Listen here, Metabolic (guy below me). Coming to my track's page to insult it is low enough, but going to SOMEONE ELSE's track and saying it's bad? We get it. You hate my music. But don't you dare go around trying to get other people to.
Ok, intro drums aren't as generic as expected.. Let's see where this goes.. Hmm... I can't say I enjoy it but hearing this after at a pathetic attempt to "initiate the bass" (check the featured tracks) I can appreciate what you're trying to do... Creative to say the least.. You've used dynamics well... It still lacks something to my ears.. And perhaps change your wording, you give the impression Youtube released your track...
on Frostbite - Menace by TheOfficialFrostbite
on Frostbite - Menace by TheOfficialFrostbite
on Frostbite - Menace by TheOfficialFrostbite
on Frostbite - Menace by TheOfficialFrostbite
on Frostbite - Annihilation Ft Orphan by TheOfficialFrostbite
on Frostbite - Annihilation Ft Orphan by TheOfficialFrostbite
on Frostbite - Annihilation Ft Orphan by TheOfficialFrostbite