


Music Is my Passion
Gascogne, France
Joined : 31st Jul 2007 - 17 years ago
Last Online : 9th Jun 2024 - 3 months ago
VickyDan comments on tracks

VickyDan has posted 1109 comments on other peoples tracks.

Comments 1 - 25 of 1,109
VickyDan 30th Jul 2018 15:37 - 6 years ago

on Remnants Of The Fall by Orlando51
Bonjour Leon ....

I have already written about it .... and no matter the season, in the end of the moment we spend a very pleasant time .... Sincerely you are a kind of genius, and also a bit magician ....

Orlando51 replied 30th Jul 2018 - 6 years ago
Bonjour Dan...but what if I'm a kind of magician and a bit of genius?..-:) Joke aside my friend, I'm so glad to see you here're such a rare visitor here on LM, but then again I'm so much happier when I see you after a long time. Thank you so much again for all the support and kind words...hope to see you soon...

Take care_____Leon
VickyDan 9th Apr 2017 15:38 - 7 years ago

on Prapancha by bbedford48
Bonjour Bob ....

Always faithful to your themes recognizable among all (at least for me). Other instrumentations, but it 's you at 100%.
Glad to find you for this very original piece.
I hope that all goes well for you, and that the weight of age does not affect you too much ....

bbedford48 replied 9th Apr 2017 - 7 years ago
Many Thanks Dan. I was listening to some of your tracks yesterday, and, as always, I'm blown away by your mastery of the sound stage. My health is quite good at the moment. I really hope you are well and happy
VickyDan 9th Apr 2017 15:31 - 7 years ago

on The Other Way Around by Orlando51
Comment allez vous Leon?

I really like the sounds you use here .... It is true, that the guitar is prominent, and that the influence of Ed, could be the cause.
Apart from that, it's something new, maybe a certain turn, but with that musical logic that characterizes you ....

Orlando51 replied 12th Apr 2017 - 7 years ago
Bonjour Dan...Je suis bien.:)

I would hardly say that the guitar was influenced by Ed and I had no intention to copy his style or in any way substitute his presence or even compete with him ( for me that would be completely impossible anyway), but I simply wished to do something a bit different from my point of view and so it happened, but there will be another version of the song uploaded in a few days later, so you're kindly invited to the comparison event when it starts !

Many thanks for your continuos support...means alot,

VickyDan 9th Apr 2017 15:15 - 7 years ago

on Stockholm Sweden by aelmen
Bonjour my Friend ....

Again, barbarism has struck .... I am wholeheartedly with you my Friend, with your fellow citizens as well. You bring here, with this music the proof, that it is necessary to act differently ... and that this free violence, should not exist. Thank you for allowing me to follow you a brief moment on your way ....

aelmen replied 10th Apr 2017 - 7 years ago
Dan... I'm speechless.. your words really make difference..
Thank you!

VickyDan 7th Apr 2017 10:36 - 7 years ago

on lets go by ElenaSatine

I do not know much about your musical works, but this track, demonstrates a certain will, and a lot of logic for this particular style ....

ElenaSatine replied 7th Apr 2017 - 7 years ago
thank you much much for the review .
VickyDan 2nd Mar 2017 21:37 - 7 years ago

on Post War Etude by Orlando51
Hello Leon ....

I can do nothing to reproach what I listen .... The light of music is very much present, and these two parts marry very well.
We sometimes have a few lassitudes, but the harmonies, and the pleasure of mastering them, returns inevitably.
I hope you are well ....

Orlando51 replied 3rd Mar 2017 - 7 years ago
Hey, bonjour Dan....what a rare opurtunity lately to see you on LM, so your visit is even more precious.
I'm extremely glad that you found this one on a positive side....thank you so much for that and for the 'fav' ofcourse...means alot!

Cheers and all the best_____Leon
VickyDan 28th Sep 2016 20:55 - 8 years ago

on Take Me Take Me Away by Mosaic
Hi my Friend ....

A great pleasure to listen to you again .... It is very successful what you have produced here ....

