


Colleyville, United States
Joined : 20th Jan 2009 - 15 years ago
primalXmuse comments on loops

primalXmuse has posted 2 comments on other peoples loops.

Comments (2)
primalXmuse 17th Mar 2011 22:25 - 13 years ago

on Crazy Jive by Planetjazzbass
i just wanted to say that i love all of your loops. cannot wait to try some of them out! thanks for posting!
primalXmuse 7th Apr 2010 07:02 - 14 years ago

on cone killer 1 by jahknow
the beat is good. the mixdown could be a little bit cleaner.

what you need to do to make it better is to well i dunno, make it usable? the mix down is awful. i tried to layer it as a beat to a melody i had written and it made the sound quality of the ENTIRE track plummet. and believe me, i tried running it through an 8 band, remastering it, compressing the bass, you name it. i think its funny that you claim to have made it sound like that on purpose. if you did that on purpose than you should probably go back to audio engineering 101. most people dont like the sound of their speakers about to blow out.
jahknow replied Unknown
That's why it's called cone likker. It has intentional dirt in the mix and overblown woofer response.

Do you mean to tell me that after being on this site for over a year, this is the very 1st comment you added to ANYTHING on this site?

Please tell me, how do I need to make it better?
Comments (2)