
12th Dec 2023 21:16 - 7 months ago
Description : JUST-IN --following the huge success of his recent Rock collab, dimestop hits back at critics who said he'd sold out
"I light up any genre, FULLSTOP"
once again he's back with a bang, this time its UK Drill, 65 bars with biting witty lines and an ego bigger than the UK itself
president trump said "this guys ego is bigger than mine"
snoop hissed this dude' not fuckin'
Elon Musk Tweeted from the Asylum "im feeling better already"...full story @6

Comments (31)

If you have time take a listen and give dimestop some feedback.

Zivonmusic 17th Jan 2024 18:20 - 6 months ago
The beat is fantastic on this

Dimestop i'm sure you'd kill tis track with just a bit of a faster flow on your rhyme scheme. The rhymes themselves are to be reckoned with, reminds me of bas and pete!

You should check them out!
dimestop replied 17th Jan 2024 - 6 months ago
have seen Baz and Pete they good, thanks for your check out bro much appreciated this was was first attempt at Drill :))
2Sisters 14th Jan 2024 21:35 - 6 months ago
Hello Paul, I don't want to pressure you either *smile. I had read CC's message and your reply here. And I reacted to it (I'm an old chatterbox *laughs). Good things take time. We rarely publish more than one title per month here. But I'm a little curious *smile. After all, I am a woman *laughs.
Your work seems quite complicated. All attention!
Yes, good equipment unfortunately costs a few pounds. Can't you buy studio speakers used? Our studio also got new equipment last year and sold the used equipment very cheaply.
Well, I'm going to bed now.
Good night
dimestop replied 15th Jan 2024 - 6 months ago
Morning Manuela my job is about measuring precision equipment can be quite technical and use lots of figures to meet UKAS standards lots of watching dials clocks gauges both mechanical and electrical :)) have a lovely week my friend
2Sisters 14th Jan 2024 16:54 - 6 months ago
Hello Paul, I look forward to hearing something new from you again soon! The projects you described to CC make me curious. Best regards
dimestop replied 14th Jan 2024 - 6 months ago
hi Manuela, Happy New Year, things are a little busy at present and ive not been working in my DAW much lately but ive wrote four tracks recently and im working on three of them, drill and grime both UK vibe and a soul one i listened to and thought why not, so even though ive not brought nothing for 4 weeks im listening commenting and supporting the community still. ive got a big project on at work that im providing vibration test results for a major supplier setting standards for their products safety ratings how long to use for vibration and decibel levels. helps to combat ear problems and 'White Finger' with people that use vibrating hand tools for long periods. i work in a state of the art test laboratory measuring precision instruments for accuracy and on-site at customer premises to provide them with the least amount of down time so im quite busy, but i'll get some time soon, im not in any rush though im about to purchase some hardware Akai midi board and drum machine another mic. new headset and studio speakers probably both the later will be Marshall so a few pounds :))
CINCOCENT 10th Jan 2024 19:31 - 6 months ago
When is your next bafta track lol
Any new ones from u lately
dimestop replied 10th Jan 2024 - 6 months ago
lol, im working on two at the min bro, one is rap the other soul R&B type singing i also done a private one for somebody this week and works pretty busy so i have to balance things out but i will bring something very soon. i'll check your in a bit
BeatzEazy0521 9th Jan 2024 06:52 - 6 months ago
I can Imagine the rhythm is all yours
Silver surfer
Primitive yet innovated
You improve my mind
Improve your character so that I may still have a chance to integrate the meaning of your power
Money counts on the fact I was born in this vacation
retired from the avatar game by a chasing time capsuls
stresses met with blessins payday kicking and screaming mimies
We glow in the dark like Florescent Industrial Notorary Contract Specialists
diesel crystals

Many thanks for caring
Plus sharing is a bonus
Much love-EazyBeatz1250
dimestop replied 9th Jan 2024 - 6 months ago
nice lines thankyou bro, your time and comment are appreciated, just in from work so replying and i will be on your new later i know what you got your fresh.
i liked silver surfer, and primitive yet innovated, great line, i also like the fact you put thought into what you wrote,
i try to keep things simple rhyming easy to remember, i write a track in 30-40 mins top from fresh 25 mins is my record :)) my rock collab with Danke Hydrosphere it got the best stats i have, 2hrs work he sent me the music i wrote the song sang it 1 take mixed it produced it mastered and ready, love it when that happens. i do like flipping the genres to mainly hip-hop scene, but i do like electronic, i was a street dancer for years, always dancing to electro rock could say i still am i still turn heads at 58, but use to lock pop bot tut break got a few good downrocks backspins windmills.

