9th Apr 2023 06:23 - 1 year ago
Description : SMOOTH JAZZ JAM.

Comments (21)

If you have time take a listen and give T576 some feedback.

Yahwelle 15th Jul 2023 15:09 - 1 year ago
T576 vous etes un maitre du Jazz.
T576 replied 29th Jul 2023 - 1 year ago
Sorry for the delay reply but thank you for such a high praise of a complement. I just love guitar and playing Jazz. Thanks again. PEACE. T576 OUT.
theHumps 1st May 2023 05:21 - 1 year ago
Tasty jam, easy on the ears. What can I say that hasn't been said already.

What guitar are you using? Sounds like an ES guitar, ES 150, 165, 175, something along those lines, a one pickup git, neck only.

Well put together, well played....terrific!

T576 replied 3rd May 2023 - 1 year ago
Thank you Wayne, for the stop by. I have developed a EQ technique that I use on any of my guitars that allows me to get that sound. In one aspect you're correct in assuming that I used the neck pickup, All of my guitars have the old Humbucker pickups. MY secret is adjusting the neck pickup at just the right height along with the EQ to get a Smooth Jazz guitar sound. I've noticed over the years that guitar players have forgotten about adjusting the height of the pickups. Thanks again for the time. Sorry for the delay reply. PEACE. T576 OUT.
Zootman 1st May 2023 02:02 - 1 year ago
Yeah well, everyone seems to have said everything before. I am in awe of your guitar playing. Love the clean sound on that. Keys are spot on. The composition itself is great. And the sound is pure lusciousness.
T576 replied 1st May 2023 - 1 year ago
Thank you Zoot, for the stop by and positive comment. If I'm feeling a track, my playing is a lot easier than if I'm just doing a track that only requires an 8 or 16bar solo, so when I'm able to stretch out I can make some things happen. Thanks again. PEACE. T576 OUT.
imakebeatsLF 29th Apr 2023 11:49 - 1 year ago
lazy saturday morning peeping tracks from LM. Caught a few so far but this one had me on a vibe. Especially the intro, then the funk comes outta nowhere. goes nicely with the morning smoke, good upbeat energy on this one. Those are some tasty chord progressions man, whether wrote or chopped it's dope

keep at it man, might have to relisten shortly
T576 replied 30th Apr 2023 - 1 year ago
Thank you for the stop by, I'M always pleased when one of my tracks is a morning pleasure. Nothing is sampled or chopped. It's all from in my head and fingers. I don't usually use samples when I write Smooth Jazz, plus I'm not a big fan of sample writing because I have theory training, composition, and sight reading, so I understand what I'm doing. It makes a big difference when writing Jazz of any kind. I encourage any musician to learn some amount of theory and composition. Thanks again for the Time and listen. PEACE. T576 OUT.
xstokes 26th Apr 2023 10:31 - 1 year ago
hello! well, you have another new listener. i love the mellow tone coupled with the probing soloing. you really know how to work a vamp, this is just a pleasure to follow. the gtr has an improvised feel and i love how you pace yourself, keeping it clean and lyrical but definitely gathering an intensity that rewards close listening. very pleased to meet you!
T576 replied 28th Apr 2023 - 1 year ago
Thank you for doing such a surgical listen to this track. You are correct in saying I pace myself when I'm playing. It's a technique I use to set the ear up for the next solo riff so things don't sound redundant. If I don't feel I'm telling a musical story on a track, I wont upload it. Thank you again for the complete listen and comment. PEACE. T576 OUT.
Jynxz 26th Apr 2023 02:53 - 1 year ago
Hello T576,

I see you are going to be one of those LMers that
it only takes me about 3or4 sec into the track to know
It's a must hear. I'm really lovin the way you riff on the
Guitar. I don't know how I missed your tracks up till now. I
am enjoying your very, very, smooth Jazz.

