
Comments on kkrolak9 tracks

Other users have posted 14 comments on tracks by kkrolak9

Comments (14)
xstokes 11th May 2023 10:14 - 1 year ago

on Donttellme by kkrolak9
loving that synth twisting thru the maze. very dark, very fuckin cool.
dubjoka 11th May 2023 08:01 - 1 year ago

on Donttellme by kkrolak9
this is fire bro top production
SaintLoreyn 11th May 2023 02:20 - 1 year ago

on Donttellme by kkrolak9
Oh my god, this sounds so good. Azealia banks would slap on this
dimestop 20th Sep 2021 23:47 - 2 years ago

on Break pt II by kkrolak9
Like the feel of this KK, could do with vox, just to break the repetitive sound some good percussion, hope you get a Collab bro
DijamMusic 20th Sep 2021 23:01 - 2 years ago

on Break pt II by kkrolak9
You've done a great job.
Well done.
ioncewas 20th Sep 2021 22:25 - 2 years ago

on Break pt II by kkrolak9
sounds good, well done
pseudoble 20th Sep 2021 18:46 - 2 years ago

on Break pt II by kkrolak9
I was waiting for the 808's to come in! This is a good start a simple and repetitive synth pluck and some nice percussion with some suggestions of something more building or coming - then it stops. Keep going : )
sirefox 20th Sep 2021 18:35 - 2 years ago

on Break pt II by kkrolak9
Buen tema amigo KKrolak9, un poco corto pero tienes un diamante en bruto para sacarle partido. Me gusta como suena. Salud y paz.
DijamMusic 19th Jun 2021 01:23 - 3 years ago

on Untitled by kkrolak9
Pretty cool man.
sirefox 18th Jun 2021 20:49 - 3 years ago

on Untitled by kkrolak9
Soberbio, una melodía que se va apoderando poco a poco de ti, arropada de un poderoso ritmo, muy buena pista compañero.
daydreamnightdream 18th Jun 2021 18:41 - 3 years ago

on Untitled by kkrolak9
Awesome! very groovy! Keep going!
Zootman 22nd Mar 2021 17:46 - 3 years ago

on Console Jam by kkrolak9
Cool track, had this feel of menacing things lurking just below the surface.
MagneticRecords 22nd Mar 2021 16:40 - 3 years ago

on Console Jam by kkrolak9
Nice one. Good work.
altinb 3rd Mar 2021 19:11 - 3 years ago

on Outro by kkrolak9
nice work on this
Comments (14)