You have no idea how much I appreciate the kind words. I threw this song together over the course of two days. Wrote the last two verses in the bathroom yesterday before I made the kids breakfast then recorded and mixed it after. The beat came from the main loop sample i heard on looperman and instantly heard this song in my head. I've been producing tracks for almost 20 years for other people and colaborations. But this is the first time I've found my voice. And to be honest I've hesitant to share because I didn't know if it fit into todays hiphop scene. So from the bottom of my heart... Thank you.
This has a bit of chillout flair, but the sick ass bassline is what makes the track really stand out in an awesome way. UK Drill has become one of those gems I like listening to, but there is not enough of in the states. :-) Fantastic work.
FANTASTIC bassline dude. Definitely a professionally done track, and EDM is pretty saturated market, but it's got a very unique hip-hop-esc vibe to it. That synth at about 1:29 is absolutely bonkers dude.
Thanks man! I try to make my own sound so I'm glad you think it's unique! My goal is to make a balance between Trap and EDM. I remember you made a track with my vocals before. I did like it, hopefully you can find inspiration from my latest acapella.
I would most certainly agree with ambient genre. I mean, ambient encompasses so much, it's an environment your music has envisioned to the listener.
Like I'm feeling a little film noir/cyberpunk dreary street that somebody is walking down.
This is really damn good, because it was easily what I envisioned when I listened to the track, and when I envision something quickly, it means it moved me enough to stimulate my imagination.
I didn't even know they had that genre on here. I see a great future in your music man if this is going to be your intro song. Great work! Any soundcloud page? Or something I can follow you with?
Heya! It's not really my intro song as in "debut" song, but an intro song (first track) in my album. I've been making tracks for only about 4 - 5 years, and I really still suck at sound design so I still have very long ways to go.
I usually use my Soundcloud as a storage/transfer hub where instead of plugging my phone to my laptop to transfer my test tracks, I just upload it there privately and stream it myself. You can see there's not much content there, but there's a ton of private ones I can only see. You can check out my profile to see the link if you want! I have there trash tracks, or tracks that aren't really good since they're made by me about a year or a few ago.
I haven't listened to RnB for like a year, no lie. I'm glad I came back and the first song I heard was something on the featured page. I think you have one of the most incredible soulful voices I have ever heard. I remember being a fan of your voice what feels like forever ago.
Yes! This is fantastic. I want to remix this. I'm going to goof off a bit with the download, and see if anything comes to mind, but I'm inspired. Thanks for this track man.
Very modern pop/dance vibe. I love the drums, but the guitar especially.
I was very happy to hear that you were interested in working on this sound. If you need a separate part, please let me know and I'll send it to you.
Thank you!
Good productions!
Bests regards!
Yes! This is fantastic. I want to remix this. I'm going to goof off a bit with the download, and see if anything comes to mind, but I'm inspired. Thanks for this track man.
Very modern pop/dance vibe. I love the drums, but the guitar especially.
I love the whole thing. You immediately sold me on the Massive Attack style beat man. I know you allowed downloads, but I hope you don't mind I downloaded it :-). I really really enjoy this, hopefully when the quarantine blows over I can listen to this on my road trips.
I love Massive Attack & yes, I mapped the verse percussion off their song, Teardrop. Thanks for stopping by & listening. I appreciate it. Downloads of my stuff is great. It means someone liked it enough to put it in their music collection.
In the San Francisco Bay Area, there used to be this radio station that would play a show back in the late 90s early 2000s every Saturday evening, into the early Sunday morning called Subsonic. I would sit by my radio with my sister, and we'd just use our tape recorders to record every incredible underground electronic song that would play. Ralph Fridge's Angel, anything by John Digweed, you name it. This would have 100 percent been recorded by me. It just screams underground that would have played at the local raves that I used to go to. Incredible work man.
Man, music has this power to transport us to places and times that would not otherwise be possible. I am very happy to know that my sound brought you such good memories. Thank you very much for the beautiful words of encouragement.
I can't even put into words or any sort of length to describe this track. Speechless. This may the best Cinematic piece I have heard on this site. And this was in 2015?
Do you have a soundcloud?
It reminds me of the music to the pc game Kenshi. Like the desolation of being nowhere and yet everywhere at once.
Thank you so much my friend, for this kind comment...this sort of appreciation keeps me in artistic motion and it's strong encouragement for the future.
yes i made this in 2015.
i have soundcloud account but didnt share anything yet.
Please please tell me you have the vocal version on here....This gives me such a reminder of "In the House, In a Heartbeat" by John Murphy. Incredible work dude.
N/M I see you linked it on the first comment. Thank you for an awesome track!
Oh thanks for that comment! really appreciate! I havent listened it before, but it is very good music, comparison with my music - pleasure for me. In some place i feel similarity, but just a little bit. I think that "In the House, In a Heartbeat" similar to some things from Hans Zimmer like soundtrack from Crysis 2 or soundtrack from The Amazing Spider Man 2 when Harry became Goblin, haha. And thank you again for good words!
