
15th Nov 2015 20:01 - 8 years ago
Description : a 277 second cinematic about human wars...
I know its a lot for a 17 years old boy to think about this type of things, but its me, and it cant be changed...
lemme tell you about story of the music...
first it starts from WorldWar2, one of the most sadly years for human. then after the war, you can see people are happy, kids are playing, but after some years, you can see the world is getting ready for the WorldWar3 and then you can hear the rest of the story in music...

Comments (17)

If you have time take a listen and give JasonCroft some feedback.

PRINCELECTRO 6th Dec 2015 16:07 - 8 years ago
Really deep work, and meaningful...I liked how you used baby sound , really sad but war doesnt end on this planet because people dont think about being a "real human" ..
JasonCroft replied 6th Dec 2015 - 8 years ago
Thanks for your comment and your time
every work has a way
Kindest Regards
HLOOP40 4th Dec 2015 21:44 - 8 years ago
That is a great piece of work.
JasonCroft replied 5th Dec 2015 - 8 years ago
Thanks for your time and your comment
Kind Regards
Orlando51 27th Nov 2015 17:04 - 8 years ago
The others have already said everything...admirable work indeed !

JasonCroft replied 27th Nov 2015 - 8 years ago
Thanks for listening my track, and your comment Orlando
Kindest Regards
ValveDriver 26th Nov 2015 18:49 - 8 years ago
"War. War never changes.

Since the dawn of human kind, when our ancestors first discovered the killing power of rock and bone, blood has been spilled in the name of everything: from God, to justice, to simple, psychotic rage."

-Ron Pearlman as the Narrator of Fallout3.

As frightening, and devastating as it is, war is necessary. While I don't welcome war, I welcome the potential it brings afterwards. It's like a forest fire. It may burn the forest down, but the ashes leave the soil enriched for a completely new growth of healthy life. We have reached a point in our time where our understanding of technology, and social equities have outgrown the primitive attitude toward them. Mentally, we still live in the dark ages wielding pitchforks and torches at anything that seems "different to the masses." The generation coming up now has an advantage that those of us born before 1980 don't have; Understanding. An understanding of fairness, simplicity in work ethics, technological advancement, and I believe, the ineffectiveness of the old world political beliefs. If we are truly on the brink of another world war, I have high hopes that the "millineals" will rebuild the human race as it was meant to be. With compassion, kindness, and peace at the forefront.
I've always said, "Times change. People don't." I'm hoping to be proven wrong."

Oh....wait, this is supposed to be a track review. Not a philosophical ranting platform. Let me just climb back down off of my soapbox.

Onto the track review.

The concept:
A good one. It's obviously thought provoking, and touching. Which is exactly what art is supposed to be. There is definitely a story told, and the music is fitting for the emotions you're trying to convey.

The composition:
You managed to pack in 75 years of war into under 5 minutes. It wasn't rushed, and everything played it's part well.

The mixing:
I think, mainly due to, what I assume is a lack of experience, the mix was a little crammed. Almost everything sits directly in the center. If you had panned them out it would have created a much more spacious, and dynamic sound. Which, let's face it, war is spacious and dynamic.
The laser sounds, some of the synths, and a few of the sound effects are, however, panned nicely.
I think some of the levels could be brought down a little. There are some things that overstep others. Remember, when mixing, it's always better to bring the volume of one thing down, than to raise the volume of everything around it.

Overall, man, I give this a thumbs up. You're doing good things here. Keep it up!

