The hihats here are non mixed. Pick hihat sample which is very short. Just fill the beat with fill each 2 steps, like standart hihats.
pitch them a little bit down to the key.
Lower the velocity of each second hihat.
Like first normal velocity, next 3/4 velocity, next normal velocity, next 3/4 etc.
you can get them more in the background by adding phaser eq and some reverb
the openhats are easy, pick an openhat sample, pitch it down, active the envelope, so the doesnt play the full lenght. now you can make rolls in piano roll, just like hihat rolls. dont forget to stay on the right key.
on Chuvosa by EmphasisOnFlow
on Chill Guitar Chords by Lotlus
on Complex but hitting hard trap loop by DJCATEYEZ
pitch them a little bit down to the key.
Lower the velocity of each second hihat.
Like first normal velocity, next 3/4 velocity, next normal velocity, next 3/4 etc.
you can get them more in the background by adding phaser eq and some reverb
the openhats are easy, pick an openhat sample, pitch it down, active the envelope, so the doesnt play the full lenght. now you can make rolls in piano roll, just like hihat rolls. dont forget to stay on the right key.