
Tunes, Tracks, Beats & Mixes

Tracks (19)
15th Aug 2023 02:15 - 1 year ago
Description : A quirky little song that I did a couple months ago about a long distance relationship. Has lyrics, which were written and performed by myself.

Mastered on headphones, sorry :)
10th Nov 2021 22:11 - 2 years ago
Description : It's vocal and piano and nothing else. The song was recorded in one take, with no quantizing or vocal pitch control, so it has obvious mistakes, but I quite like that live feel.

Music, vocal, and lyrics are all my own work.
1st Sep 2019 13:03 - 5 years ago
Description : A song I wrote in collab with Oskar Åslund. A lot harder than the stuff I've wrote in the past, but I enjoyed writing this a lot!

Music: Oskar Åslund
Lyrics and Vocals: mildperil

Vocal chain: Rode NTK > Alctron MP73EQ > Audient ID14 > Ableton.
Effects: Nectar 3 > Vocal Synth 2 > Vertigo VSC-2 compressor.

Thanks for listening!
24th Feb 2019 16:55 - 5 years ago
Description : A song I wrote over a track that was kindly supplied by Divady.

It's a lot brighter than the stuff I usually like to do, and I wasn't even sure if I was going to share it or not, but here it is.

For anyone interested, my vocal chain is: Aston Origin > Alctron MP73EQ > Klark Teknik DN500 > Audient ID14 > DAW.

Inside the DAW, I tend to use Izotope Nectar, along with a transient shaper and an extra compressor.

Thanks for listening!
3rd Feb 2019 15:02 - 5 years ago
Description : A ballad I wrote and performed over a backing track from Tom Bailey Music.

I'm never quite sure in which genre they fit, but I've chosen pop for this one.
21st Dec 2018 09:49 - 5 years ago
Description : A song I wrote over the music of Michael Ortega of YouTube fame.

I've written a number of them over the past few months, but this is the first one I've uploaded in a while.

Also, no auto-tune was harmed in the creation of these vocals!
19th Jun 2018 22:32 - 6 years ago
Description : A slightly energetic pop ballad that I made with Divady of looperman fame. Lyrics are posted also.

Struggled to give it a name if I'm honest, so went with possibly the most clichéd trio of words to have ever existed in the entire universe, although it does aptly describe the recent situations in my life :]

Music kindly supplied by Divady himself, vocals/lyrics are my own.
8th Apr 2018 08:13 - 6 years ago
Description : When things go wrong in life, it doesn't rain, it pours.

A song that I wrote over the music of BradoSanz, who was kind enough to let me use it in the first place. Thank you!
10th Feb 2018 11:54 - 6 years ago
Description : A song I wrote over a track that I found that was simply entitled 'emotive piano and strings'.

It's much more a soundtrack than a song I guess (which is why I chose cinematic) but I enjoyed the outcome so I thought I'd share it here.

Thanks for listening!
29th Dec 2017 15:23 - 6 years ago
Description : A song I wrote over a guitar track that I found on YouTube. Link to the original track can be found below.

Have been attempting to write 2-3 songs over the past couple of months with little success, when this one just appeared out of nowhere.

It's a bit odd I guess (which is why I tagged it as weird) but I enjoyed creating and listening back to it, so here it is.

Thank you!

Music: In Albany New York - The 126ers
5th Oct 2017 20:43 - 6 years ago
Tags :
Description : A song I wrote with the music of Divady here on Looperman. It's piano, synths and vocals, so I went with pop.
It's a bit different, and I was in two minds whether to upload it or not, but here it is.
Original instrumental:
16th Jul 2017 22:41 - 7 years ago
Tags :
Description : A song I made with the instrumental of BradoSanz. Hopefully I haven't completely butchered his excellent musical and mastering skills.

Song recorded in one take with no quantizing/cutting pasting. I did however use an Izotope Nectar 2 preset on the vocal.

Many thanks to BradoSanz who created the original instrumental track.
20th Dec 2016 14:51 - 7 years ago
Tags :
Description : Vocals written and recorded by myself using Ableton and Izotope Nectar. Music written and remixed by cdk.

First song I've written in a few months, and although it's very rough around the edges, I think it sounds okay.

Not quite sure which genre to put this in, though a couple of people have mentioned pop, so I'll go with that.

Music "Like Music (cdk Mix)" by cdk
Available at
Under CC BY license
6th Sep 2016 15:32 - 7 years ago
Description : A song I wrote over the music of Kevin MacLeod, with limited post editing and mastering, so the track is a little rough. Created mainly with Ableton and Ozone Nectar 2.

Credits: Despair and Triumph Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
22nd Jun 2016 15:44 - 8 years ago
Description : Piano and viola played by denyjanuary of looperman and vocals "written" and performed by myself. This has very limited post editing and mastering, and is mostly ad-libbed. Not much of an idea of what genre it would fit in, so I've just chosen Cinematic.

Effects on the voice are supplied by Izotope Nectar 2, and specifically the 'Airy Lead' setting with a touch of harmony.
29th May 2016 12:06 - 8 years ago
Description : Guitar played by denyjanuary of looperman and vocals "written" and performed by myself.

This is a very rough demo with very limited post editing and mastering, and is completely ad-libbed.

Not much of an idea of what genre it would fit in, so I've just chosen Cinematic.
26th Jan 2016 12:11 - 8 years ago
Description : A song I wrote with the music of denyjanuary.

Not entirely sure which genre it would fit under, so I chose cinematic.
23rd Dec 2015 20:09 - 8 years ago
Description : This is a song I made with a loop from looperman's very own Minor2Go.
21st Dec 2015 21:29 - 8 years ago
Description : A song I made with the music of jmanshizzil here on looperman.
Tracks (19)