Take care.
JasonCroft replied 26th Nov 2015 - 8 years ago
First of all
Thank you for your great comment Sloe
you are truely right because I putted everything in center (except a few effects) and I know it could be better if I had better panning
for the volume of the song, thanks for your feedback and I think its loud a bit too.

but about your first wrotes:

Yes, human wars can't be changed.
but everything has a way, I tried to help people to understand why we are here and what should we do here
actually, thats why Im here, on the earth

my dear friend and dear master, human changes, everything changes in this world, this is the reason why we are here, to be changed, for evolution, for being what we should be

every baby's born is the sign of that god is not frustrated from human

who knows what will be happened if we all die, human created from soil, and it will back to the soil, and it will be happen again and again until we become completed

a lot of people think we have no gods and we have been created by the nature, but question is, who created nature?
bigbang? but in bigbang theory we have an explotion happened in vacuum, but no explotion happens in vacuum

but most of people think we have a god which is watching us and and and and...

both of them can't be true because we actually dont know who is god?
what "GOD" means?
god is an energy and as you can think, feel and etc... energy can do it in the best way

energy doesnt need anything to be alive
and it can do everything

so... why should we prove in our evolution? thats the question that all should ask ourselves

thanks for your care Sloe (Handshake)
Kindest Regards
TayaliJeffrey 26th Nov 2015 02:32 - 8 years ago
The elements u added to the beat just brought that life to the track really like and inspired me if u have suggestions for me hit me up
JasonCroft replied 26th Nov 2015 - 8 years ago
Thanks for your comment my friend
which type of suggestions you mean?
promenade2239 23rd Nov 2015 17:12 - 8 years ago
I like the way how you incorporated those battle elements as well as future war laser elements. Nice concept. It is basically a techno track and you did it very well. I love the positive resolutions in big classical forms in general. There is always a light.

I just played some of your other tracks and I can appreciate your acoustic ones. This one is different from others and it is way too hot mixed. It sounds very distorted at some regions to me but overall I liked your vision and the positive message of the track.

Good luck with your music!
JasonCroft replied 23rd Nov 2015 - 8 years ago
Thank you for listening my track
Im so glad you liked it
Thanks again for playing my other tracks and I should say "my acoustic tracks love you too (kidding :D)"
Thanks and Kindest regards
beerling1970 23rd Nov 2015 09:18 - 8 years ago
WOW I really am amazed, this is so meaningful I felt the story in this song. We all wish for peace on earth but it wont happen because there is money in war, that is why countries create them. Its been going on like this for years and I will be long gone and possibly you too before peace on earth happens. Sad but true.

Keep this music coming.

JasonCroft replied 23rd Nov 2015 - 8 years ago
True my friend
the whole peace is impossible cuz there are a lot of creatures that dont want to know why we are here on the earth
so thank you for your comment steve
and you told my next album's name in the end of your sentence ("sad but true")
and it made me amazed
Best wishes and
Kindest regards
MGproduct 22nd Nov 2015 16:49 - 8 years ago
Loud Shout ...
very good
JasonCroft replied 22nd Nov 2015 - 8 years ago
Thanks for your comment
kindest regards
slnicholas4710 20th Nov 2015 12:55 - 8 years ago
NICE JOB, kept me interested the whole song, and that's really really hard to do, NICE.
JasonCroft replied 20th Nov 2015 - 8 years ago
Thanks for listening my track
and Im glad you liked it
Kindest regards
Burtsbluesboxes 17th Nov 2015 16:29 - 8 years ago
What about the zombie wars? I love the use of sound fx, it's so addicting LOL! I like the concept. Ever see the series 'Life after humans'? Nature retakes what was once hers erasing the damage we stupid self important humans have created. Well thought out music and deep concept, excellent job. That's the best stuff! :p Artificial Intelligence, no feelings, no cares. Will kill all humans and not be effected until they realize we were needed unless they learn to care for themselves.... possibility!
JasonCroft replied 17th Nov 2015 - 8 years ago
thanks for your great words
you are right my friend
all of us are living with a hope
hope to be friends, hope to stop our fights
maybe someday all of humans can understand that we are parts of each other
and we can't live without each other
Danke 16th Nov 2015 21:18 - 8 years ago
Hi again...

