


I Am Blessed
Plant City Fl, United States
Joined : 14th May 2010 - 14 years ago
Comments on AllenV tracks

Other users have posted 504 comments on tracks by AllenV

Comments 1 - 25 of 504
StarTravels 25th Jul 2020 18:06 - 4 years ago

on Everything Will Be Alright (J1K Instrumental) by AllenV
Hey Allen, this is just beautiful alltogether. Wonderful song with wonderful voices and exactly the right guitar. Well done - hats off - high regards!
PatriciaEdwards 24th May 2020 23:08 - 4 years ago

on I Cant - ft Patricia Edwards by AllenV
I was going through my faves and this was on the list.
Tears came to my eyes!!!!
I miss our collabs, your patience, advice and will never forget your and Spelljammer giving me an opportunity to work with you guys when others told me I needed to be on looperman longer. :-)
Miss ya!!!!! :-(
acesmith 21st Jan 2019 07:10 - 5 years ago

on Fire Up The Funk 2016 ft Slap Johnson by AllenV
Incredible track. RIP.
SpellJammer 2nd Oct 2017 13:16 - 6 years ago

on The Road Home (update) by AllenV
Sitting here with tears in my eyes. You truly were special.
SpellJammer 2nd Oct 2017 13:00 - 6 years ago

on Not Forgotten-SpellJammer and PatriciaEdwards by AllenV
You're not forgotten brother. Your life has been immortalized in music.
SpellJammer 16th May 2016 20:15 - 8 years ago

on Time For Change - SpellJammer Collab by AllenV
This is still my favourite Al, your guitar on this is just too brilliant.
AllenV replied 16th May 2016 - 8 years ago
Yes we were both new at this long distance collab and just how it would work out,at least I speak for myself.
The track at once seems so simple but I remember all the the thought that went into the time we had few vocalist on the loop and I remember the little scat you added that vocally qued me what to do,not everyone knows that but it was such an easy tune to play too..I think I did the solo in one straight take,it was such a joy to play and listen even now.I don't even have the individual tracks because I considered it"done" at least all I could do and you gave me everything...a wonderful pallet to play but also when not to play.
I've said it before many times that it's not always how many notes you play but just play the right ones,which I think on this one we both accomplished.
Thank you my good friend and don't take my silence as I don't care,I just have A lot on me at this time but I'm trying to dig up some old tracks and make the effort.
Miracles do happen..I'll be back!

Love you my brother and hope you are well.
SpellJammer 16th May 2016 20:04 - 8 years ago

on I Cant - ft Patricia Edwards by AllenV
Miss you my brother. What I would give for one last collab with you
defect77 15th May 2016 01:57 - 8 years ago

on Fire Up The Funk 2016 ft Slap Johnson by AllenV
funky stuff
AllenV replied 15th May 2016 - 8 years ago
Thank you my friend,the live sax added so much and I'm happy you got funk fix from the track.

Thanks again,
midiman007 18th May 2015 17:52 - 9 years ago

on When You Leave - SpellJammer ft Slap Johnson by AllenV
Hi Allen glad to hear some nice smooth jazz from you.
Glad you got your Axe fixed also.
I hate when mine is broken also.

Tune is outstanding from you guys. Really nice guitar playing.
Spivkurl 15th May 2015 21:14 - 9 years ago

on When You Leave - SpellJammer ft Slap Johnson by AllenV
This is another masterful production from you Allen, and it includes some of the loop's original masters! It came up as a suggestion on a recent thread I started, and I'm so glad! Super groovy, and reminiscent of a different time. Love it! Hope you are well!
AllenV replied 16th May 2015 - 9 years ago
Thank you my friend!
I appreciate the production comment and I must say that all the contributors produced there own tracks and I just added guitar parts after the fact but I was the last in line to mix us all together so for that I thank you!
It started with Spelljammer and I added layers of guitar and Slap made me remix the whole song..Yea,like he made me lol!!
I've seen a lot of interesting posts about production,mastering and mixing on the Loop...I haven't chimed into the discussion because I don't know any response but I will tell you that your comment "reminiscent of a different time"is so true.
I took the tracks they sent me,added my own and mixed it,their own EQ...that was that,if it sounded good then I thought it was and posted it and let the Looper community tell me if I should make any changes but I appreciate that everyone who has commented has approved.
A lot has changed in a few years,a lot for the better.
I'ts funny to think that 5 years can sound "dated" but it's true and I love all the new computer production,I'll figure it out one day lol!
You Know Spiv, I know my tracks may sound"old school".....But it's because I Am lol!

