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Joined : 2nd Sep 2018 - 5 years ago

AJHendricks comments on acapellas

AJHendricks has posted 2 comments on other peoples acapellas.

AJHendricks 15th Nov 2021 14:46 -  2 years ago

on Fire Hydrant Extra Line by Raven80
*Constructive Criticism*
After reading a bunch of comments, its important to listen when someone is genuinely giving you constructive criticism which is the case for someone like Pavel or Tman. Everyone's just trying to help you out! In your case it would be very helpful to record to a reference beat, doesn't really matter which one or genre as long as it keeps you on whatever tempo you want. None of your vocals were on tempo which is a nightmare for even a "professional" to decode for you.
A bit of preprocessing also really helps, you can easily find a lot of tutorials on Youtube for plugins to utilize: Autotune, EQ, Compressor, and a Noisegate to point out a few plugins to start with (just don't saturate your vocals with reverb or delays if you're not sure about how to use them quite yet). Here's a very helpful youtuber who is very talented and that I actually enjoy their own music as well: But for one example, when someone has been telling you your vocals are not leveled properly its due to improper compression techniques. Compressors help to boost lower volume vocals and attenuate higher volume vocals so they all sound about the same volume, or *level*, when done correctly.
No one on this site will mix and master your vocals for you and chop every line up to fit the tempo, its very time intensive and usually is done by an audio engineer, which is not the general population on this site. Everyone's vocals are different, but once you find what works for you it'll become drastically easier. Everyone needs to start somewhere :)
Raven80 replied 15th Nov 2021 - 2 years ago
AJHendricks I have been singing to a backing track and many times always with that or to a metronome.
He's not helping at all saying I am an inexperienced when I've been doing it for 30 years.
Raven80 replied 15th Nov 2021 - 2 years ago
AJHendricks Your mix and music just works here! Don't listen to Pavel,