LMMS - AudaCity
Panda Dub
Waow ;)))
The Wall (Pink Floyd)
Legend (Bob Marley)....
Dub, Rap, Reggae, Techno.....
I have no favourite artists but I love many songs from different artists, like Bob Marley and sons, Dezarie for the special singing, Peter Tosh etc. I love old ska and Jazz too. James brown, Joe Coker...Jean Wycleaf, Sting, Jacques Brel, Edith Piaf... What's the same sens between artists from this part of my favourites list? The weight of words and an humanist heart for peace & love.
I' don't know, it's maybe a mixed sounds from my influences. Maybe Electro Ska-Dub? Never I create on a acapella track, I create first a complete music way and after I search an acapella who can go right, sometimes I change my tempo and some little thinks to hope to be good.
I Was an excellent cooker. But I'm sick, now I'm fighting in different social causes to defend human liberty, ecology, equality and peace.