Thanks again for your review,
crucethus 3rd Apr 2015 20:01 - 9 years ago

on When You Leave - SpellJammer ft Slap Johnson by AllenV
love this, the chord structures are off the chart on this one, fav'd and downloaded. beautiful piece of music.
AllenV replied 17th May 2015 - 9 years ago
Hey Cru!
Thanks for the comment,I had some great artists contributing to this track.
This is one of those tracks that you get so wrapped up in playing and mixing that you truly don't appreciate and enjoy until way after the song is finished,it was such a pleasure to play on this one.
It was so easy to add guitar to but I remember hours of mixing,even all night and still questioning myself.I mixed and played through cheap headphones and when I heard it through a big system for the first time I thought it was all wrong but it was finished so I let it be but now the more my ear changes with slightly better phones my perception is a little better and comments like yours confirms it and I appreciate your review so much.
Hey,did I mention that all guitar parts were played guitar through a cheap Zoom FX pedal and all parts were mixed through a Tascam 8,even the sax was sent dry and I added only the built in reverb in the recorder..I only used my old windowsxp computer to convert the wave to mp3 with Audacity...primitive but it worked.Like I said before,it helps a lot when all the collaborators do their part,they knew they could only depend on me for guitar and ears lol!

Thanks again for your comment.
Spivkurl 6th Feb 2015 14:34 - 9 years ago

on Nova(Project RAV) by AllenV
Was fun reading through all the comments from members who no longer visit the site. I enjoyed hearing this track! I thought that the outro did sound very much fusion. All around something I can get into listening too. I dig the Zoom stuff too, and still use their drum machines pretty often. Saw a multiFX from Zoom at a pawn shop the other day for $29, and it was very hard not to buy it... looked a bit beat up though. Just makes me wonder if it's the same one you were using on this track. I like the tone you tuned in! Fun listen, and I hope to hear some new stuff posted up here from you!
EricMilligan 6th Dec 2014 04:46 - 9 years ago

on Broken Promises 2 -Twanna1 and SpellJammer collab by AllenV
Another really wonderful track, Allen. Just sounded great from start to finish. My kind of music. I know there are many different approaches to soloing, but I've always favoured the "less is more" approach. To my ear, its the spaces between notes, as much as the notes themselves, that make a lead line really memorable and have impact. You know how to do this. i don't know if its instinct or if its just highly-developed musicianship, but you do it "just right". Very nice indeed!
AllenV replied 25th Dec 2014 - 9 years ago
Oh my god,I can't believe I spent 30 min replying to you and it did'nt go through!!!
We'll,I'm glad you got the concept...which is not new.
I always want "the song" to come first,even if it's just a couple of notes..if the song sounds good in the end then we all sound good,that's what's important.

Thanks for the listen...I had A much longer reply!
EricMilligan 6th Dec 2014 04:05 - 9 years ago

on Not Forgotten-SpellJammer and PatriciaEdwards by AllenV
Allen: Discovered you tonight as a result of hearing your great guitar work on several of Twanna's tracks. Discovered her tonight as well! Has been a very, very good night! You are a really fine musician, but I guess you know that already. I've listened to several of your tracks tonight and I'm headed for several more before I go to bed. Am enjoying them all. You are very lucky to work with such talented collaborators, but I must say they are lucky to be working with you as well. Actually, luck doesn't have much to do with it. You guys just operate at a different level from the rest of us. Something for us to aim at.
Jkingz 9th Aug 2014 13:20 - 10 years ago

on The Road Home ft SpellJammer Vocals by AllenV
Man, this is truly beautiful guys. I've been away from here for a while but to come back to looper man and hear this is truly wonderful. I love the lyrics and the guitar playing is beautiful. As a fan of acoustic, this ticks all the boxes.

