
18th Jan 2017 15:00 - 7 years ago
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Description : 3 string electric cigar box guitar. Quick improv jam for Upwelling of melted ice pic Don't forget to join the fun with your own music and vote for your fav :D

Comments (15)

If you have time take a listen and give Burtsbluesboxes some feedback.

Mosaic 27th Aug 2017 05:59 - 6 years ago
Hi Burt

Beautiful spring day here, what a brilliant tune to be listening to while enjoying the weather, brilliant guitar work real stand out for me, weather sounds help give depth and feelings working nicely with guitar, very nice work...fav mate...peace n much Respect...mosaic...
slava72 21st May 2017 19:31 - 7 years ago
dont want write sily words,it is a pure magic from sigar box,blluuuesss,thenk you!
slava72 21st May 2017 19:29 - 7 years ago
dont want wright sily words,it is a pure magic from sigar box,blluuuesss,thenk you!
CitizenMofo 6th Feb 2017 14:46 - 7 years ago
I clicked fave 30 seconds in just for the sound of those guitars. Or guitar. Sounds plural. Love the piece - it's perfect for what it is. It's a really really great sound. Makes me salivate to write a song to that sound...
Burtsbluesboxes replied 6th Feb 2017 - 7 years ago
Cigar box guitars :D Such a simple but amazing sounding instrument! Yes, I layered a second guitar part, played on the same one though. I still have these ones. The black one in the center is the one I played on here and Ghost of a guitar, my fav. Been making them for a year now, giving them away as gifts. I have more tunes on various other ones but cleaning up my page I took them down, hear some more of them here though Once I used a violin bow on my 2 string cookie tin, who ever knew a cookie tin could make sounds like that!! Thanks CitizenMofo, more homemade guitars and music played on them in the works.
Neeo 30th Jan 2017 22:48 - 7 years ago
nice track, can you give feedback on this one?
Burtsbluesboxes replied 5th Feb 2017 - 7 years ago
Tumbleweed 30th Jan 2017 22:20 - 7 years ago
I think Tekreck described it I just stopped by to tell you that your pages is a mess...I can`t even keep track of what year today is you really nailed the whole vibe in this one (but you have been doing that consistently of late)....absolutely top notch & a big fav....Have you thought about doing an album of your cigar box tunes? would def appeal to me....well done mate....cheers...Ed
Burtsbluesboxes replied 2nd Feb 2017 - 7 years ago
Yes a very fitting description :p Seems anything I play on that electric 3 string falls into that category ;) My page is an absolute mess!! Any surprise as I'm a cleaner for a living hahahaha. I'm going to delete everything and reupload making it nice and tidy again. I've made and given away a few cds of cigar box guitar music. My co worker played one at work and the guys kept looking at me, this is you? really?? I'm going to set up a band camp account and put up an album for free download as well as on Reverbnation once I figure out how. Joe Cramer put together this one of collabs we've done, not all is cbgs but should hold you over. Always a pleasure Ed, stay tuned for more, new one up today.
Danke 20th Jan 2017 06:43 - 7 years ago
wow, what a tensioned feeling here...on a hot, desert day the lonely hero found water...or stg like that...Tarantino music's and so on...great snippet...bravo Burt...

handshake, Danke
Burtsbluesboxes replied 22nd Jan 2017 - 7 years ago
Good interpretation Danke. I was thinking a frozen wasteland but same idea :D
Fl4zh 20th Jan 2017 05:56 - 7 years ago
Loving the fx!

Guitar is also really good, it also has a pretty solid drum pattern.

Overall a nice track from you phat.
Burtsbluesboxes replied 22nd Jan 2017 - 7 years ago
I get alot of fx from freesound or record stuff myself. I love the depth it can add to songs. Guitar is my homemade 3 string electric cigar box guitar, yep made from a cigar box ;) Thanks Fl4zh
tekreck 20th Jan 2017 05:15 - 7 years ago
:D awesome!
Burtsbluesboxes replied 22nd Jan 2017 - 7 years ago
:D Thanks
crucethus 20th Jan 2017 05:01 - 7 years ago
Stuck on the river as the ice wells up the sides of my boat. Too warm now, Can´t even go Ice fishing yet. Never seen a January like this in Ottawa. Feels like March. Song fits the blues we are feeling not being able to skate down the rideau canal yet.
Emotive and awesome as usual Burt.
Burtsbluesboxes replied 20th Jan 2017 - 7 years ago
Thanks Steve, your favorite guitar again hahaha It is one warm January! I don't remember it being this warm in a long time, was wondering if you guys were as warm being a bit further north. Have the zombies made it up there yet? I heard about some kids falling through the ice where I used to live, they're fine, but that river froze every year and people would use it as a shortcut to get intown, not this year!
joecramer 19th Jan 2017 20:21 - 7 years ago
Very well done Burt
This is truely something in a style i love.
And it cries in me ears for some deep dark and warm vocals.
the sound of your new CBG creation is excellent.
We should do something in this style when we do our next collab

stay tuned
Burtsbluesboxes replied 20th Jan 2017 - 7 years ago
I definitely want to record more like this. I'll send you the stems for this to play with, I was thinking vocals be cool addition. In the next few days I'll try and get more recordings done as well. My newest one I need to change the bridge to a thinner bolt to lower the action, works great for slide but I get sharp notes when fretting them. Watch for some stems :p
BCVProductions 19th Jan 2017 18:13 - 7 years ago
Swanky, Great sounding CBG. Nice!
Burtsbluesboxes replied 20th Jan 2017 - 7 years ago
Those damn cbgs are more addicting than crack!!! Thanks Virginia, plenty more to come :D
DijamMusic 18th Jan 2017 23:11 - 7 years ago
Hello Burt, how’s it going?
It is brilliant piece of music mate.
It is enthralling track.
Well done.
Burtsbluesboxes replied 19th Jan 2017 - 7 years ago
Going very well Jamid thanks :D Now if I can just find more music time!! Enthralling is a perfect description. cbgs seem to have that effect on people, especially when played slow like telling a tale. I love this one
BeatzFactory 18th Jan 2017 17:06 - 7 years ago

I really like this !

