Blog posts about anything and everything audio
Imagine a DJ controller that lets you feel your mix: The S4’s brand-new Haptic Drive motorized jog wheels zap cue points, loop markers, and more.
Check out the new features available in Steinberg Cubase 10
Follow this guide to find out how to use flstudio mobile as a VST plugin for free
At long last FLStudio has its own dedicated hardware controller. Find out what the Akai Fire has to offer.
Acid pro 8 released by Magix. Check out the new features and updates
Ableton Link allows you to sync aps on other devices with Ableton Live over a network. A free upgrade is available now to users of Live 9.
Mark Radcliffe presents a countdown of the ten songs which have earned the most money from royalties of all time.
From its humble beginnings 30 years ago to a universal standard. MIDI paved the way for modern music.
JAM with Chrome is an interactive web application that allows friends in different locations to play music together in real time through their Chrome browser.
For those of you in the UK or who have access to the BBC Iplayer there is a great series of documentaries on at the moment where they talk about iconic recording studios in which classic albums were created.