


make music as long as you could
Joined : 29th Jun 2023 - 1 year ago
Last Online : 20th Jun 2024 - 2 months ago
twoplugged tracks

twoplugged has uploaded 5 tracks

Tracks (5)
1st Feb 2024 14:59 - 7 months ago
Description : Simple Song with 4 Instruments:
Bass, Guitar, Mandolin and Stamp :-)
23rd Jul 2023 19:32 - 1 year ago
Description : Short song with many different parts.
Recorded with Studio One.
18th Aug 2023 20:51 - 1 year ago
Description : A short heavy song with deep guitars
29th Jul 2023 05:24 - 1 year ago
Description : song played in axis progression
30th Aug 2023 20:28 - 1 year ago
Description : A little bit of shanty.
Tracks (5)