Description : Post Post Disco tune with Wicked distorted sounds and wah effects and a rippin solo, chaque Roxy Music A La Angel Eyes Manifesto Era.
This disco track was uploaded by crucethus. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (52)
If you have time take a listen and give crucethus some feedback.
The 80's atmosphere of this song is really addictive. The rhythm leaves no respite and takes you into the dimension of pure movement. Excellent choice of sounds, overall a great job.
really good feeling in it, U can be proud of this production Cru! special fav for the atmosphere which is particularly seventies! when i heard it i thought about the song "spacer" from sheila when she was in is disco period! great work!
I wasn't much of a disco fan, but my God, I love this track, it is super high energy with an edge. If disco from the 70's was like this, I would have listened to it every day!
Definitely a throwback to the 70s. This is awesome. I never grew up on this stuff so thanks for giving me a good taste of what it must have been like. Thanks for this one, I had a fun time listening to it.
Thanks BS.
This is not your typical seventies tune though, this one belongs deep in the underground sound and avant garde aprox 1979-80 at least in the pantheon of this type of music. And this one is a fun one to play.
this is break out of a mutant dungeon with sweet weapons stolen from a well dressed overlord in the midst of a nuclear infiltration while also having flowing locks of intense action sequence, music.
Somebody likes to play video games.................just a guess ;-) Very dramatic description which I appreciate and thanks for stopping in and commenting.
Now that helps Joe! Thank You.
"At the time the genre arose, important synthesizers were the Korg MS-20, Emulator II, Oberheim Matrix and Yamaha DX7.
Typical EBM rhythms are based on 4/4 beats, mainly with some minor syncopation to suggest a rock music rhythm structure."
Since this is using the Korg MS2000 which is an emulator of the MS20 and the Yamaha RM1x which has some patches from the DX7 in it's banks and the fact I use a 4/4 beat in a rock like way means you have won the genre challenge my friend. Never heard of this until I met you. And from what it describes you are spot on. congrats.
Genres.....mmmmmm.....who the hack needs them? My mistake to use one of them to explain something :)
Ok, lets try to explain the unexplainabel
Disco is in my mind something fresh an funny, somekind of good vibrations and happy shiny people that dance in a friendly style and have a smile on there faces .... i think you know what i mean :)
EBM is more a bit darker, a bit more hypnotic, a bit more on a -stand around and dance in a standing way- with closed eys and some more "inside" feelings ....... bla bla bla :)
Maybe your -demon disco- fits real good :)
but i (personaly) dont have a demonic feeling at this track
cause demonic sounds so evil and i think this isnt evil at all, it is just a cool kind of disco music in my ears with a little dark hypnotic touch.
But who cares, it is just music. cool music. Nothing more, nothing less. And you played it all very very well my friend.
Respect for a real musican like you are one for sure Steve.
Hope that this helps to understand what i wanted to say :)
"EBM is more a bit darker, a bit more hypnotic, a bit more on a -stand around and dance in a standing way- with closed eys and some more "inside" feelings ....... bla bla bla :)"
OK Joe I get your Zeitgeist on this, but what does EBM stand for exactly? Electronic Bitch Music? Electronic Bourgeois music, Emo Banging Mantra's...that's what I wanted clarification on.
"it is just a cool kind of disco music in my ears with a little dark hypnotic touch."
I would agree with that assessment. Demon Disco is not a widely used term, and I believe New Order would fall into that category with Blue Monday.
"Respect for a real musican like you are one for sure Steve."
Thank you Mate.
to me Disco is more complicated and simpler than the fluff pop garbage we got served on pop radio from 1977-1980. There is T.S.O.P. filled with strings. Funk-Disco (White Cherry), Giorgio Moroder's electronic early Trance. rock disco fusion. Early House music. But the one thing in common with all those tracks and genres was a simple 4/4 beat at around 120bpm, that is all you need to be considered disco.
Bee Gee's were incredible songwriters and melody creators. For a period they still wrote great songs but just added the 4/4 beat. I heard Adam Lambert do a version of more than a woman, but in a broken down acoustic style that was incredible. why...the underlying song and melody is good.