EYEDYE said! :-)

Handshake, Danke
JasonCroft replied 16th Nov 2015 - 8 years ago
thanks a lot for listening my track again and for your second comment
respect and kindest regards
Emolyte 16th Nov 2015 21:08 - 8 years ago
An interesting transition of dofferent elemts, but I like it. Mixing could be done a little better after 0:13 as it is too high and distorts until that sounds fades, but other than that its good.
JasonCroft replied 16th Nov 2015 - 8 years ago
thanks a lot
nothing is as good as a great feedback
If you mean the noise after 0:13, its for hitler speech
I didnt find a better one to replace
thanks for your great feedback
kindest regards
Tumbleweed 16th Nov 2015 20:57 - 8 years ago
You think deeply for a guy your age my friend...the human tribes of the earth have fought for most of history...the leaders invent enemies to build armies...which control the people...and keep the corrupt in power...if there were advanced alien civilizations they would likely see humans as a parasite..and parasites always destroy their host (earth)...I was glad to hear the sound of hope at the end for sometimes that is all we have...and must have... and the goodness of most of humanity shows itself in times of is a wonderful creative way to express do it no more self critisizing...your music is composed with thoughtfulness and creativity...well done to you..Ed
JasonCroft replied 16th Nov 2015 - 8 years ago
Thanks a lot for your meaningful comment
yes you got the story right, it was my hope to help people with this track someday
thats why Im here, on the earth
and thanks a lot for assuming me more than I am while Im just a drop in a sea
best wishes
and kindest regards
Danke 16th Nov 2015 09:22 - 8 years ago
Standing ovation!

You see the world not like a 17 years old...respect for this...very deep composition with cool musical attitude...technically, you could receive some helping information, I hope cause the whole production is a bit overgained...I'm not good in mixing...

Though, here is my hand to shake with you, Danke
JasonCroft replied 16th Nov 2015 - 8 years ago
Thanks a lot danke
thanks for your feedback too
can you exactly tell which part is overgained?
and dont even tell this sentences like "im not good" or "im not that good"
you are one of the best musicians in the world in my opinion

thank you
Billydragon1 16th Nov 2015 09:07 - 8 years ago
You're never too young to think of these ugly world events happening now or in the past history. It's just call 'life'.
And life has many stories to tell and music as such is a great way to express how you feel about them. And you will never run out of ideas too.

It's a blend of cinematic and dance too, perhaps the dance of war I think! And i enjoy the ending bit too with the birds, maybe back to the Garden of Eden and it's peacefullness. Keep it up NJNS.

Blessings - B.
JasonCroft replied 16th Nov 2015 - 8 years ago
Thanks for your care man
yes, the earth belongs to us, all of us, and we should help to each other to live here on the best way, for me, actually for all of the looperman members, music is the way

yes its better to call it a psycho trance, thats the real genre
you got it right buddy, my mean is the end part
when there is no human on the earth, and we have just nature, no one knows what will be happend next, is this an end for human?
thank you
DanGoldstein 16th Nov 2015 01:48 - 8 years ago
Your choice of plucked sound over your beat for first part is very good. It creates tension and also makes room for your war sound effects. The robot section near the end is very fun and sounds cool. It seem you do end on an optimistic note, am I wrong?
JasonCroft replied 16th Nov 2015 - 8 years ago
Thanks for your care
aa, actually if you listen to robots dialogs
they're saying that we are better than humans and we should attack and kill all the humans
and after the attack, when they killed all humans, they can't live without humans because they need to be charged and being cared.
so nature will capture the world again, and we have just plants, birds and animals... it means the earth is empty of humans and civilization
thank you
joecramer 15th Nov 2015 21:00 - 8 years ago
You can't never be to young to think on the sadness of wars.
Good work and good sound. (first i wanted to write nice work but war isn't nice at all) ......
I love this little baby sound, cause that makes it realy sad to listen to.
This times are realy not good times for humanty but sad and bad things are always inspiration for some good and emotional music.

