12th May 2015 18:10 - 9 years ago
Description : There's a clock in it innit.

Comments (32)

If you have time take a listen and give silverman some feedback.

XDOUSP 5th Oct 2024 15:33 - 4 months ago
very good sound design i like it
giuliomusic 20th Aug 2018 16:42 - 6 years ago
Really good stuff and sounds, do you synthesize them youself? I feel like the kick and clap could hit harder but that's just my opinion. Also one synth reminds me of pink floyd.. so cool, that wavy synth panned left.
Neomorpheus 23rd Jul 2017 17:19 - 7 years ago
I dig this Silve, a really nice throw back tune. Takes me back to the 80's and new wave bands like Human League, Ultravox, Kraftwerk, Spandau Ballet, Depeche Mode, Thompson Twins, A-Ha, Tears for Fears, Eurythmics, Flock of Seagulls etc.. That was a great time period and such an explosion of synthesizer based music. Really paved the way to the new era of elecronica.

Of course "Time" is the nucleus here and the clock sound merged with the beat is very ingenious and cool. Some really slick progressions and transitions throughout and I love the sound effects! The ending is also nicely done...very sci-fi. Love it man !
silverman replied 23rd Jul 2017 - 7 years ago
Thank you so much for your kind words Neo.
One of my longest projects to put together.
It was actually hard work but fun.
BLEEP 21st Jul 2017 23:36 - 7 years ago
wow wow wow! what an excellent track!i'm impressed, really! the beat is dope, and the clock concept to remember us time never stop is absolutely brilliant.

i'm fan of this track, thank you so much to permite us to download it ;) sure i'll listen it during a drive :)

Congrates Silver
silverman replied 23rd Jul 2017 - 7 years ago
Hya Bleep.
Glad you like it.
I loved making this.
It was aimed at the sit full of smoke spaced out crew from which I evolved many years ago.
Could spark up and sit and listen to the tunes and want for nothing more.
Few seem to do that these days.
Thanks for dropping in.
BeatzFactory 21st Jul 2017 04:28 - 7 years ago
This sounds really good man ..

well done man .. really enjoy this ¡¡

silverman replied 21st Jul 2017 - 7 years ago
Thanks Beatz.
A lot of production work in this.
57 tracks in all with so many loops spliced into and onto other loops.
Took me weeks.
I still enjoy this myself.
Eyes closed half a bottle of Irish in me and I'm back splicing and dicing this thing.
Yeah still pleased with myself with this one.
Vassao 28th Aug 2015 08:17 - 9 years ago
silverman replied 28th Aug 2015 - 9 years ago
Thank you for your late but more than welcome comment!
Just informed via email.
crucethus 8th Jun 2015 07:37 - 9 years ago
There is some great depth in this tune. I feel and hear Depeche Mode, New Order, OMD , in this approach to a tune. I love the percussion and the merging of disco and technology and the constant reminder of a clock. Arpeggios are spot on. This has more in common with Tresor techno than Detroit techno but is it's own unique animal in it's own right.
5:52 brings on a new sense of urgency that's enjoyable to listen too. C minor is a nice key to compose in.
great work and nice sub bass drop at the end.
silverman replied 28th Aug 2015 - 9 years ago
Cheers mate I enjoyed doing this one big time.
If Pink Floyd can have a clock .....
Mosaic 7th Jun 2015 10:00 - 9 years ago
Hey Mate