Ahh I love doing that solo. It's actually much easier than many of the other solos I have done. But I love to play this one and glad u got to hear it and most touched you commented on it , with it's many wah effects because it's just pure joy for me to play.
you made me tap my foot, with something that was the same time a bit "scary".
I must be insane... how did you know it? :-)
Hope all is well...
Ciao, Domenico
Domenico... you are definitely not insane my friend. your one of the sanest people I know here! Demon disco at it's finest. This song is really a test to make sure you haven't had a stroke!
Well Steve I must admit I never was much of a fan of the 70's Disco era. But there was some pretty cool things happening music wise that developed and ushered in the new wave / electronic sounds of the 80's. To me this track is really representative of that time period and one artist in particular -Thomas Dolby. That synth hook line is very close to the one he used in "She Blinded me with Science". I played the grooves outta that album!
Really slick production here bro. Totally dig your keyboard work, nice BIG wall of sound and the funky fills are a cool contrasting element to the orchestration. Very dynamic and suspenseful sounding track.
All those songs contributed to the synthesis of this one. Thomas Dolby.. love his work. Hyperactive, and Close but no cigar are two of my fav songs from him.
nice comment my friend.
Yo Steve this is a intresting one.
Sounds a bit like a EBM sort of Disco (in my ears and or mind)
But thats a real nice thing!
I like this sound that sounds like someone should say -dis-co-thek- and that makes this track kind of hypnotic in a way. Nice speed, it's a bit a driving groove and stays a little in mind after hearing.
Did you play it all by yourself?
The mix is well sounding and the solo is in a cool wild style.
This is a sort of disco i realy can enjoy.
Hey Joe,
" EBM sort of Disco " please explain EBM to me?
This is played entirely by myself. String stabs, guitar sounds, percussion, bass line. All me on this one.
I was going for a Demon Disco sound.
LOL I like this track. reminds me of all time classics disco tracks.If you do have time put some vocals on,maybe ft Madonna
somewhere in the track hahaha. Goood job dude.
I telephoned Madonna but "Like a Virgin" she "hung up" on me because she is such a "Material girl" I would need something "Like a Prayer" at this point to get her to listen. it's like she is "Miles Away" from my "Music". At this point I would have to be one "Lucky Star" for her to "justify my song" to her.
Last halloween my Grandson (9) got one of those dollar store :Insane Asylum" signs & posted it on my studio wall...most of the people whose music I like are eejits (Irish expression)...and I am happy to be included...this is not quite as insane as I had thought it might be...hell, it almost sounds like normal-good (is there a genre for that)....Cheers Steve...always enjoy listening...Ed
Thank You Ed. eejits (idiots) nice. And yes when I write about insanity I happen to trick you by making a straight ahead pop tune. All in a day's work ehh? Thanks for stopping bye.
Mate nice bit of disco sounding work, cant say I was a massive fan of disco back in the olden days....Yeah Im old lol...Liked the types like donna summer and a very few others...Really liking the vibe and changes within the mix friend, was sort of waiting for a vocal to come into the mix...apart from that little thing, track stands nicely alone...always enjoyable checking out your works matey...always touches of surprise's....Fav...Peace Respect...Mosaic...
Yeah, I love a good disco track and this is one of them. I particularly like it when it turns funky and you get those funky guitar sounds happening. Nice old school stabbing synths and the vibe carries through well.
I like the wah guitar interludes and i can't think of a bad word to say about the track.
cool, I remember I liked Dead or Alive and I bought You spin me right round as a 12inch single, so I bought there first album (sophisticated boom boom), and it was awful. Some good some bad in that era!
As the "fever of Saturday evening" with a very personal touch.
A good time, as can do my Canadian friends.
Thank you for sharing this instant, and lead us in this musical fever from another era.
cool track and original sounding, rare for disco, just when you thought it had all been done come up with this, as a keyboard player myself l can appreciate your efforts. well done bro it put a smile on my face.. loved it Mickey
I'm glad you liked. I alaways liked the underground left field disco tunes. Even the hybrid rock-disco tunes (miss you, the Stones, Angel eyes, Roxy Music, Stay, Bowie, I was made for loving you, Kiss, Blondie,) The list goes on.