Great track. Faved.. PEACE from the East...
T576 replied 28th Apr 2023 - 1 year ago
Thank you JYNXZ, for the overwhelming comment and listen. I'm an Old School player that know if you can grab the ear with in 30 seconds of a track, you will more than likely get a complete listen. I try to tell a musical story when I'm Riffing. Feel is everything in Smooth Jazz. Thank you again for the time and listen. PEACE. T576 OUT.
pseudoble 24th Apr 2023 22:29 - 1 year ago
beautiful track - and beautifully played and produced the guitar work is particularly gorgeous
T576 replied 25th Apr 2023 - 1 year ago
Thank you doble, for the listen and comment. I was really feeling this one when I wrote it. Glad you could feel it too. Thanks again. PEACE. T576 OUT.
RitajustRita 21st Apr 2023 03:08 - 1 year ago
Yep im agree with the others.
Jazz is not my thing but this is so smooth that i can listen the whole song and enjoy it.
Well done mister.
T576 replied 24th Apr 2023 - 1 year ago
Thank you RJR, for the listen and comment. I too try to find any element of appreciation in a artist creation, whether it be the mix or master, or if it grabs me emotionally. I'm glad this track touched you in a positive way. Thanks again. Sorry for the delay reply. PEACE. T576 OUT.
BaoBou 20th Apr 2023 08:02 - 1 year ago
The intro reminded me of a song of the 90s; I thought it was Maxwell - Ascension, but seems that's not it. Anyway, I'm guessing you will like him? It's a compliment btw, I was a pretty big fan - saw him live on a festival and he completely blew us away.
T576 replied 21st Apr 2023 - 1 year ago
Thank you, Bao, for the high compliment. I too like Maxwell. I can only imagine the energy of that concert. The 90s; was a verry creative era in music. Artist were still writing music from the heart as opposed to the pocket. I feel your music is from the heart. Thanks again for stopping by. PEACE. T576 OUT.
Mykael 20th Apr 2023 06:21 - 1 year ago
Uh Oh! Now, you've done it!!! You've elevated the Smooth Jazz Art Form!!! This mellow-groovy track is infectious, very smooth, and simply a joy to listen to. The production is stellar, of course. Well done, you!!!!!


T576 replied 21st Apr 2023 - 1 year ago
Well Mykael, after that comment, I will have to go out and purchase a LARGER HAT.LOL. My head is on swole. Thank you for a much-appreciated comment. I've been getting much love for this track, Much like your MOWTOWN VOICE. I will have to stop by and get another dose of the velvet voice. PEACE. T576 OUT.
joecramer 19th Apr 2023 22:08 - 1 year ago
Hi there.
First i have to say that jazz isn't something i often listen to. So i only can say something about the mix and mastering and there i can only say good things. Well made, well produced, nice sounds, nice mixing, nice guitar playing.

Well done!

stay tuned
T576 replied 20th Apr 2023 - 1 year ago
First let me say, joe I appreciate your Onesty. I myself will listen the same way. If the style of music is something I normally don't listen to, I can still appreciate a good mix and Master. It's just respect to the artist creation in my opinion. Thank you again for the listen and comment. PEACE. T576 OUT.
dimestop 18th Apr 2023 14:41 - 1 year ago
Great Jazz bro, this is real smooth, nice guitar and keys the drums are just were they need to be and that bass is cool, real good work mate great listen, I thought MT was the jazz god, but you running him close here :))
T576 replied 20th Apr 2023 - 1 year ago
Thank you dime, MT and I are like blood brothers here on the Loop. We communicate regularly. I know you, being a artist yourself, know when I say I was feeling this one, what I mean. Thank you again for showing love on this one. PEACE. T576 OUT.
secondnature1 17th Apr 2023 21:15 - 1 year ago
so smooth my dude!
T576 replied 18th Apr 2023 - 1 year ago
Thank you second for the listen and comment. I love smooth Jazz. I like the journey it allows me to go on. Thank you for taking this journey with me. PEACE. T576 OUT.
InitiumMusic 17th Apr 2023 10:24 - 1 year ago
You make me want to learn jazz. Enough said.

Like my step dad plays drums with a lot of jazz bands, but I've never actually sat down and understood jazz music theory. It's all about the feel.

