Good evening CelloCubano. First and foremost, i would like to say I love your work and i would like to know if it is possible for you to send me the separate files for this drum pattern without the reverb? I would really, really appreciate it if you would do that for me.
Yoooo. This loop is dope! Can I please have the tracked out version? My email is Thank you in advance! Keep doing what you do!
I went ahead and sent all the melodies I used in this particular loop. I also sent a picture of the main melodie chord structure in FL so you can see the patterns.
on Epic Journey Grapemaster Saxe X Taz Taylor by Grapemaster
Peace & Blessings
on Making Sure Drums by CelloCubano
on Piano-to-Pad theme by Aien
on Im Loosing Mine by Schieler88