I effen love the swagger the lies within this very off the wall, yet gnarly effen groove man! oh shhhhhh love when the melody comes in .... damn. i really like this . downloading to play and ponder some more. but really really like man. the chorus brings it all togetha now.
Wonderful song Steve.
As many others already wrote, very professional sounding.
I loved the keyboard "solo" with a guitar-like sound, very good. And the strings around 3:15 add so much air to the song.
As usual... your work is outstanding.
Ciao, Domenico
nice tune my ever active friend , Steve speciallY the main theme & melodY is so beautifull in iT , the way U use synthisizer & the sounds U make by keyboard is so lovelY & eleganT for me in all your traX,greatest respects.___B
Thanks,! these actually are cheap synths thrown through expensive guitar processors to make these unique sounds. I love the experimentation of two completely different musical expressions.
Cool track, Steve. Kinda makes you want to get up offa that thang and dance till you're satisfied! I think I wore out Roxy Music's Manifesto when it came out. I still have it in my digital collection.
Roxy has been my biggest influence in song-writing since day one. That being said, when it comes to Disco, I preferred the more artistic sounds from Roxy, Bowie, the Stones (miss you) and from the New Romantics, who took the bottom end of Disco and added synth sensibilities that exploded out of Sheffield.
Thanks for the listen and comment!
Description : This is only a snippet of a little thing I threw together today. It features the lead vocal of our own Janis71. I have added 3 harmonies to her original loop. Kinda sounds Disco-y. I am very new to audio mixing, and hence am only stabbing in the dark here.
Description : Did I mention that I almost daily listen to funk and disco whilst working? Well, it is the perfect mixture of positive vibes and a steady groove. However I found it always challenging to put a good groovy Disco / Funk songs together. I guess you already heard Silver Bellas song from the AlanMcLarenProject. This is my (totally different) version. Please tell me if your feet went into the groove :-) Cheers, Oli
Description : Inspired by true events :)
Hey Looperfam!
-The vocal is in my acapella section.
I would love to hear some remixes. It was originally recorded as punk/glam, then I found the arpeggiator.
Hit me up for hi-res source.
Have a great day!
Description : I used a sample from the song Avicii and the rest of the instruments I added myself, I made this song because I do like a melodic line ...
Description : A little disco, a little funk, and just feel good 70s style music. Featuring some drum, bass, and guitar solos, with some groovy horns and disco vocals. Check it out...It will do you no harm!
Description : Decided to try my hand at making a 70’s old-school Disco track, shamelessly complete with a variety of Disco cliches. Tried to write some Disco lyrics but couldn’t come up with anything worthwhile. Decided to write lyrics about our cat. Name is “Bailey”, but mostly we call her “Bailey Boo”. Vocals made with Synthesizer V Studio from Dreamtonics.
Track is ubercool. Best “disco” I have heard in a long time. Keep it up.
Kind Regards
Well that's a paradoxical statement? Care to elaborate?
really good feeling in it, U can be proud of this production Cru! special fav for the atmosphere which is particularly seventies! when i heard it i thought about the song "spacer" from sheila when she was in is disco period! great work!
This is not your typical seventies tune though, this one belongs deep in the underground sound and avant garde aprox 1979-80 at least in the pantheon of this type of music. And this one is a fun one to play.
hope that helps in a way :)
stay tuned
"At the time the genre arose, important synthesizers were the Korg MS-20, Emulator II, Oberheim Matrix and Yamaha DX7.
Typical EBM rhythms are based on 4/4 beats, mainly with some minor syncopation to suggest a rock music rhythm structure."
Since this is using the Korg MS2000 which is an emulator of the MS20 and the Yamaha RM1x which has some patches from the DX7 in it's banks and the fact I use a 4/4 beat in a rock like way means you have won the genre challenge my friend. Never heard of this until I met you. And from what it describes you are spot on. congrats.