Thinking this is the first track I have reviewed for you, well since my return, can not remember reviewing any of yours before...Great clarity of the mix, very good indeed, great use of the clock in this piece, first time I think heard clock worked into a track, but it works a treat, very impressed with what I am hearing, nice build into the piece, excellent choice of synths, this track sort of has a industrial vibe about it, liking the arrangement, considering the length of the piece, it stays very interesting for the listener...impressive work it...FAV...Peace n Respect...Mosaic...
silverman replied 7th Jun 2015 - 9 years ago
Thank you very much for your kind and encouraging words.
fixxx3r 1st Jun 2015 17:53 - 9 years ago
Dude we should do a track 2gether!
silverman replied 1st Jun 2015 - 9 years ago
Flxxxxx I'll take that as a compliment but I can't commit to anything right now.
Life is just to busy right now.
I have one of yours in my favourites so I really do take that as a compliment.
Than kyou.
cg5music 27th May 2015 02:08 - 9 years ago
Actually I see youve done the breakdown with new synths, but your breakdown melody is very off for me. And the really bright sounding bells make this song sound like the background music for advertisements. I don't know, this song for me needs a lot of tweaking.
silverman replied 27th May 2015 - 9 years ago
Thanks for your comments CG.
Sounds like advertizing would be fine by me if an advertiser offered me some dosh to use it.
I'm i the U.K and we have a BBC 24 news programme.
If you can get a listen to the theme tune for it ... it's the usual stabbing beat that news progs like and some swirly synths and it's amazingly simple.
Someone got paid good money for that.
I'd be made up to sell a piece to someone like that.
I have a long way to go yet though lots more practice needed.
Thanks for the comments though I'll take them on board.
cg5music 27th May 2015 02:03 - 9 years ago
The drum kicks sound off at the end of four measures. I hope you noticed that. Put some reverb on some of the synths, and don't use that arpeggiator synth all the time. It's used too much. You should have the beat stop out of nowhere and break back down again with a whole new selection of awesome synths. I think you also need a longer and more entertaining intro. The beat is also too quiet.
Tweak all of this, and you'll have a complete great track.
fixxx3r 27th May 2015 01:05 - 9 years ago
Holy crap man you have a lot of comments! Haha well here's mine, love this love this love this!!! I really enjoy tracks like this that let you sit back & think! Great job bro!
silverman replied 27th May 2015 - 9 years ago
Thankyou very much.
MORTradio 26th May 2015 14:32 - 9 years ago
This would be a great soundtrack for the Fritz Lang film "Metropolois" (1927). Enjoyable track most definitely. Congrads!
silverman replied 26th May 2015 - 9 years ago
Wow what a thought!
I know the film and will have to go watch it now with this playing.
You have me mightily intrigued now ......
Deathbot 26th May 2015 11:03 - 9 years ago
great concept. I really enjoyed the way you fused the clock into the beat.
silverman replied 26th May 2015 - 9 years ago
The clock idea came from a car boot sale where I picked a nice old clock up and held it to my ear whilst my wife chatted with the stall holder.
All I could think was this sounds great.
Arrived home and hunted down a clock sample.
soundhound 24th May 2015 12:21 - 9 years ago
Time: Some have very little left, some have way to much, what is
done with it only matters, to a few because they think they control
it, like they think they can control you...And anyone that is looking
for more of what, most don't know they've only seen someone with
it and now they want it....But in time we all come to the conclusion
that all the stuff we have accumulated in our space of time, will only
be left behind ones we get to our end of time...Because time is way
more than us all in it's infinite eternity...

Solid Project...Man.

silverman replied 24th May 2015 - 9 years ago
You can't take it with you when you go.
Funny thing about growing older is a point comes where the future is shorter than the past.
My past now seems to stretch off to a distant horizon while my future to a much closer one.
The time to come is much less than the time already had.
Young people see forever in front of them old people see forever has gone.
My concept of time has become very different.
I'm also very comfortable with the fact I have about fifteen years left tops.
Traxmonsta 22nd May 2015 23:27 - 9 years ago
if Im bobbing my head, that means its working...right?
Lol nice track.
silverman replied 22nd May 2015 - 9 years ago
It's working!!!!!
centralsdev 22nd May 2015 22:26 - 9 years ago
have you plan to use vocal on the track?
silverman replied 22nd May 2015 - 9 years ago
I hadn't planned to but chuck some in there if you want it would be interesting.
I just mess about as a hobby.
I'm in my sixties so this isn't really my kind of music as such but I love music I love sound noise and silence and I heard my kids listening to this kind of stuff so thought I'd give it a go.
I'm quite pleased with the results.
Do have a go if you have any words.
mudhoen 22nd May 2015 18:27 - 9 years ago
Good idea...well executed. Well mixed aswell!
ShortBusMusic 22nd May 2015 16:19 - 9 years ago
Silverman, you prove that you can teach an old dog new tricks. I am impressed with the way this one held my attention all the way through, great transitions. Probably one of the most impressive things is the clarity of the mix.