shh its to try and entice the rappers out to call me out and slag me off, but its not working :( got any ideas?
MotrT 7th Jan 2024 00:20 - 6 months ago
where can i find the instrumental?
dimestop replied 7th Jan 2024 - 6 months ago
YouTube bro
BeatMaker4real 6th Jan 2024 17:59 - 6 months ago
dimestop, what's up bro, I see you still rocking.
Nice work on the track.Is this your beat ?
dimestop replied 6th Jan 2024 - 6 months ago
nah its a freebie of the tube, just altered slightly. im still practising my own ive come a long way musically, im about to purchase an Akai midi and i might buy another mic but im buying a new headset probably Marshall Majors and im hoping to start producing my own beats this year, but when you here class tracks you just wanna sing on them, so its a double edged sword for me like your old new one i was singing random things while listening they all sounded good too :))
thechockehold 4th Jan 2024 22:00 - 6 months ago
That was deep. Exellent stuff
dimestop replied 4th Jan 2024 - 6 months ago
thanks bro i had fun with this, just checked your demo, great again, your always a good listen, and we both seem to love keys im a novice, you been playing since you were a kid eh, i also play drums but neighbours were never happy, i dont know why, maybe they thought i was shit :)) so its just drum machines now and a headset :))
koga100 4th Jan 2024 09:43 - 6 months ago
Loving your work. I haven’t been on in awhile because something really bad happened just before the holidays so that’s why I disappeared. Still might be some time until I return. Still it’s good to see you still at it. Your work is seriously outstanding I get jealous sometimes XD.
dimestop replied 4th Jan 2024 - 6 months ago
Koga its nice to see you around, sorry for whatever happened, i wont pry but hope that your ok soon, music is a great healer if your in pain. thanks for the props too, dont ever feel jealous your a great artist bro, we all do our own thing and share our love for music, hope your back around soon . off to check your new old one, before my time so expect a comment bro keep safe
BaoBou 3rd Jan 2024 23:36 - 6 months ago
You're getting better and better every time Paul. Rhymes are on point, the balance of your track is so much more complete than even a year ago. We all learn and you learned fast my friend! Happy New Year!
dimestop replied 4th Jan 2024 - 6 months ago
hey Bou, i could say the same to you, i remember us starting out with vocals both of us wanted to be better vocally and now look at us, your an excellent artist great musician and writer and i feel ive improved a lot over the last year so thanks for the support it means alot. we take part in the community and we all have grown and got better, thanks for the stop off mate
CelestiaAngel777 3rd Jan 2024 18:51 - 6 months ago
Hi P,

Flipping hell, This beat is cold, nice track & truly dope! work. You can always tell a lot of thought has gone into your lyrics you're turning into a wordsmith lol but in any case, cleverly & well done on this, keep throwing it out there, people are listening. Kudos.

dimestop replied 3rd Jan 2024 - 6 months ago
nice to see you Angel, just listened to love is like a drug, so nice, amazing voice, i had fun with this its about time i done some UK beats, grime garage etc might come, im forever writing listening to music i'll sing a few bars if they good i write them down i do put a lot of work into them though :))
MichaelMayo 1st Jan 2024 19:27 - 6 months ago
Has potential my advice is the the vocals have a filter or something I would take that off.
dimestop replied 1st Jan 2024 - 6 months ago
thanks for the check out Michael and the advice just flipped your preview, we dont see as much of you but your a great artist wuth a career to persue, so thanks for sharing with us mere mortals :))
MrAxel 31st Dec 2023 18:06 - 6 months ago
Cheers Mate! You always surprise me. Very youthful song. I did not know you could do it like this. I wish I had something like this in song basket of skills.