Ok, lets try to explain the unexplainabel
Disco is in my mind something fresh an funny, somekind of good vibrations and happy shiny people that dance in a friendly style and have a smile on there faces .... i think you know what i mean :)
EBM is more a bit darker, a bit more hypnotic, a bit more on a -stand around and dance in a standing way- with closed eys and some more "inside" feelings ....... bla bla bla :)
Maybe your -demon disco- fits real good :)
but i (personaly) dont have a demonic feeling at this track
cause demonic sounds so evil and i think this isnt evil at all, it is just a cool kind of disco music in my ears with a little dark hypnotic touch.
But who cares, it is just music. cool music. Nothing more, nothing less. And you played it all very very well my friend.
Respect for a real musican like you are one for sure Steve.
Hope that this helps to understand what i wanted to say :)
stay tuned
OK Joe I get your Zeitgeist on this, but what does EBM stand for exactly? Electronic Bitch Music? Electronic Bourgeois music, Emo Banging Mantra's...that's what I wanted clarification on.
"it is just a cool kind of disco music in my ears with a little dark hypnotic touch."
I would agree with that assessment. Demon Disco is not a widely used term, and I believe New Order would fall into that category with Blue Monday.
"Respect for a real musican like you are one for sure Steve."
Thank you Mate.
to me Disco is more complicated and simpler than the fluff pop garbage we got served on pop radio from 1977-1980. There is T.S.O.P. filled with strings. Funk-Disco (White Cherry), Giorgio Moroder's electronic early Trance. rock disco fusion. Early House music. But the one thing in common with all those tracks and genres was a simple 4/4 beat at around 120bpm, that is all you need to be considered disco.
Bee Gee's were incredible songwriters and melody creators. For a period they still wrote great songs but just added the 4/4 beat. I heard Adam Lambert do a version of more than a woman, but in a broken down acoustic style that was incredible. why...the underlying song and melody is good.
I must be insane... how did you know it? :-)
Hope all is well...
Ciao, Domenico
Really slick production here bro. Totally dig your keyboard work, nice BIG wall of sound and the funky fills are a cool contrasting element to the orchestration. Very dynamic and suspenseful sounding track.
Great job. I dig it.
I am glad U enjoyed it.
All those songs contributed to the synthesis of this one. Thomas Dolby.. love his work. Hyperactive, and Close but no cigar are two of my fav songs from him.
nice comment my friend.
Sounds a bit like a EBM sort of Disco (in my ears and or mind)
But thats a real nice thing!
I like this sound that sounds like someone should say -dis-co-thek- and that makes this track kind of hypnotic in a way. Nice speed, it's a bit a driving groove and stays a little in mind after hearing.
Did you play it all by yourself?
The mix is well sounding and the solo is in a cool wild style.
This is a sort of disco i realy can enjoy.
Well made
stay tuned
" EBM sort of Disco " please explain EBM to me?
This is played entirely by myself. String stabs, guitar sounds, percussion, bass line. All me on this one.
I was going for a Demon Disco sound.
somewhere in the track hahaha. Goood job dude.
Mate nice bit of disco sounding work, cant say I was a massive fan of disco back in the olden days....Yeah Im old lol...Liked the types like donna summer and a very few others...Really liking the vibe and changes within the mix friend, was sort of waiting for a vocal to come into the mix...apart from that little thing, track stands nicely alone...always enjoyable checking out your works matey...always touches of surprise's....Fav...Peace Respect...Mosaic...
I like the wah guitar interludes and i can't think of a bad word to say about the track.
Yamaha Djx:
Roland Me30:
Korg Kaos pad:
I remembered I liked that era, Dead or Alive,New order, and more.
The work good as always!
The BEST song "maker" you are (for me) :-)
Marvellous one!
As the "fever of Saturday evening" with a very personal touch.
A good time, as can do my Canadian friends.
Thank you for sharing this instant, and lead us in this musical fever from another era.
As many others already wrote, very professional sounding.
I loved the keyboard "solo" with a guitar-like sound, very good. And the strings around 3:15 add so much air to the song.
As usual... your work is outstanding.
Ciao, Domenico
Thanks for the listen and comment!