I suppose I'd have to sit down and just blast this and other tracks to immerse myself.
T576 replied 17th Apr 2023 - 1 year ago
Good morn, IM. I can tell you this, the most valuable word you used in your comment iS FEEL. JAZZ is one of the most particular genres of music that you have to masterfully poses "FEEL" to be able to play it. Sample production has caused the younger generation to not have any interest in theory or sight reading. It's like a cult. Long as you have the 808'S banging, bass synth with plenty of 20Hertz or bellow, thirty second to sixty forth high hats, and a catchy acapella, you're a producer. Jazz is a spiritual feel. Learn some theory, and sight reading as a start. Get a good metronome. With JAZZ you have to be all the way in, time wise. There is no compromise. Hope this helps you start your journey. PEACE. T576 OUT.
klmr29 14th Apr 2023 12:12 - 1 year ago
this track is good to listening !! goog job
T576 replied 16th Apr 2023 - 1 year ago
Thank you for stopping by. This was one of my fun to do songs because I got a chance to stretch out on the lead AX. Thanks again. PEACE. T576 OUT.
djphildrummin 14th Apr 2023 04:41 - 1 year ago
#NICEWORK Very good energy makes me feel like a Saturday morning, great job.
T576 replied 16th Apr 2023 - 1 year ago
Thanks for the appreciated listen, and comment. Nothing like a Sunday morning wake up Smooth Jazz track. thank you again. PEACE. T576 OUT.
2Sisters 13th Apr 2023 08:58 - 1 year ago
Hello and good morning. I am also particularly enthusiastic about the excellent gutar work, especially in the intro. But also in the further course of the song. As others have said, you have created a well thought out track where the guitar in particular tells a great story. Greetings Manuela
T576 replied 14th Apr 2023 - 1 year ago
Thank you Manuela. There is a lot of good talent here on the Loop. I tell the story with my AX wear as you tell yours straight from your voice, and you do a great job. I appreciate the listen. PEACE. T756 OUT.
phantomproduction 13th Apr 2023 08:57 - 1 year ago
Great track my friend, very smooth and mélodic , big potencial !!!
T576 replied 14th Apr 2023 - 1 year ago
Thank you for the stop by phantom. I love smooth JAZZ. Thank you for the listen. PEACE. T576 OUT.
BaoBou 13th Apr 2023 08:40 - 1 year ago
Ohhh that's lovely my friend, at that guitar arpeggio at the start I said "Ooooh" out loud. Super smooth and a real joy to listen to!
T576 replied 14th Apr 2023 - 1 year ago
Thank you Bao. I tried several arpeggios before deciding to use that one. I felt by the music being some what up tempo my guitar entry would have to be high energy to set the pace for telling the musical story. The same difference as when you're writing lyrics. I appreciate the "Ooooh" out load on this one. LOL. PEACE.T576 OUT.
SaintLoreyn 13th Apr 2023 05:21 - 1 year ago
this is amazing fr
T576 replied 13th Apr 2023 - 1 year ago
Thank you for the up-lifting comment. PEACE. T576 OUT.
kingmt77 9th Apr 2023 19:26 - 1 year ago
Yo T! What a start! Mellowness personified. And yep I hear that buttered saturation! Now what’s up with those guitar runs huh? That piano? That bass? You wrong for this masterpiece which my ears told my finger to bang on that heart LOL! This is well thought out and wonderfully executed throughout! My day is now made. Peace.

T576 replied 10th Apr 2023 - 1 year ago
What's up 77, I did those runs for the haters. Yesser Thanks to my little friend J37, Suttle but yet noticeable to the trained ear did it's job. I like that description, buttered saturation. Those ears of yours are going to catch you a case telling your fingers to bang on hearts LOL. As always thank you for stopping by.

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Description : I wanted to do a track that’s snappy, jazzy, and smooth. Enjoy

3rd Sep 2019 00:37 - 5 years ago
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Instruments Used:
-"WELTMEISTER" upright piano (MADE IN GERMANY in 1938)
-"KAY" upright bass (MADE IN GERMANY somwhere in 1950th)
-TAMA Imperial Star + Pearl OMAR HAKIM snare + Various Ziljian cymbals.