This was a lot of fun! Keep doing what you are doing, it is working. I hope all is well.

Burtsbluesboxes 22nd May 2015 07:57 - 9 years ago
can't download it but I can listen again, and again,again,again.... :p you can't wear out a digital file right? ;)
srob1234 20th May 2015 02:46 - 9 years ago
The use of the clock does a good job at providing a sense of "urgency" throughout the song. Makes you wanna move...
(along with the rest of the great music! Lol!) nice work!
DijamMusic 17th May 2015 20:26 - 9 years ago
Brilliant love the drum.
Well done
KAMPUTERA 17th May 2015 08:52 - 9 years ago
Reminds me of Kraftwerk, the Art of Noise and 80's synth pop. I really enjoyed the experience. Thank you
djtheobserver01 16th May 2015 15:33 - 9 years ago
Yo YO !
In the old days this kind was called Italo ...
Nice to hear something like that again !

Great Track !!
silverman replied 17th May 2015 - 9 years ago
It was an attempt at doing a blast from the ...recent... past to me having heard my kids listening to this kind of stuff ... thought I'd give it a go.
Just been listening to an exhausting tune where I think the kid with the fat head got scrunched ... got me all fired up for 160 bpm next .......
joecramer 15th May 2015 13:32 - 9 years ago
Hey, this is cool stuff.

Techno like it should be.......

Intressting thing happend here while listen, the time herself came here to pass by, she was on here way back and offert me to follow. And we hit the club where they played this track. Just for a listen with good old friends from younger times ....

I realy enjoyed that.

I love the tempo of your track and this nice little melodies.

stay tuned

...... time, is on my side, yes it is ......
silverman replied 15th May 2015 - 9 years ago
Thankyou for all the comments.
I'm trying to find the names of people I got the loops off to say thankyou.
I have a load of VSTS and viruals and I have to say the omygod one is fun but ypou have to be delicate with it!
Thanks everyone.
Oceanically 15th May 2015 00:46 - 9 years ago
Love the concept of the clock ticking in the back. Nice song!
DMindProductions 14th May 2015 21:27 - 9 years ago
I really like it!
Tumbleweed 12th May 2015 21:00 - 9 years ago
I never listened to much Techno until I signed in with Looperman..and I have to admit I have been really getting to like some of I`m blaming that on you (and a couple of others) silverman..haha....very cool track that I`m enjoying a whole lot...I sure couldn`t offer any useful advice on the genre & you obviously dont need any...really well done....Ed
Burtsbluesboxes 12th May 2015 19:23 - 9 years ago
What model time machine did you use? I like this one better than H.G. Wells's one or Dr.Who's tardis!! :p
Orlando51 12th May 2015 19:17 - 9 years ago
Although I'm not too much into techno genre myself, I have to admit this is some incredibly cool stuff with lot's of variety
for that length of a track. Very creative...and the most important...yes, there is a clock in it!:)

Big compliments for this one_____Orlando
silverman replied 20th May 2015 - 9 years ago
hankyou Orlando for your nice comments.
Thankyou everyone else too.

Taken me ages to figure out how to take this thing down so it doesn't pop back to the top everytime I comment on someone elses stuff but I think I've managed now.
I enjoyed doing this track but have heard enough of it already!
Byleth 12th May 2015 18:39 - 9 years ago
Cool an another time concept tune. Yours is pretty original.

I pretty like your fx

my favorite part is 3:57 min to 4:25 min
And the strings fx too good

This tune is also pretty long but with low repetition so wel done the 7:38min passed like 1 min for me maybe you just made a time machine who know ?!?

Well done
promenade2239 12th May 2015 18:30 - 9 years ago
I know there's a clock in it. I can hear it from 0:00. Also as I am getting old time seems to slow down gradually. Maybe it's because I practise awareness.

There's no time in the very present.

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Description : Hi There :D

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Comments are welcome