You are a rapper now. There used to be forum posts looking for rappers like you, and here you go all on your own. So what was your inspiration? Great tune Paul! Cheers from New England, US.
dimestop replied 31st Dec 2023 - 6 months ago
wow to see your name up on my track is all the inspiration i need Mr Axel, its a pleasure it really is last time we spoke your studies were your focus hope you achieved what you wanted, ive learnt an immense amount since and try to reflect that in my work i flip genres but mainly in the hip-hop field although i done a great rock collab with Danke,
to here your tune and receive a comment brings a smile to my face, im just about to start celebrating, happy new year to you and all New England from England
PS my inspiration comes comes from the loop and the talent we have here, we all grow together
Pnnywze 31st Dec 2023 13:22 - 6 months ago
I was just giving giving ya sh*t Paul! Lol what I actually told my girl is that true art needs time to develop, and just like dinner, it'll be done when it's done. So it'll be a nice surprise for her, actually. Also, Grime is the true spirit of the London scene, if u ask me, and its influenced my sound just as much as the stuff from the American south, or Chicago, or anywhere else. Everyone knows Skepta but I'm old enough to remember Dizzee.
dimestop replied 31st Dec 2023 - 6 months ago
give it me bro, i promised you a track, i will deliver it. its wrote and done ages ago but im not happy with the layout yet and Skepta and Dizzee are great i like garage it makes me feel happy for some reason but i love a good roastin' track
im always writing too bro, got verses everywhere, i'll land on one of yours good and proper
Pnnywze 31st Dec 2023 04:07 - 6 months ago
Of course that's supposed to say DRILL not STILL. But I'm sure y'all got Stills, too. Lol.
dimestop replied 31st Dec 2023 - 6 months ago
i got stills too bro they redhot aswell :))
Pnnywze 31st Dec 2023 04:04 - 6 months ago
What's up Paul? UK Still makes sense for you, man. U should do some more tracks in this genre. It's had a huge influence on my style, especially my songs with halftime drum pieces. Meanwhile, I think my old lady came to the conclusion that I was pulling her leg when I said someone was writing a song about her and our relationship. I knew I should've told u I was from Iceland or something!
dimestop replied 31st Dec 2023 - 6 months ago
Aaron thanks for the stop off mate UK Drill makes sense as you say i'll probably do garage and grime too and that track is done inform your Mrs, but im just messing with it still, i will send it to you privately.
atw 30th Dec 2023 20:51 - 6 months ago
Nice, never heard of this genre UK Drill. There are so many sub genres!? ;-)
I like it! Very good work!
dimestop replied 30th Dec 2023 - 6 months ago
thanks bro, genres eh, far to many, for the anoraks really to keep us penned in that's why i enjoy switching it up, keep guessing, as in the lyric, indie rock was my previous one :))
Modnex 29th Dec 2023 18:09 - 7 months ago
The instrumental has got that dark drill all over it. As Danke said earlier, I think you are onto something with this genre. It fits your style like a glove and your bars will make these mumble rappers shiver. Great work, pal. I look forward to hearing more in this style and genre from you!
dimestop replied 29th Dec 2023 - 7 months ago
thanks bro appreciate your feedback, i've been flipping genres of late, i think UKDrill Grime and Garage are areas my style will suit, although i did do a rock collab with Danke that done surprisingly well if you get a chance
thanks again mate
crucethus 29th Dec 2023 15:16 - 7 months ago
I like that intro fade-in. And I like that abrupt ending. I am glad you are having so much fun doing this now, it's nice to listen to your creations. Happy holidays to you and yours.
dimestop replied 29th Dec 2023 - 7 months ago
thankyou Steven its always a pleasure to have you check me out, happy holidays to your lot too, im really having fun now simply because of how ive learnt far more on the engineering side, with a number of vocal cuts multi layered dynamic EQ de-easing reverbs delays all side-chained in, thanks for the shout on the faded intro, i use automation alot now as you probably know anything can be automated from a knob to a slider a vocal chop, giving you a better impact and total control of output and yes bro, i get far more pleasure passing on new found skills to others, just like you said to me many moons ago, your a colleague and friend i respect
deanp 21st Dec 2023 15:16 - 7 months ago
Nice track. I like the Donald Trump comment in the description. I'm pretty sure he'd be well in line for a BAFTA himself :)
dimestop replied 21st Dec 2023 - 7 months ago
thanks for the check out mate trump just makes me laugh as did Boris, but im sure he'd want more than a Bafta anyway he was at the UFC last weekend watching his man Colby Covington get beat by our boy Leon Edwards from my area Erdington in Birmingham we know him and his brother Fabien they are good friends with my son, although the fight was a poor one he still retained the welter weight title
Danke 18th Dec 2023 18:58 - 7 months ago
Hey bro!
This IS your field, genre, style ...
great one really ...
hats off,
dimestop replied 18th Dec 2023 - 7 months ago
thankyou bro, appreciate your listen and comment, hope your family are good, merry Christmas
Cyberflares 16th Dec 2023 16:33 - 7 months ago
Arite man,

