


Stone Mountain, United States
Joined : 3rd Jul 2010 - 14 years ago
Comments on tvbball23 tracks

Other users have posted 3 comments on tracks by tvbball23

Comments (3)
MStokes 17th Apr 2011 15:47 - 13 years ago

on Simply Beautiful by tvbball23
really rewarding listen - i really dig the composition - only input i can give is all sounds seem to be at the same input level - a little more give and take between the instruments might sound even better - peace
tvbball23 replied Unknown
I appreciate the positive feedback man. But I composed this a long time ago, before I knew anything about leveling sounds. I can fix those small leveling mistakes. Thanks a lot.
dbsdott 7th Apr 2011 09:07 - 13 years ago

on Understand by tvbball23
kind of simple based looped but pretty good
tvbball23 replied Unknown
Thanks man...I kinda wanted it to be simple...not trying to over-complicate things...
Bindanox 7th Apr 2011 07:00 - 13 years ago

on Funky by tvbball23
Nice build up man!Gotta love your sound,really clever and fresh one.Nice use of all the instruments but the acordion does it for me.Thanks for using the Monalisa loop.More to come in the next few weeks.

Thanks to Anomalyj for showing genuine interest on your track.

All the best to you.
tvbball23 replied Unknown
Wow, thanks a lot man! I didn't really expect it to come out too well, but when I started piecing it all together, it came out pretty nicely.

Look forward to more tracks...I have plenty already made...

Optimistic, you're doing a great job so keep it up man.
Comments (3)