Mosaic replied 29th Sep 2016 - 8 years ago
Hi Dan

Long time my friend, hope you are keeping well, very pleased you enjoyed the listen...Peace n Respect my friend...mosaic...
VickyDan 28th Sep 2016 20:50 - 8 years ago

on Am I Crazy Muzic by BradoSanz by PatriciaEdwards
Bonjour Patricia ....

A great pleasure to listen to you .... Really Excellent.

PatriciaEdwards replied 29th Sep 2016 - 8 years ago
Hello Dan. Thank you. :-)
VickyDan 27th Jan 2016 15:21 - 8 years ago

on River Rising by TexasSlim008
Re ....

Not really connected to the story and that kind of series. Your music plug me anymore. Thank you for these explanations.

VickyDan 27th Jan 2016 12:59 - 8 years ago

on River Rising by TexasSlim008
Re ....

I do not know the story you want us to listen, but you know to play with the harmonies, in a beautiful way. Honestly, I'me admiring ....

TexasSlim008 replied 27th Jan 2016 - 8 years ago
River Tam as in Summer Glau in the TV series Firefly and the movie Serenity. Her brother gives up his life as a prominent Doctor to rescue her from the Alliance. Their parents or at least there father is only interested in their success and not as persons. This is how I think they saw each other when she was born and he found the family he didn't have otherwise. Kaylee is a female mechanic with a gift for fixing things like spaceship engines and is so cheerful her captains say "some times you just want to smack her", but not really.
VickyDan 27th Jan 2016 12:55 - 8 years ago

on Kaylee by TexasSlim008
Re ....

Really great what you compose .... An unexpected musical approach here.

VickyDan 27th Jan 2016 12:52 - 8 years ago

on The Minor by TexasSlim008
Bonjour ....

You're probably not a musician playing an instrument, but the music dwells within you .... Really great that you produce, you tell a story .... It's rare!

TexasSlim008 replied 27th Jan 2016 - 8 years ago
The Minor is about the minor characters into which I have injected myself as a miner who begins his story on and within the safety of an asteroid where he lives. I imagine the view from the asteroid the loneliness of being millions of miles from anyone and a hope and power that lies beneath the surface of whom he appears to be. There is a Firefly Wiki about the series created by Joss Whedon.
VickyDan 23rd Jan 2016 11:34 - 8 years ago

on Abandoned Sanctuary by Orlando51
Bonjour Orlando ....

Just a few words, and if I may: It's Magic .... You ensure your subject with a certain musical conviction no doubt. A multitude of images unfold as in a kaleidoscope. And to conclude .... Great serenity here.

Orlando51 replied 23rd Jan 2016 - 8 years ago
Bonjour Dan...

So nice to read your exquiste words again my friend. Thank you so much for listening, for your comment and the 'fav'!

With much appreciation______Orlando
VickyDan 28th Dec 2015 08:23 - 8 years ago

on Holy snowfall - Soleil Lune ft XyIlent by SoraSolitudine
Hello ....

For someone, musical autodidact, I honestly think you're doing not bad at all .... This is a theme can be a bit repetitive, but the loops are used properly. It is true that MMM 2015 (or other), allows you to start easily, and to express themselves musically .... Aves you tried Samplitude or Music Studio, of Magix? A little more complex, certainly. Good luck for the future, you are on the right path .... I love what you have produced.

SoraSolitudine replied 29th Dec 2015 - 8 years ago
First, thanks for listen and comment... it's significative to me. To answer your question, no, I'm afraid that maybe Samplitude or Music Studio can be too difficult for me. Once I installed ProTools in my PC, and when I executed, it was like being in another planet. I could do nothing. So, music classes first, then the DAW.

Again, thanks for listen and comment!
Best wishes.
VickyDan 26th Jul 2015 10:03 - 9 years ago

on I cant make you love me featuring Lisa Worth by RichieWinn
Bonjour Richie ....

First of all, thank you for that link .... What I can modestly write here is you touch perfection, the bar is very high. Many here, and when I read the comments, were impressed by your achievement and by the voice of Lisa .... and of course I join with all that has been written.
Really a concept of high quality .... Thank you for sharing this moment. My congratulations to your partner in this adventure ....

RichieWinn replied 1st Aug 2015 - 9 years ago
Bojour Dan

Thank you so much for your comments. I hope you enjoyed the link I sent to you. I hope I hear from you soon.


