


Life is good
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Joined : 1st Jan 2010 - 14 years ago
Comments on StephenPotter tracks

Other users have posted 340 comments on tracks by StephenPotter

Comments 301 - 325 of 340
gixerk2 27th May 2010 11:41 - 14 years ago

on In paradise by StephenPotter
again nice intro m8.
the main synth line is overly loud and drowning out the rest of the tune,its nice just needs the levels sorting out on it.
is there a bassline for this? as its either too low or non exsistant.
StephenPotter replied Unknown
There is a bassline, but yeah it is kind of quiet, you can hear it just before the guitars come in.. If you try really hard to hear it :)

Thanks for the review!
gixerk2 27th May 2010 11:36 - 14 years ago

on Sub-Dimensions by StephenPotter
ez m8, nice intro.
id bring the panned out hats in a little closer to the center,
kick duznt really kick at all.
interesting stuff tho.
StephenPotter replied Unknown
Yeah, but like anomaly and rolagee said, I didn't spend enough time on this one, so I'll probably spend more on it next time :)

And the kick doesnt kick, your right, I messed up on the levels :)

Thanks for the review!
allansilla 27th May 2010 08:31 - 14 years ago

on Reflections by StephenPotter
mmm you've done a good job ... it was great to listen to Continue in the spirit
StephenPotter replied Unknown
I will do :)

Thanks for the review!
subSpace 25th May 2010 11:37 - 14 years ago

on Reflections by StephenPotter
start a bit boring it then works up to some good patterns synths and bass maybe turn those down slightly as the overall track seems to loud i think you should add something onto the intro and the rest just needs a bit of mastering but overall good effort and great track keep them coming bro
StephenPotter replied Unknown
Yeah, I really do need to shorten the intro, because the other reviews have said so as well.

Mastering.. I still haven't really got the hang of it yet, but I'm slowly getting there.

Thanks for the review :)
facelessfx 24th May 2010 14:04 - 14 years ago

on Airborne by StephenPotter
Hi, this track has certainly got a bit of a kick to it, which is balanced well with that melodic synth line and fx, cool upbeat tune !!an enjoyable listen, nice one, and also many thanks for taking the time to visit my page, cheers and best wishes faceless fx.
StephenPotter replied Unknown
Thanks for the review, I'm glad you made the post, You've definatley got talent :)
Peres 24th May 2010 12:25 - 14 years ago

on This needs vocals by StephenPotter
Brilliant work Stephen like the little ufo taking off effect,well mastered.You said it's repetitive but thats electronic music for you ,it's the subtle changes and effects which make the difference,one again great work.
StephenPotter replied Unknown
Wow, thanks for your nice words, I know what you mean about subtle changes, but I still think I need something else in there.

Thanks for the review!
rfalkenburg 24th May 2010 05:58 - 14 years ago

on This needs vocals by StephenPotter
Like the build at the 2 min mark. I like the whirly bubbly sounds personally.
StephenPotter replied Unknown
I like the build there too, whirly bubbly noises make me happy :)

Thanks for the review!
Alen9R 23rd May 2010 19:35 - 14 years ago

on Reflections by StephenPotter
GOOD track,man!
when everything starts to play together,then it is sick!
synth is great!
about intro
no matter what the intro a little longer,really then you can hardly wait what will happen when intro finish,impatience,
If you know what I mean!

StephenPotter replied Unknown
I know what you mean about long intros, sometimes you'll listen to them, and other times your just like "cmon, start already, thats why I clicked on the song"

Thanks for the review :)
yeshintae 23rd May 2010 18:05 - 14 years ago

on Reflections by StephenPotter
ooo imma likin' this one homie

the intro was a little borin'
but once you got more instruments
playing it was SICK

might want to introduce the hihats
earlier or another instrument earlier
just to give more meat to it
in the beginning but
that's just me preference

those synths were chillin'
great relaxed vibe to it
and the drum pattern was
varied and perfect
seems like you put some work
into those patterns

overall excellent job fam'!

keep it up

Much Respect from LA
StephenPotter replied Unknown
Thanks for your review, I meant for long intro, but looking back on it, it is a little too long, but all I have to do is change the slope on the filter and everything goes in a little earlier.
WillPatton 23rd May 2010 15:41 - 14 years ago

on Reflections by StephenPotter
I'm really digging the pad on this track. It has a 'sway' feel to it. With the added arp and wow. Very well done.
StephenPotter replied Unknown
Thanks for reviewing the track, I know what you mean about the sway feel on the pad. I like it too :)
Salkizar 23rd May 2010 08:44 - 14 years ago

on By the beach by StephenPotter
This shows you have definite talent for writing dance music man!! Keep at it..Some really great energy in this track and it had my head bobbin while listening to it. Keep up the good work man!!
StephenPotter replied Unknown
Thanks for the review :D
ALXSIX 22nd May 2010 23:11 - 14 years ago

on By the beach by StephenPotter
Nice track with lots of energy. Great intro with those birds! Great pads too they suit well and they are nicely brought in. I'd add something at the end too to finish it nicely (like getting back to nature...). Good work!
StephenPotter replied Unknown
Yeah, I do need to finish this track, Thanks for the review :D
BigReeg 22nd May 2010 14:50 - 14 years ago

on By the beach by StephenPotter
nice track my lil friend keep bangin those tracks bro. PEACE.
StephenPotter replied Unknown
Thanks for the review :)
Mosaic 22nd May 2010 14:11 - 14 years ago

on This needs vocals by StephenPotter
Hey Steve

Mate this is good stuff, arrangement and clarity is first class, your one talented dude,Synths everything fitting so well together, great work my friend, mate I can see where you are at about the vocal, but in saying that I do like it as it is, but with vocal would take it to another place, looking forward to hearing version with vocals when you get some, this one is fav'd mate...Peace...Estefano...
StephenPotter replied Unknown
Thanks for the review, I still havent had vocals yet, but I'm still hoping.

