
Tunes, Tracks, Beats & Mixes

Tracks (5)
24th Jul 2009 20:54 - 15 years ago
Description : Little try out since I can beta test Record from Propeelerhead.
Enjoy the voices, let me kniow what you think !
12th Nov 2008 19:01 - 15 years ago
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Description : Hi, am looking for a talented vocalist able to put some words on that track. Everything will be considered, hope you like the track, of course as well we can work on improving the track itself ;)
Looking forward to hearing from you
12th Oct 2008 09:24 - 15 years ago
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Description : Rock intro 4/4 just listen :)
12th Oct 2008 09:05 - 15 years ago
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Description : Try at the side chaine comp effect
17th Aug 2008 04:26 - 15 years ago
Description : Mix between minimal beats and IDM ambiant.
The computer in charge of travelling discover its own sound and realise the sound it produce in space, listen at its own echo, then change note, change tempo. But at the same time the master computer alert is getting heard. A life form has been detected, the space ship will investigate.
Designed beat sound heavily with eq and compression, just got that Moog pack from propellerhead refill and it just rocks... Pure sounds thanks to mighty Thor. Then this tutorial about Time Stretching thanks to NN19 Sample Start. Makes this voice going at different speed with the same pitch... This is my first track guys and the second is already ready in my mind like a concept album lol, please be gentle :D
Tracks (5)