VickyDan 7th Apr 2015 11:23 - 9 years ago

on Bring The Sun by ScottB55
Hi Scott ....

Just a short time here .... and happy to discover this track that has not aged (in concept) even if with your knowledge "technical" of today, have brought him even more shine and radiance. The guitar is discrette but effective. It is the voice of whom?

ScottB55 replied 8th Apr 2015 - 9 years ago
Thanks allot, Dan. Glad you took the time to check it out and leave your encouraging comment.

The vocals were some I found on the net some time ago.

VickyDan 7th Apr 2015 11:13 - 9 years ago

on Dreams of a Clown by bbedford48
Bonjour Bob ....

A very sophisticated mixture, which you have the secret .... Different approaches in this concept make this track a pleasant moment to listen.

bbedford48 replied 7th Apr 2015 - 9 years ago
Many thanks Dan,

It gives me much validation to hear this review from you

VickyDan 8th Dec 2014 09:32 - 9 years ago

on Let me Escape by aknin
Re ....

J'aurais pu écrire tout cela en Français .... n'est ce pas? ^_ ^

aknin replied 8th Dec 2014 - 9 years ago
en effet! un français parfait, meilleur que nous même... encore merci
VickyDan 8th Dec 2014 09:30 - 9 years ago

on Let me Escape by aknin
Hello ....

All the ingredients for a good time are grouped here. The realization is very correct, well "square" for this "Rock Orchestra" ....
You did a great job my friend ....

VickyDan 8th Dec 2014 09:21 - 9 years ago

on iAmless - When We Become Lost -NEW ALBUM COMING- by IamLess
Hello ....

A good promising start ....

IamLess replied 8th Dec 2014 - 9 years ago
Thanks for taking the time to comment Dan, every comment helps, more music to come.

VickyDan 8th Dec 2014 09:17 - 9 years ago

on Our Way - Featuring Kara Hesse by Musicante
Ciao ....

The meeting here of talented people, each in its field, and provide the necessary element for the realization of the right track .... here is the proof.
Despite the distances, communion is perfect.

Congratulations to the whole team. It's excellent ....

Musicante replied 8th Dec 2014 - 9 years ago
Bonjour Dan,

Thank you so much for your inspiring words. We all appreciate it. You are correct...Our distance is much, but despite slight language barriers, we all seem to come together musically, which proves music is a universal language.

VickyDan 7th Dec 2014 09:17 - 9 years ago

on Natural Woman cover with piano by 2littleducks
Hello ....

Very refined interpretation .... which brings a good sound to your talented voice .... Enjoyable concept.

2littleducks replied 18th Jan 2015 - 9 years ago
Thank You for your comments. Really glad you enjoyed it.
VickyDan 7th Dec 2014 09:06 - 9 years ago

on Signs--Feat--Danke by soundhound
Hello ....

I do not know the original concept of "Danke", but your adaptation is very dynamic and well mixed. with details surprising in headphones ....
In summary, good job here.

soundhound replied 7th Dec 2014 - 9 years ago
Yes...Headphone details are a little clearer, to the trained ear...
A big guitar line or 2 were just a touch to close to chop, so I let
them slide...Some like that and others don't, I just wanted it
to sound like I played it and not like I looped it...That would've
been the easy way, I've never done anything that way when it comes
to Music...
VickyDan 7th Dec 2014 08:41 - 9 years ago

on Infragilis - Infenso or Lament of the Forgotten by Infragilis
Bonjour Daniel ....

I like the originality of this concept very cinematic.
A good achievement for me and a very complex job that you have done with talent .... Bravo!

VickyDan 6th Dec 2014 15:54 - 9 years ago

on Disko DisWay by ScottB55
Bonjour Scott ....

A rhythm of the past, that you've dusted off with your usual enthusiasm. Well supported by the drums, all instrumentation is well in place and leveled with a lot of fantasy.
As in the good old days. Really nice to listen to ....

ScottB55 replied 7th Dec 2014 - 9 years ago
Bonjour Dan,

Always a pleasure to read your comments as they are much appreciated with thanks.

Yep, another new one from the past!

Comments 1 - 25 of 1,109