Respect for this one.

stay tuned
JasonCroft replied 15th Nov 2015 - 8 years ago
Hi joe
thank you for listening to my track
and thank you for your comment
yes the baby sound has a lot of meanings for me, it can be the symbol of human. it can be...
the world is beautiful, but its ugly more... bad things are real
we can't create stair from bad things to go up
If anything is shouting, we are here to make it to be heard
(arent we?)
and now, our world is shouting
thanks for your care
respect & best wishes

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5th Jul 2021 14:54 - 3 years ago
Description : Banda sonora de un videoclip que acabo de producir.Cuenta la experiencia de una pareja de astronautas y los recuerdos de ella al perder a su compañero. Espero que os guste. Animo y suerte para todos.
21st Jul 2015 19:56 - 9 years ago
Description : This track contains only free loops from several Looperman artists. Enjoy!

Applied loops (fully or partially):

CENTRIST: 0079105-0057561 (Leaving a Legacy - Main Strings Build), 0079105-0057560 (Leaving a Legacy - Main Strings),0079105-0057559 (Leaving a Legacy - Final Strings),
XXSNIPERXX: 0798480-0081769 (TRAP PACK No2 Hat Loop), 0798480-0083534 (TRAP PACK No4 Bass),
DRMISTERSIR: 0208341-0073663 (offpoint), 0208341-0073326 (stay bizy trunk thumper),
THEOFFICIALFROSTBITE: 0797099-0065711 (That Generic Trap String), 0797099-0065712 (That Generic Trap Trombone),
EBCOTT3: 0626891-0069594 (Dark Piano and Synth Trap Loop), 0626891-0079497 (Deadly Drums),
SHORTBUSMUSIC: 0500098-0072481 (Tokyo Lights Polophony),
LOOPFREAK: 0531700-0073756 (Stuck in the Dirty South - Tubular Bells),
SEANKH: 0677589-0069246 (synth while you work),
KRISTIJANN: 0711069-0071946 (LOOK AT ME),
BDENNEY: 0805869-0068329 (Wild For The Night INTRO DRUMS),
STREETSBEATZ: 0959110-0062623 (Ratchet Gutta - Ride),
NEURO: 0674084-0075917 (Fingers Crossed),
KRITEX: 0823832-0076627 (Normal Trap Beat),
YGPRODUCTONS: 0754277-0081190 (Im Back Clap),
STEVEJAZ: 1118799-0069952 (Jazz loop in F),
SINTHETICRECORDS: 0403648-0051082 (Sinthetic - Sub Bass),
3RDNIPPLEMUSIC: 0609523-0068579 (nv flpluck ethereal 90),
ULTRAMEADOW: 0242823-0014943 (Electro Dirty Loop),
TECHSEEKER: 1107241-0073336 (5 Seconds Only - Delayed Percussion Fill),
NEEZLE: 0689209-0077281 (Squeaky Trap Lead),
BLAZINS: 0321894-0028473 (Low Blow),
BUG: 0067564-0001416 (Minimal),
ANDULAH: 0267062-0074744 (Celt Islam Future Bass),
DOZYDEVIL: 0668753-0057186 (Class Wobble Loop),
DUBTEK: 0831304-0060241 (Dubstep Skittish Bass loop),
DANKE: 0671112-0082860 (Ghosty drum),
REFL3XDUBSTEP: 1045829-0068786 (braken-to-the-stars-melody-synth) - deleted user?
6th Mar 2014 18:27 - 10 years ago
Description : it is! Another colab with maestro Tumbleweed! Ed provided the unfinished, basic track...I composed and recorded the long intro using different synths and then added piano (well to the fore) and some brass arrangements along the rest of the track (no violin this time...hehe) and then did the final mixing to wrap it up as it is presented now. I hope you will enjoy it and we both appreciate your listening time and your valuable comments:) Otherwise all thanks to Ed!
13th Oct 2019 23:16 - 4 years ago
Description : Every instrument is performed and recorder live. Piano, double bass, drums, strings.

Two first singles of my upcoming horror jazz LP are out on the most of streaming platforms. Go give me couple of spins!

Vocal for this track needed, contact me (all of the contact info is in my profile).