Thanks again for the review, and the favourite!
Repeto 22nd May 2010 03:47 - 14 years ago

on This needs vocals by StephenPotter
This is ace, I like the fading you use, it's like it's getting clean and then dirty again, if you know what I mean. Really good, I think it's great even without vocals but then I like instrumental stuff soooo each to their own. Really enjoying it :)
StephenPotter replied Unknown
Thanks for the review, I like the fading as well, fiddling with the EQ thing on FL is always fun... Well, for me anyway :)

If I do get vocals, then I'll upload a seperate version.
santiagosky 21st May 2010 00:28 - 14 years ago

on This needs vocals by StephenPotter
Hey this track is right up my alley....I sing pretty much everything so it fits lol. I'm gonna hit this up tonight and send at the speed of light soon. This will be fun.
StephenPotter replied Unknown
Nice, hopefully you can sing well :)
victormusic01x 19th May 2010 04:46 - 14 years ago

on Airborne by StephenPotter
hey Stephen4705, thanks for stoppin' by and checking out my collab with jfw, one of the more interesting musicians on this site, check him out when you can..we also did a cinematic venture together that you might enjoy!...i like what you've done with this track, I can tell you are good at developing your melodic ideas and the track arrangement as a whole...nice sounds and textures, dig the synthy-piano like melodic line you keep coming back, helps to anchor the piece I think! back when I can to check you out again man..I'm in the middle of a lot of original tracks and remixes at the moment....:)

StephenPotter replied Unknown
Yeah sure, I'll check out JFW because he seems like he might make some prety amazing tracks.

I'm glad you enjoyed the song, it seems to be one of the more popular ones I've done, but its the first song I uploaded to the site.

Thanks for dropping by to add the review!
Alen9R 18th May 2010 22:06 - 14 years ago

on Pure Insanity by StephenPotter
here feedback,man!
when the track started playing, I thought no chance that this will be the dnb! lol

intro is great, beautiful structures, think that perhaps should do to be a bit longer track!
you can always upgrade!

StephenPotter replied Unknown
I know what you mean about it not starting off as dnb at first, and to be honest, this one seems to lack the bass right until the end, and yeah, I think I may make it again, and make it longer.

Thanks for the review!
Dj4Real 17th May 2010 15:26 - 14 years ago

on Airborne by StephenPotter
really sweet track. Great work with those synths. It really goes well together.
StephenPotter replied Unknown
Thanks for the review! I added another review to one of your tracks.
subSpace 16th May 2010 19:17 - 14 years ago

on Sub-Dimensions by StephenPotter
its good you did this in two hours i like the work you have put into this. but your levels are to high plus there is no solid drum beat to compliment the tune its all very hissy to me but i like your melodies and bass though its cool but in all truthfulness it sounds like it was made in two hours what i would suggest is take your time when making a tune cos it will end up sounding better in the long run 5-10 for effort and 7-10 for creativity 8-10 on the tune
StephenPotter replied Unknown
Sure thing, I'll put more effort in next time :) Thanks for the review!
ChaseManhattan 16th May 2010 15:44 - 14 years ago

on This needs vocals by StephenPotter
hey stephen whats up man? i saw that you are a new producer so i thought you were worth a listen. nice work on this track bro feeling the groove and its got a nice vibe. i like the whole production. i saw your forum about your studio to lol. mine is such a pos. its just a mac on garageband. i have some old headphones with the speakers nearly blown out and a microphone that is really nice (250 bucks). i really dig this track anyways lol sorry i got sidetracked but nice work sir
StephenPotter replied Unknown
Thanks for taking the time to review. I'm feeling jealous now. Just kidding. I have a big green light thats all that matters :)
Marius9 15th May 2010 19:17 - 14 years ago

on This needs vocals by StephenPotter
Of all the tracks I listened to, I like this one the most, but it is neither classified as drum and bass or trance, so I couldn't really use it in your forum post, but really like all the envelopes and such that you use, really nice to groove on. Check out my remix of Dance With Me sometime.
StephenPotter replied Unknown
I agree with you, but yeah, this really was just an experiment, but Im glad people enjoyed it, Including you and three people below. I'll happily check out the remix, because you did what I asked you to do :)
ExecutiveProductions 15th May 2010 14:34 - 14 years ago

on Sub-Dimensions by StephenPotter
It's hot. i use fl also. come check out my all originals. keep using creativity. one
StephenPotter replied Unknown
Thanks for the review, I'll check your stuff out bieng as you asked.
DerGestiefelteRaver 15th May 2010 14:34 - 14 years ago

on Sub-Dimensions by StephenPotter
Well done!

The fading synths at the beginning create a great tension.

The bass synths that kicks in at 1:39 though sounds a littly fuzzy. I would recommend you either less distort it or quiet it down just a litte. :)
StephenPotter replied Unknown
Yeah, I probably will do that.
Scottmusic 14th May 2010 07:36 - 14 years ago

on The Voices by StephenPotter
Very nice! Awesome track! Love the Vocoder.
StephenPotter replied Unknown
Comments 301 - 325 of 340