Absolutely gorgeous song. The chord progression is my favorite thing, and great minimalist drums. I would loooove to remix this, fully analogous, no automation. Live piano playing for sure. :-) Anyways, fantastic work!
I hear hip hop with piano, and I immediately listen to every part of the track with great pleasure. Great beats, great flow from the lyricist. An absolute pleasure with the meaty reverb snare hit. I took a listen to all of your tracks, this is by far my favorite of yours man.
You've made me a fan of your work. After listening to every single one of your tracks, this one is my favorite of the group, and it was very hard to pick. (I love Trip Hop) I will be sharing this beauty with a family member, who is also a huge Trip Hop fan.
Absolutely dark, surreal, sultry, and I could not stop keeping this on repeat.
Like seriously, this is on repeat. This is incredible.
Hi !
many times I read this message, and i don't really know what to answer. I am so grateful.
Maybe like other people here, i think that i secreatly wish comments like this one.
As i said in another response, it's very much work for a title like this one.
When i received your message, i had just listen to the new track you posted, "The expanse part1", and like all the music i have heard from you it's wonderful. I can assure you that this is sincere, i really think so.
Some people have flow, some do not. You do. Sheesh this is great. Thanks for bringing something 'old and new' to the modern era. Seriously this is incredible dude. This on spotify/itunes? I want to pick it up.
on You Wont Break Me by 6TeenBits
The mix: Perfect
The flow: Perfect
The lyrics: Perfect
The unique melody/beat: Perfect
The chorus is insanely perfect.
This is marketable beyond belief. I don't really have words. If you haven't shared this to labels, you should.
on Street Fighter Lofi Beat by titogarciask
I ****ing love DJ Shadow.
Like legit, this is some of the best lo-fi on looperman.
on Socket - UK drill beat by vvixstudio1
on Equinox - Void by 0Equinox0
on Where Is She by HeathAlexander
on The Anthony Fauci Boogie by ClickbaitCabaret
Like I'm feeling a little film noir/cyberpunk dreary street that somebody is walking down.
This is really damn good, because it was easily what I envisioned when I listened to the track, and when I envision something quickly, it means it moved me enough to stimulate my imagination.
on Project SkyBreach by bitronix
I usually use my Soundcloud as a storage/transfer hub where instead of plugging my phone to my laptop to transfer my test tracks, I just upload it there privately and stream it myself. You can see there's not much content there, but there's a ton of private ones I can only see. You can check out my profile to see the link if you want! I have there trash tracks, or tracks that aren't really good since they're made by me about a year or a few ago.
Thanks dude! Stay safe.
on Starfighter by HeathAlexander
Lo-fi piano with ambient flavor will always get a favorite from me.
Well done.
on Love Love Love by FullCapicityMuzic
Thank you for this track. :-)
on Mismatches by Juliooliveira
Very modern pop/dance vibe. I love the drums, but the guitar especially.
I was very happy to hear that you were interested in working on this sound. If you need a separate part, please let me know and I'll send it to you.
Thank you!
Good productions!
Bests regards!
on Mismatches by Juliooliveira
Very modern pop/dance vibe. I love the drums, but the guitar especially.
on The Day It All Became Clear by ClickbaitCabaret
on I loose my control Feat Julia by Juliooliveira
Bests regards!
on burnn by hamood
Do you have a soundcloud?
It reminds me of the music to the pc game Kenshi. Like the desolation of being nowhere and yet everywhere at once.
yes i made this in 2015.
i have soundcloud account but didnt share anything yet.
on Aqwafina by KnightHeir
Is this on an album of yours? If not it should be. It's a hell of a track.
on CXRTER - Headshot Ft Vic Rippa by swansea
on Lm29 - Deathstroke by Lm29
N/M I see you linked it on the first comment. Thank you for an awesome track!
on Where I Wanna Be by Miscliqued
on Zu den Sternen by atw
on Breakup - feat og7even by Hazemmm
on DarkSide of The Moon Mr1Black RarCharms by BeatMaker4real
on Canis Majoris by atw
on Drown Featuring Minette Fourie by ignome
Absolutely dark, surreal, sultry, and I could not stop keeping this on repeat.
Like seriously, this is on repeat. This is incredible.
many times I read this message, and i don't really know what to answer. I am so grateful.
Maybe like other people here, i think that i secreatly wish comments like this one.
As i said in another response, it's very much work for a title like this one.
When i received your message, i had just listen to the new track you posted, "The expanse part1", and like all the music i have heard from you it's wonderful. I can assure you that this is sincere, i really think so.
Hope your family member will enjoy.
Thanks again,
on Rich Mish - MoonRaiser by RichMish
on SliMusic - MORNING by SliMusic