Let me know what you think about this tune. Tnx.
18th Oct 2018 19:59 - 5 years ago
Description : Just send me the link where you use that, please
Anyway, I'm looking for artists, especially doing melodic techno, deep house etc... to work in my music label called Chick Records
23rd Mar 2008 19:55 - 16 years ago
Description : Careful! Watch your volume or the first note might make you jump!
4th Mar 2023 09:07 - 1 year ago
Description : Treated field recordings of bells and thumping big stainless steel sculptures and synth. Inspired by a trip to the sub-Antarctic Islands.
9th Aug 2018 20:36 - 5 years ago
Description : There are a lot of talented people :
Ft Ankit Sharda for the mantra,
Ft Xelaplus for the choirs,
Ft jjweekz for the voice effect,
Drums :
AcidPro on darbuka
Danke on big cymbals
Loopfreak on indian percussions
Anubis on big drums

Tell me what this track made to you ^^'
Thank you.
15th Jun 2018 11:21 - 6 years ago
Description : Description : Description : Ambient/Cinematic - Melody I love you, you are the essence of my soul to share to the world! No sample loops, all custom impro. lol

Version with saxophone track.

Regular version here: ../tracks/detail/194300
Enjoy :)
17th Jun 2015 19:26 - 9 years ago
Description : Dark, slow, ambient, cinematic jazz with funereal piano turning into something much funkier, psychedelic and beautiful in the second half. Out of the darkness and into the light, you could say. Instruments: electric guitar + bass, lots of synth sounds, including a horn, double bass, another big legato bass, pizzicato strings, two types of piano, a heavily delayed slide guitar instrument, zither, synth arp, one brushy drum loop, kettle drum rolls and 4 programmed acoustic drum kits. This is quite a special track for me and is only the second I've put in the cinematic genre. The more you listen, the more it changes (it even has key changes) and the last three minutes are really quite far out and should probably be longer. Best track I've made for a few months. Interesting thoughts and reflections appreciated. Free sex for the best reviews...
14th Feb 2020 20:31 - 4 years ago
Description : My cinematic masterpiece Convo! :-) This song is great for action scenes and building suspense.

"Who Goin be the hero?"

This song and others from the album are available for licensing and using in videos, tv, and film.

For More OR HQ download visit
29th Jun 2015 00:48 - 9 years ago
Description : So a new track for everyone. Im pretty impressed by this one, and would even place it higher than one of my best tracks, Angel And A Demon. However, I'm trying to decide whether or not I should put vocals to it. I have some in mjnd, but idk if itd be better to leave as is and keep it instrumental or not. Take a listen and let me know! Also, let me know if anything is too loud, still working on my mastering.
26th Jan 2016 12:11 - 8 years ago
Description : A song I wrote with the music of denyjanuary.

Not entirely sure which genre it would fit under, so I chose cinematic.
21st Jan 2017 21:56 - 7 years ago
Love what you do and do what you love.

Made out of Looperman Loops!
Made in 2 Hours!
I was bored and was thinking about a epic movie u got it a full Cinematic Movie Soundtrack...Say what u think..........A NEED FEEDBAK ! A know...its just mixing loops together but it was really , really big fun to make this!

28th Feb 2014 04:18 - 10 years ago
Description : This is my first time uploading a track here. I want to first give credit where credit is due. Here are the looperman artists I used loops from for this track:
xelaplus -legato choir
danke -battle drums
3rdnipplemusic -nv-tribal toms -70
anubis -battle loop
xray731- live-drumline loop
danke - 120- i-think-so
onevizun -the-world-at-hand-drumline
alexisescalona- back-to-the-studio-synth-1

I had a lot of fun putting this song together. I'm grateful to be a part of this community and I hope you guys enjoy what I put together with this one and more to come in the future!

I'm still an amateur, so I welcome any and all constructive criticism!

Feel free to download for projects and such. I plan on redoing this song and adding some more length to it so be on the lookout for an extended version :)