Nicely done
Burtsbluesboxes replied 18th Jan 2017 - 7 years ago
:D There's loops on my page made with different homemade guitars, you may like. Use and abuse them as you wish.
toastedavalanche 18th Jan 2017 16:50 - 7 years ago
Great composition. You really captured the essence of the art sonically. You can almost see the water rippling as pieces of ice slide down into the depths.

Burtsbluesboxes replied 18th Jan 2017 - 7 years ago
Been so busy lately I haven't done much music. I had Martin Luther King day off and came across Dan's art composition which I usually participate in. Winter is the theme this time so I had to blow the dust of my cbg and play a little something :p I love the way those guitars can tell a tale all on their own! Thanks TA I trying to do one for a pic from the dust bowl era, not for any competition, just for fun. Pictures have a way of inspiring audio tales.

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16th Nov 2014 03:20 - 9 years ago
Tags :
Description : What happens when a short but hypnotic celtic intro turns into something completely different? The most noteworthy collaborator on this track (yeah you guessed, it's Tumbleweed) answered correctly to this question! A newly patented musical genre is what happens...yes..."SlovenianCelticCowboyMusic" is born. Sometimes we just have to cut off from being too serious...The version presented here has been carefully chosen from 4856 or so mixes...
As always all thanks to my dear friend Ed who makes such wonders possible to happen.....
23rd Mar 2018 21:31 - 6 years ago
Tags :
Description : Another simple track... Wonder if my genre selection fits for the tune. :)
Electric guitars by me, every other samples are from the site only. Applied loops :

YAPPY: 1172494-0086059 (Art of misery part1 flute 85bpm), 1172494-0086060 (Art of misery part 2 flute 85bpm),
SWG: 0045720-0001359 (SWG_Rock_Basic_120),
DANKE: 0671112-0066529 (Chill drum),
HAIDARJASEM: 1154425-0083657 (Me gusta),
MWRATRIDGE: 0631933-0052898 (Grinding Bassy Groove),
MEGAPAUL: 0448131-0061613 (Doom Pale Moon 120bpm Bass Guitar),
CENTRIST: 0079105-0059391 (Olympus - Chorus 2).
2nd Jan 2015 18:57 - 9 years ago
Tags :
Description : This is a country/folk track in a genre I don't do much, so I thought I'd give it a go. It also has some instruments I don't use much, namely the banjo, mandolin and fiddle. I got the title from a movie I saw a few months ago. Hope you enjoy, Scott.
7th Jul 2015 20:21 - 9 years ago
Description : I wanted to do something different like i do normaly. And I think that I was successful.
A -drum ´n chill folk song-. A kind of hippie music in colorful garb of the modern era.
At the end of the track there is a bonus.
Something in the way of bonfire music.
Only minor2go with guitar and I sing all alone at ......................................................................................................
feat - minor2go on guitar - EpicRecord on drums - thegibZy on drums -
9th Dec 2019 11:00 - 4 years ago
Description : A folk rock ballad done in 3/4 time.
I am performing all guitars, vocals, bass, shaker and tambourine. Drums and French horns written in MIDI. 2 Apple percussion loops used.
11th Oct 2009 16:03 - 14 years ago
Tags :
Description : Wrote it on a relaxing Sunday morning. Acoustic guitar rhythm with an acoustic lead, bass and guiro. Updated: removed some percussion, remixed and mastered.
19th Oct 2018 07:32 - 5 years ago
Tags :
Description : This is a new take on this record. I basically added on top of Brado's guitar with other instruments. I hope everyone enjoys.
4th Jul 2021 19:31 - 3 years ago
Description : A track I made today with vocals from Ratsouk.
3rd Nov 2021 18:28 - 2 years ago
Tags :
Description : Guitars only
28th Nov 2020 10:13 - 3 years ago
15th Mar 2018 23:37 - 6 years ago
Tags :
Description : Another song I just finished remixing. My dad recorded this in 1994 for his dad. Really enjoyed this one. RIP grandpa.
10th Apr 2020 22:34 - 4 years ago
Description : THE JINNI feat. Jamel Divine (This track was recorded in 2011). Produced by Mr. Hyde

THE JINNI (Verse 1)
Jamel Divine (Verse 2)
18th Jun 2014 00:43 - 10 years ago
Description : I used 2 tracks i found on here, i hate to say it but i found them a while ago and cant remember who to give credit to. But i loved the simplicty in the guitar tracks and tried to put lyrics to it.
30th Oct 2020 20:35 - 3 years ago
Tags :
Description : This is a track I'm working on. I have the sounds I want in it. I'm trying to learn how to master things. I welcome your input on how it can be improved. Please.

From an old Appalachian folk song. Done by request.

I'm okay with this song enough that I put it on my album, Closet Monkey.
13th Oct 2015 23:14 - 8 years ago
Description : My Dad found his old 8-track recorder. I think he was going to ask me if I was interested, but I was already half way to my room with it and a new song forming in my head.
This track is more of a straight-forward folk song. The opening is completely recorded on the 8-track, so it's a bit more lo-fi. Then the track kind of opens up into a cleaner chorus. I hope you enjoy my little experiment.