ken hell man thats a fare rd you been on like the comment below voice and music fit well music had touches of orbital or bassments nae sure but was real good but come the end the music was background and i was more hooked on your vocals not bad indeed man.
great track
dimestop replied 16th Dec 2023 - 7 months ago
how are you Robin its great to see you about, ive got a bit of a rep now ive been here years, its all tongue and cheek, it would be great to here something from you but i understand time and other places but its great to get a comment and listen from one of my very early contacts here and an artist i miss
Micky 16th Dec 2023 00:30 - 7 months ago
Hi Paul, I think this musical style suits you really well. Your voice and the music have come together particularly well here, and I also think that you have become even better rhythmically. Great track.
dimestop replied 16th Dec 2023 - 7 months ago
thanks for the props Mickey i still have a way to go on the production side but its getting there. i have tightened this but for some unknown reason i cant edit it here its baffling as to why, thanks again for your time mate its appreciated as is your advice and support
CINCOCENT 15th Dec 2023 19:01 - 7 months ago
Not bad it goes you go with the vibe I like to be you got a ear for a beat though big time. This is good all you need is your vocals to be mastered with the beat is tuff
dimestop replied 15th Dec 2023 - 7 months ago
still learning this mastering game bro, i have actually tweaked it but it wont let me update anything on this track. i dint know why. i tried on another track and it lets me it just keeps going back to edit track and no red writing
2Sisters 14th Dec 2023 22:29 - 7 months ago
Uh! Now that you've explained BAFTA to me, I also understand Wayne's comment.
Paul, let me tell you, I don't just have fire in my belly *laughs, I'm an absolutely spirited young woman. You can ask my husband *laughs.
Kind regards (drink a Whyski for our good!)
dimestop replied 15th Dec 2023 - 7 months ago
glad you get it now, and i will take a glass of Whiskey and toast you, your family and our friendship. spirited is a great description, we have become close friends through music and i cant thank you enough for the time you give to me and not just me. i care about our community, my tracks might not reflect that but everybody knows its tongue in cheek really, oh by the way i like a pint but whisky is my drink, im not a big drinker but i always have a good bottle in and enjoy a glass at home of an evening, im a quiet bloke these days my ego is so bloody hype though im spirited too big smile :))))
kingmt77 14th Dec 2023 20:52 - 7 months ago
Paul! So about a year ago I warned you about dem boys comin 4ya with that contract in hand and da strap! NP for you, because you'll just flip it on em Denzel style and make them raise the price for you to sign, HAHA! Seriously, tho, I actually listened off grid when you first put it up. You got off to a great start, but from what I heard today you went back and added another dimension to the track and your vocals. IMPRESSIVE! Also, thank you very much for keeping everything grounded in the much-needed FUNNY! Peace.

dimestop replied 14th Dec 2023 - 7 months ago
its always a privilege to have you listen and comment mate, i dont take myself seriously but i do take making tracks serious now, ive got more to learn but im just ticking along nicely i think, the fun side will always be around because it is exactly that fun and congrats on your BAFTA for international act wink, wink
2Sisters 14th Dec 2023 10:36 - 7 months ago
Hello Paul, a new song, again with politically provocative lyrics. Good! Unfortunately I can't understand everything in the text. I'm probably not Anglican enough for that *Smile. But since I've read the other comments, as always, I'll piece it together. What I don't understand at all is what BAFTA means?
Musically, your vocal singing is “Paullike.” Musically, you've found a well-functioning mix of bass-driven rhythm and synth effects. Well done.
Kind regards, Manuela
dimestop replied 14th Dec 2023 - 7 months ago
Angelic enough :)) your fiery Manuela, i love you as an artist and as a valued member of our community but you got fire in your belly, you defend yourself too, you know me to well now this is typically me, i am enjoying flippin' genres this is the highest i'll get in music so i just act like i big time Charlie and have lots of fun. i still want to improve and learn more so i can pass it on to others that are just starting out, my times gone, ok never say never, but being famous wouldn't suit me at all, id just drink copious amounts of whiskey straight, no ice, room temperature id be dead in a couple of years, or locked up for slanging every politician off, everywhere :)) BAfTA British Academy of Film and Television Arts its like the Grammys but in the UK, and it rhymed with AFTER oscars grammy brits would'nt of worked
theHumps 14th Dec 2023 05:00 - 7 months ago
Keep at it Paul, well done with the lyrics! The mix to me is a bit heavy in the midrange eq. And no, nobody's ego is bigger than the dumbest, most narcissist man in america, trump. lol.