Well done. J
Mosaic 30th Apr 2014 05:17 - 10 years ago

on I Cant - ft Patricia Edwards by AllenV
Hey Allen

Mate back for another listen to this one, loving it more then before, so much feeling in the piano with the vocal, you guys colab so well together, Patrica's vocals again still a stand out, Fav button back so hitting it big time...excellent matey, congrats to all involved...Peace n Respect Mosaic...
Mykael 6th Sep 2013 08:26 - 10 years ago

on All Together - ImproveWithError by AllenV
Allen...your guitar is BRILLIANT!!! It feels like you were all in the studio at once. It's soooo sweet to hear great rock guitar work! Thanks for sharing! This is going into my favs!

Love & Light,

AllenV replied 15th Sep 2013 - 10 years ago
Wow Mykael,I am humbled by your comment!
Even though I am just an addition to the track I did feel a connection with IWE's song...if I could have wrote it with him I would.
Every now and then there is a special,inspiring song that effortlessly brings out your best...and this was one of those for sure!

ScottFranco 4th Sep 2013 19:44 - 10 years ago

on All Together - ImproveWithError by AllenV
Cool song, Allen and even better guitar. Love the tone and style of your playing.

AllenV replied 15th Sep 2013 - 10 years ago
I'm very grateful for this review Scott and the song flowed so well it was a pleasure.
The tone was A Telecaster played through a Zoom pedal...yea,I know..go figure!!
I got lucky with the Zoom,I had to turn a lot of knobs to get it right and I wanted to complement ImproveWithError's track the best I could.

Thanks for listening!
Sherris 2nd Sep 2013 00:50 - 11 years ago

on All Together - ImproveWithError by AllenV
wowwww! your guitar is unbelievable awesome ! you are so tallented .
AllenV replied 15th Sep 2013 - 10 years ago
Thank you so much Sherris!
This was one of those pop rock tracks that I could hear every note coming before I played it...A joy to be part of.

Thanks again...gonna visit your page again soon.
ImproveWithError 28th Dec 2012 01:14 - 11 years ago

on All Together - ImproveWithError by AllenV
Hey Allen, thanks for sharing this track. This is still my favorite song that I have written, I think your guitar on it really contributes the biggest factor. This track came together more than I ever expected and I look forward to working with you again some day. Thanks again!!!

AllenV replied 15th Sep 2013 - 10 years ago
You were the inspiration from the get-go Kyle...your track gave me no other choice :)!!!

Thanks for the honor,you are gifted.
MStokes 26th Dec 2012 18:02 - 11 years ago

on All Together - ImproveWithError by AllenV
Allen, what a great gift it is to see you! My friend, there is no one strapping a strat that stings as melodically and sweetly - the empathy and depth you create in any setting is so versatile, giving, and personal - the very best to you my friend
AllenV replied 15th Sep 2013 - 10 years ago
Hey Mike!
Long time no response from me...sorry my friend!
You know that Music has not ever been tech to me,it's all about what we feel and I hope that makes the difference.
The song as a whole comes first or why do it? toot your own horn?...I can't even play one!

TheSavage 24th Dec 2012 21:37 - 11 years ago

on All Together - ImproveWithError by AllenV
Very well produced.
AllenV replied 26th Dec 2012 - 11 years ago
IWE deserves all the credit my friend.
I appreciate your comment!

Tumbleweed 24th Dec 2012 21:21 - 11 years ago

on All Together - ImproveWithError by AllenV
and a super bit of guitar work you did here too the tone and skillful playing but also must mention the way you wrapped the parts around the vocal so perfectly (I know thats hard to do well)...the fade in parts are a great idea...really well done....Ed
AllenV replied 26th Dec 2012 - 11 years ago
Thank you so much Ed,it was a pleasure to play on his track.

Thanks again for the listen!
Mosaic 26th Sep 2012 06:25 - 11 years ago

on Deleted - Twanna Turner by AllenV
Hey Allen

Mate thought I had reviewed this one, thought would come back for another listen but found no review, oh well, here now...As always matey excellent guitar work, one of the best here on the loop on guitar for sure, Twanna has a great vocal as I have told her many a time in reviews, you to work well together, everythings sounds brilliant my friend, no faults here from my end listening....Peace and thank you for sharing...Mos...
smallpaul 20th Aug 2012 10:18 - 12 years ago

on The Grooveline ( Heatwave Cover ft JoeFunktastic ) by AllenV
"Leave your worries behind......" and I did!! Excellent mate!!
Comments 1 - 25 of 504