loop vets are here too. I'm sorry to see you go, but I understand. I wish you all the best in your future ventures.
Thanks for all the help, we loopers appreciate you :-)!
Thats a long time ago uhmm?
It's been a long time since I was on lm but I could already see that lm was changing.
I see a lot of new members, but fewer and fewer members I know.
The way you express it in this spoken word is beautiful and reality.
Im behind you and your words.
p.s beautiful track.
Hopefully you decide to stay and keep sharing your great work, as in my opinion leaving means giving importance to these individuals...but of course we all have to respect your decision
Best wishes, Anthony
we are all here to share have fun, feedback is vital, something the site seems to have lost, and attacking somebody for their opinion is just wrong, ive been guilty of it once , it still cuts me,
your a great artist Manuela respected and valued by most, the heart has gone from the site and i question my own participation, you will be a sad loss to more people than you think