I just put together some old ideas to see if it will work. Some vocals and brass, or guitars is clearly needed. Let me know what you think about it. Tnx
17th Feb 2014 08:09 - 10 years ago
Tags :
Description : Do not freak out just because this is jazz! There's also blues, rock, funk and a little hip hop in it to break up the deep, chillout jazz sections - gets particularly rocking then funky at the end. Main bassline (the track's foundation) is recycled leftover slide resonator guitar parts detuned one octave to make a slide bass sound. Also features: piano, violin, hammered dulcimer, organ, ethereal pad guitar, bass guitar, jazz/blues/rock electric guitar and multiple programmed acoustic drumkits. This was difficult to make at times as I thought I needed more leads parts eg from sax or trumpet. But I'm happyish with the end result. I expect very little interest in this as it's both jazz and long jazz. But it's also an unusual type of genre-mixing jazz. So, leave your thoughts, good or bad, if you like...
13th Apr 2024 03:32 - 10 months ago
Description : 4/12/2024

BPM 135

LOOP BY R4reSh1t

rage beats , dark synths , vintage rage, jazz rage , spooky beats , dark type beat , ken carson , playboi carti , opium , die litt type beat , lil tecca , intro type beats , autumn , yeat , kan kan , jace , d savage , rich amiri, kodak black type beat
20th Dec 2024 10:09 - 1 month ago
Description : I think it's a late evening song to accompany you for a single drink.
Jazzy in most of the aspects. It is made single handedly so please consider it an experimentation for the thrill of making music.
Hope you will like it.
25th Jul 2017 18:26 - 7 years ago
Tags :
Description : This track made me just stop working on it and listen to it for enjoyment.
Smooth Mellow funky Jazz. Uses: 0111003-djrumplestiltskin-swung-funk-drum-beat, 0087009-mrroads442-guitar-line, 0072485-michiel555-mellow-funk, 0058934-ferryterry-90-bpm-soprano-sax. Is this Funk or Jazz?
11th Mar 2014 09:15 - 10 years ago
Tags :
Description : This track contains only free loops from and several loops from Looperman artists (listed below). I "made a promise" that my next track will be use a lot of jazzy loops - well, i done with this track, for the great sadness of jazz lovers or experts i think - i fear they will never forgive me. :) While my ISP launches my internet out of the Earth system for a long time, i had to face the fact that i dont have too much downloaded jazz loops on my computer, so i think no wonder that this one is sounds like if i smoke some marihuana while making it. But hey, who cares, i like the result - it reminds me the (maybe only) really funny episode of "Breaking Bad", where Pinkman uses some heroin and flyes up with an idiotic smile on his face - that chapter is priceless. :D
I dont think this one needs a vocal, but ofcourse you can use it if you want, and as always, just write and i will give any support as i can. Any feedback welcomed too as always. Enjoy! UPDATE 2015.10.24.: improved audio quality - lower lows, higher highs. Now in 256kbps!

Applied loops :

STEVEJAZ : 1118799-0068664 (The Jazz Vehicle), 1118799-0068713 (A Lydian Chords 1),
TUMBLEWEED : 0498019-0068255 (G Sharp Acoustic Rhythm), 0498014-0068257 (120 A Tele Rhythm),
JOEFUNKTASTIC : 0630386-0055418 (MrF - Great Scott - Set 1 - Piano 120 A), 06300386-0054520 (MrF - South Bronx Ghetto Piano 92C),
DANKE : 0671112-0066558 (Heaven Calls), 0671112-0067503 (Reggae Sax),
REI4REAL : 0039029-0005229 (Rei Smile03 D 120), 0039029 (Rei - Plain3 D 100),
SERIALCHILLER : 0000003-00000076 (Chilla Do Do Vox Fx),
DJFREDVAL: 0002663-0007540 (FV 120 BackBeat2)
19th Dec 2019 16:53 - 5 years ago
Description : Made with love from...


120 BPM
22nd Jul 2017 15:53 - 7 years ago
Tags :
Description : Cover by Bleep - Electro Jazz - 95 bpm
Can follow me too on soundcloud:
25th Jul 2019 18:04 - 5 years ago
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8th Jul 2020 00:07 - 4 years ago
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1st Jun 2017 15:13 - 7 years ago
Tags :
Description : Complex drumbeat / Strange ambiance / a bit of jazz / a bit of Hip hop / a bit of sample / Needs vocal !!
28th Nov 2018 17:19 - 6 years ago
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