
7 Pro Mixing Tips You Would Never Think To Use

Posted in Tutorials
23rd Apr 2012 - 12 years ago
7 pro mixing tips you would never think to use
Quiztones Frequency Ear Training Apps for Mac OS X & iOS

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Comments (9)

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coppethall 22nd Feb 2015 18:50 - 9 years ago
"Second, mix your record at low monitoring levels. The reason this works is because it forces you to create energy and excitement when loudness is not an option. This will force you to be more selective about EQ and compression settings, as well as general levels and imaging. When all said is done you'll find that a record that creates the impression of a big sound at low levels will sound absolutely huge when it's cranked.."

Now that's brilliant advice!

Mahloo13 4th May 2012 18:01 - 12 years ago
@Silverpaw - Corey those numbers are a bit drastic and in practice it doesn't sound to good. When mixing you try to emphasize the core frequency not leave it alone in the mix. Your mix will sound empty and lifeless.

Go with the high pass and low pass on bass, guitars maybe even synths but don't be so drastic. It all depends on your sounds but usually above 3kHz you get noting but string noise and cracks on a bass, the guitars sound scratchy above 12kHz etc. etc.

Now all this is relative to the music you are mixing and the sounds you have in the mix so take the time and listen to what you are doing.

Be careful around the 180-600Hz area as it might sound boxy if it's to much or thin and weak if you ain't got enough.
Mahloo13 30th Apr 2012 12:44 - 12 years ago
@StereoMathematics - Glad you've found it useful. It's always present in my mixes in one form or another.
StereoMathematics 29th Apr 2012 19:48 - 12 years ago
this is good stuff. moar. and i like #3 there mahloo.
Spivkurl 26th Apr 2012 00:48 - 12 years ago
Good tips here!

Another one;

Use a high pass filter to ease the muddiness of your low end. This can be used very easilly on tracks that have very little low end, by cutting the unused frequency range. Also useful at low frequency settings for things like kicks and bass, by removing subsonic frequencies that your speakers can't recreate.
candymann13 25th Apr 2012 20:07 - 12 years ago
i luv this site .................!!!!!!!!!!!!
BerniZeBest 25th Apr 2012 17:35 - 12 years ago
Yeah! Good and very interesting post here!
I think that a very effective trick is to compare our own work with "pro" ones : it's an interesting work.
I practice and believe that a very good mix is the absolute next step of a good "arrangement" and, for the real instruments (vocals too...), good takes help a lot!!!
Even in Looperman, I've downloaded talentuous vocals and I work on 'em!!
So, Chheeeers everybody!!
UChris 24th Apr 2012 17:47 - 12 years ago
I used the low-pass and compression tips to brighten up a muddy solo and it worked! Who knew?
Mahloo13 23rd Apr 2012 19:47 - 12 years ago
Some very good tips here!

I'd like to add a few more!

1. If processing power allows it, use parallel compression on tracks like kick, snare, bass, guitars, vocals or anything that needs more tone and apparent volume and clarity. The beauty of parallel compression is that all your heavy compression takes part on an Aux track and you can automate it and still get a dynamic mix. It will also help you keep those tracks in the front of the mix or in focus without loosing the punch of the track.

2. Use delays to thicken sound. Very short delay (ping-pong type of delays) can help widen things and also give them a thicker more consistent sound. Use 16th or 32 notes on the delay and mix then just underneath the clean sound.

3. Use 2 mono delays instead of 1 stereo one to help define the delays and keep the center clean. Feed the left delay into the right and then the right delay into the right one. This will create a nice clean ping-pong type of delay while keeping the middle very clear and ti will appear wider than just a regular stereo delay.

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