Spiritual, Natural Talent Artist (pencil,pen,charcoal, anything really but painting im learning that self taught, Work as a line cook, food is also one of my hobbies with that said im 5'7" 150 pounds so dont get the wrong idea,.. deep thinker as one may say. Enjoy my saturday mornings when i dont have to work late rush..thats the shit and i currently go to the art institute of ft. lauderdale for digital film making and design im a midnight night toker that loves to think, Gentlemen when it comes to lady's, Keep a close tight group of friends, Will murder for my family (friends) and sure as hell aint scared of death.. but really im a laid back 21 yr old ridin life even if i hit a stick in the road or crash i'll still rise to the occasion
learning piano, guitar, bass guitar
gargeband 08 getting 09 , soundtrack pro , apple loops utility, cinema
c01 condenser mic, midi keyboard, my mac , vocal booth in my room,
i listen to my music mostly to listen for imperfections
really nothing else but those three bands maybe some saving able and the frey matisyahu k-os lil bit of outkast
For food: My dad hes a five star executive chef and he good with life problems too. my moms and my chef
Music: i grew up on rap: bonethugs-n-harmony then got to redhot chili peppers nickleback and incubus..
i flop from hip hop to rock from jazz to old school back to rnb then hit it over to ambient and cinematic for how ever i am feeling that day
i"m trying to get my own company name TruthTheory Productions.. which will hopefully in the end will be producing music albums, music scores for movies, advertising: commercials, websites, and Art Design: logos, murals,portraits, anything that requires an artist....P.S. dont try taking my name