Bafta? Used here as a slang term?

dimestop replied 14th Dec 2023 - 7 months ago
we had Boris and you had Trump, brothers from different mothers, both fuck ups, but they both made me laugh though, i just thought, how the fuck do you get away with it :))
and ive always had a big ego Wayne, ive fucked up so many times in life and had to bounce back, now i really dont care and sing or rap whatever i want. BAFTA ( British Academy of Film and Television Arts, like the Grammys
JohnSmokey 14th Dec 2023 04:27 - 7 months ago
Paul, I love the rhymes. That geezer one had me cracking up. You're good on the UK drill beat. Not much to criticize here.
dimestop replied 14th Dec 2023 - 7 months ago
thanks bro never tried drill before so i tried a little fun piece and i was pleased with how it came out, im English so UK drill had to be a genre i tried.
pseudoble 13th Dec 2023 20:57 - 7 months ago
Hey mate - great lyric and another earworm I reckon - love the bass especially. Really well crafted too (some of the mix sounds just a little thin at times but that might be the different headphones I have on this morning - Ill listen again in a bit with others - or put it through the monitors and let you know)
dimestop replied 13th Dec 2023 - 7 months ago
thanks for stopping off mate, this was just a quickie really, bit of fun, ive had a few bangers and a few controversial ones since you been away but i was most impressed with this collab if you get a chance, hope you and your family are all good.
xstokes 12th Dec 2023 22:09 - 7 months ago
ha there’ll be nothing left of the fucking ballroom! this tips over the tables, mate! don’t take any of trump’s phone calls! nice to have you in form, it’s a nice fuck-you to start the awards season. cheers!
dimestop replied 13th Dec 2023 - 7 months ago
thanks for the check out Mike, little bit of fun, i was quite happy with the vocal on this one and i stopped taking Donald's calls long ago bro, he wants me to be his new act at Trump Towers, Elon is a pest though, he's stalking me, he wants to collab :))

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If you liked Off To Collect My Bafta by dimestop you might also like these other UK Drill tracks.

8th Apr 2020 23:20 - 4 years ago
Description : Instagram:
Fire drill beat
145 BPM
2nd Jul 2021 23:03 - 3 years ago
Description : This 150 bpm hip hop piano.This beat was uploaded by egortawerka
25th Apr 2020 15:35 - 4 years ago
Description : OFB x RV Type Beat

@16Sept Music hmu want to collab got others
31st May 2020 18:57 - 4 years ago
Description : Made this in 8 Mins using 2 Loops And Stock Samples In Fl studio

Piano Loop:

Drum Loop:
8th Apr 2020 18:03 - 4 years ago
Description : I think this is a Drill x Trap Type Beat.
If you wanna colab, pls let me know.
19th Oct 2020 01:11 - 3 years ago
Description : Like and share for more
6th Jul 2021 08:06 - 3 years ago
Description : 143 bpm
ay show me what u made wit it
also im open for collabs n shit so hmu
full beat on youtube:poisxned dreamz
4th Oct 2020 20:39 - 3 years ago
Description : This is a Drill type beat based off of a criminal-like rooftop chase. Shout out to the UK, I love you guys' style of trap.
5th Dec 2022 22:20 - 1 year ago
Description : 150 bpm D#. More of a UK drill than NY Drill but could work for both.
25th Feb 2023 19:55 - 1 year ago
Description : THAT BEAT IS FREE ALL PEOPLE can use this beat

if you have to post it somewhere you have to say it was PROD.PACMAN who produced the beat
4th May 2021 16:36 - 3 years ago
Description : NY drill, 808 Melo, Pop smoke drill drums for non commercial use.
show me in the comment what you done.
2nd Oct 2023 02:12 - 9 months ago
Description : sampled drill beat with melodic stuff
14th Oct 2021 12:40 - 2 years ago
Description : Hi guys I made a sad drill beat also chilling..
We often listen the drill which was hard and agressive but drill also can be soft too..
If you like that let me know in comment section..

And if u interested in this beat you can contact me at my ig: @balkar_292
Thnx and have a nice day
6th Jan 2022 03:00 - 2 years ago
Description : Free to use
4th Sep 2021 17:46 - 2 years ago
Description : drill drill type beat free 22gz coach da ghost sha ek edot baby coach da ghost 22gz 22gz type beat coach da ghost type beat blixky gang freestyle pt. 1 blixky gang freestyle pt. 2 fallen blixkys suburban pt.2 hitlist gooey sauce meditate shopping sprees choprint movie fivio foreign pop smoke fivio foreign type beat pop smoke type beat 808 big drip trust dummi clueless hawk em dior welcome to the party leaf lzz legendary telly grave чапалах