I thought many times about livestreaming a jam, but I'm not sure where to start and not sure it would be interesting etc etc. In the end I did a live stream on YouTube the other day of a small gig I did and that was super fun. I'll do that a couple more times and then maybe I'll consider that again. Always try to do the things that are the most scary, that way we grow the most, right? :)
Haha, no worries. I would love to take a look on your end if you stream on youtube.
I was originally scared of streaming 'blank canvas' music. But if it inspires new artists I'm all for it.
Although some people didn't appreciate how long I took to do certain things...I informed them "Guys, sometimes you have to listen to a riff 250 times to make sure it's what you want for the song. You're going to listen to your own work a thousand of times before you release it into the wild. That is what the stream is for, that thought process too."
Will do. I've streamed on Twitch, and facebook on occasion. I don't do it often, usually when I'm starting from complete scratch so non musicians can see the process. Or I stream when I'm finalizing everything.
Yeah understand 100%. I always try to focus on getting the music right before focusing on recording; I generally record guitar/bass through DI and piano through midi (I can't fit a proper Steinway in my tiny apt ;) ) and for drums I do have access to an accoustic set, but for practical reasons I start with some basic midi stuff. It's just easier.
Good stuff man, keep creating!
Yeah the drums make this track. Well done.
So is it all live or currently in midi but you might record it live? I agree with the sentiment btw, I try to do everything live, but having midi piano/strings/drums just is a lot more practical at times, and I wouldn't be able to fit an entire orchestra in my living room anyway ;)
Yes. The majority of the drums are programmed and looped. And then every single other part I would record it live (Through midi), then go to the next layer and next layer. So not "live" per se, but you're a musician too, you understand what I mean haha.
Nice track, the drums set the pace so hold on! A little more volume on the mix and it will be more impactful as you continue to work on it. Hopefully you add some hits of some other instruments or some more melodies here and there to fill in the spaces. Some nice wood drum/percussion kits out there that could add some spark, just a suggestion.
Well done! Cinematic for sure, lots of tension and excitement to the track!
Yep, just needed to get the concept out there. There is no real need to up the volume/master quite yet until I feel like I'm done with everything haha. Thanks for the feedback!
Beautiful work - not easy with the vst instruments to achieve such a richly nuaced and textual sound but you have great balance and depth in the sound. Especially love those drums - look forward to hearing what building on this migh sound like but already amazing : )
Yeah, I got some expensive new VSTs specifically for strings and piano so I wanted to work on something to test them out. They are sounding pretty good, but I think I could improve them a bit with more practice and editing (The new vst software is a learning experience).
Surprising! We definetely like it. We think it could be coming straigth out of a movie. We agree to BaoBou: if you get into it, the track takes you on a little journey with a mystical
touch. Thanks for your work - we find it amazing what you have done with the acapella...
best regards, Yjuna.
That's a really interesting and impressive track! the intro is maybe a touch long and you risk losing people there with our tiny attention spans these days, but those people would be wrong, and it's worth staying around and experiencing the whole track :)
One tiny thing: the snare sound you use feels a bit "dry" while it's such an important sound in the track. I think you could add maybe some massive reverb, or see if you have another sample for it?
Good luck man. Great work.
Definitely agree with you there. Still working on it. But I agree with the snares. I've just been kind of waiting on my ear surgery first lol, so I'm just going by graphs right now, since I can't trust my ears.
Beautiful duet. Your friend has a nice voice. Dijam is coming in cold with the songs recently so I’m glad you could do something to make this even better. Reminds me of lovely by billie eilish and khalid. Peace
Yeah he does. He typically raps/sings RnB. I told him break out of your mold for a song. He killed it. I wish I could sing though :-( Thanks for the awesome comment man!
Beautiful and heartfelt. Could be a movie theme since it has such a dramatic and intensely emotional feel to it. The sound and production quality is gorgeous. Great work!
The original orchestrated early work I did on the track sounded pretty terrible, but my friend Salvo needed SOMETHING to work with to duet with Sara's vocals. Afterwards I reworked the track. I'm glad it turned out pretty good in the end. :-)
Thank you Danke! Yeah, I've sort of been listening to this on repeat for a few days now lol. I have the girlfriend to thank for the final critique changes.
on To Remember in Gm - Film Project 3 by InitiumMusic
on To Remember in Gm - Film Project 3 by InitiumMusic
I was originally scared of streaming 'blank canvas' music. But if it inspires new artists I'm all for it.
Although some people didn't appreciate how long I took to do certain things...I informed them "Guys, sometimes you have to listen to a riff 250 times to make sure it's what you want for the song. You're going to listen to your own work a thousand of times before you release it into the wild. That is what the stream is for, that thought process too."
on To Remember in Gm - Film Project 3 by InitiumMusic
on To Remember in Gm - Film Project 3 by InitiumMusic
on Forward by InitiumMusic
Good stuff man, keep creating!
on Forward by InitiumMusic
So is it all live or currently in midi but you might record it live? I agree with the sentiment btw, I try to do everything live, but having midi piano/strings/drums just is a lot more practical at times, and I wouldn't be able to fit an entire orchestra in my living room anyway ;)
on Forward by InitiumMusic
Well done! Cinematic for sure, lots of tension and excitement to the track!
on Forward by InitiumMusic
on Forward by InitiumMusic
Yeah, I got some expensive new VSTs specifically for strings and piano so I wanted to work on something to test them out. They are sounding pretty good, but I think I could improve them a bit with more practice and editing (The new vst software is a learning experience).
on Yjuna - Bright Day - Initium Edit by InitiumMusic
on Yjuna - Bright Day - Initium Edit by InitiumMusic
touch. Thanks for your work - we find it amazing what you have done with the acapella...
best regards, Yjuna.
on Yjuna - Bright Day - Initium Edit by InitiumMusic
One tiny thing: the snare sound you use feels a bit "dry" while it's such an important sound in the track. I think you could add maybe some massive reverb, or see if you have another sample for it?
Good luck man. Great work.
on Crew - Mula - Initium Mix by InitiumMusic
on Back To You B E Mix by InitiumMusic
on Mistake ft Sara and Salvo by InitiumMusic
on Mistake ft Sara and Salvo by InitiumMusic
on Mistake ft Sara and Salvo by InitiumMusic
on Back To You B E Mix by InitiumMusic
on Mistake ft Sara and Salvo by InitiumMusic
on Mistake ft Sara and Salvo by InitiumMusic
on Girls Like Me -Initium Remix- Demo by InitiumMusic
on Mistake ft Sara and Salvo by InitiumMusic
on Mistake ft Sara and Salvo by InitiumMusic
on Mistake ft Sara and Salvo by InitiumMusic
on Mistake ft Sara and Salvo by InitiumMusic
quality work in all respects ...
soundtrack music ...
fistbump, Danke