
29th Jul 2016 05:11 - 8 years ago
Description : So much of the music I like has it's roots emanating from Africa, this track may be so far removed from their traditional style of music to be foreign but I'd like to think I'm connecting to those roots in some way.


Comments (9)

If you have time take a listen and give Planetjazzbass some feedback.

TribeOfHofund 25th Oct 2022 22:34 - 1 year ago
That was cool. And funny too. Very happy mood in my ears. Loved the percussion.

Kind Regards
imakebeatsLF 2nd Oct 2016 16:17 - 7 years ago
very pro sounding and alot of good feedback man

keep on bringing the heat

Planetjazzbass replied 5th Oct 2016 - 7 years ago
Hey LF, thanks so much for your kind review, very much appreciated!!..all the best Dave :)
Bindanox 1st Oct 2016 21:39 - 7 years ago
Having african heritage(Mozambique and South Africa)to be more specific,this somehow connects with me in a deeper level.
Great,great musicianship and programming.
Having been a follower of the Rebel Soundclash radio show(2 folks out of Belgium)that broadcast some of the really hard to get "underground"african music,this song really reminds of it.
And to think this is all work of one man.
Great work Planet.
May i ask,where you got the amazing acapella please?

Planetjazzbass replied 2nd Oct 2016 - 7 years ago
Hi Nelson...thanks for your great review mate very much appreciated! I'm heartened to hear that I made some connection to the underground modern music of Africa, it is after all the font where all music sprung from and especially for the roots of Jazz and most contemporary styles. Those vocals are part of a Kontakt instrument "Ethno World 5 Voices and Choirs" by Native Instruments and are listed as coming from Cameroon, it contains some amazing samples and I'll be using more in upcoming tracks for sure, your review really made my day man! thank you again..cheers Dave :)
eshar 8th Aug 2016 05:19 - 7 years ago
Added to my favorites very easily. You always manage such clarity with your productions. When the track started I found myself walking through an African market place or village lol.
A great track that really resonated with me.

Belated Birthday Greetings!

Planetjazzbass replied 11th Aug 2016 - 7 years ago
Hey Elaine..Wow I'd nearly given up on you resurfacing on the Loop, you made my day! not for my birthday though I don't bother with those anymore seeing I'm getting way too old! haha but thank you for the sentiment anyway, I know you just had one so right back atcha, one of these days I might convince you of doing some spoken word for me, I have a poem better than Two Worlds which I've been sitting on for some can but hope.... all the best Dave :)
silverman 30th Jul 2016 03:47 - 7 years ago
I love this!
Love the way the rather alien guitar appears and fits so well.
I could have handled a couple of more minutes of this easily.
Totally pro sound.
Planetjazzbass replied 31st Jul 2016 - 7 years ago
Thanks mate glad you enjoyed it, I would have extended the track with more vocal samples but I only had a certain amount in that key so I didn't want to be too repetitive, though I should have extended the flute solo!...ah well, short and sweet I time i'll stick to a longer format...cheers mate
Dave :)
ronmoney29 30th Jul 2016 03:46 - 7 years ago
You can get high to this... lol
Planetjazzbass replied 31st Jul 2016 - 7 years ago
Haha...glad you lifted off! cheers Dave :)
milesatdenver 29th Jul 2016 20:42 - 7 years ago
hey really like those drums!!!
Planetjazzbass replied 30th Jul 2016 - 7 years ago
Thanks mate, spent a fair amount of time programming the little beggars! lol..cheers Dave :)
Spivkurl 29th Jul 2016 17:16 - 7 years ago
This is a cool divergence from the songs I expect to hear when visiting your profile! Feels like something which may have shown up on "Sandanista," which is definitely my favorite Clash album. So I guess that means that it has a sound which I identify as one culture being interpreted through another person and the culture they were born into. I don't think that living things strictly choose where they are born, so it is not your fault if someone were to say that it does not sound authentic. Something which I would not do in this case! I love the bass and guitar performances very much, and the hand drum and other percussions add a lot to the enjoyment of this song. I'm assuming you have no idea what these words mean, but I would be happy if you give me some idea of what they mean to you. Was a very fun listen, from beginning to end! Fave!
Planetjazzbass replied 30th Jul 2016 - 7 years ago
Hey Pat thanks for stopping by mate!..I have absolutely no idea what the lyrics say, it's probably content any small community would talk about, sex, chickens or the weather! lol...I totally agree with your premise about cultural interpretation through the medium of personal experience, my grandmother used to have this old zither that I used to play with as a little kid, I couldn't play it in the traditional manner but somehow figured out to try hitting the strings with spoons, I'd spend hours hammering away making crazy sounds, don't know what ever happened to that old zither but I was thinking about it during the making of this track funnily enough...glad you enjoyed it mate!..cheers Dave :)
Modnex 29th Jul 2016 08:39 - 8 years ago
Great track here, Planet! I love all of the sound choices used here. This track definitely gives off that African origin sound. The mix is done very well and the vocals sit perfectly in the mix. The flute sound that came in around 2:38 was great. Did you use a real flute? Overall, this was done very well!

Keep up the great work, fav.
Planetjazzbass replied 30th Jul 2016 - 7 years ago
Hey thanks Mod, glad you enjoyed the tune! The flute was a midi played Vst (pinkillu bamboo flute) which I thought fitted in quite well, I was originally envisioning some more traditional African instruments like the Kora (21 stringed harp) but unfortunately I have no access to one of those, and I couldn't play it anyway! lol...cheers mate Dave :)

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26th Feb 2019 12:41 - 5 years ago
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Thank You
22nd May 2015 20:11 - 9 years ago
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These are the loops I used:

And another loop by soservilious, but i cant fine their profile on looperman anymore!!
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Tags :
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12th Mar 2016 12:20 - 8 years ago
Tags :
Description : Here i used samples from this site to create beats :)
26th May 2012 03:45 - 12 years ago
Tags :
Description : i love trance . i love house. i love dubstep.
but i also loooooove world music.
i first listened to this track and i thought it could use some oomph. i like to use that word a lot.
shows ya how old i am. it does sound better,though.
3rd Feb 2014 01:45 - 10 years ago
Tags :
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Music by: krotan
Target platform: S3M compatible
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