


Love Is The Answer
Bremen, Germany
Joined : 18th Mar 2021 - 3 years ago
Last Online : 31st Aug 2024 - 20 hours ago
Comments on LJmbbremen tracks

Other users have posted 407 comments on tracks by LJmbbremen

Comments 51 - 75 of 407
dimestop 1st Jun 2023 17:23 - 1 year ago

on Funky Disco House by LJmbbremen
i remember this, love that intro and now im more experienced, i can appreciate it more now especially the instruments in the main keys tamborine trumpet bongo skins its summery and like a fairground ride you just wanna keep riding
LJmbbremen replied 2nd Jun 2023 - 1 year ago
Thanks Paul!
You know what I have done the last time thatsway I must get a little more positive energy! Have a nice weekend my friend!
2Sisters 28th Apr 2023 19:38 - 1 year ago

on Du bist nicht mehr hier by LJmbbremen
Hallo Mathias. Das kann ich dir nicht sagen. Ich habe frueher mit dem Beta 85 von Shure gearbeitet. Bin dann aber auf das KSM 8 umgestiegen, weil es eine Doppelmembrane hat und meine Stimme ihren Ausdruck behaelt. Es hat allerdings auch einen stolzen Preis. Gibt es in Bremen keinen Ausstatter mit Gesangsbox wo du ein Mikrofon testen kannst? Ich habe im Laufe der Jahre eine Menge Vokalisten kennengelernt, die alle mur mit ihrem eigenen Mikrofon arbeiten. Ich will damit sagen, dass das eine ziemlich individuelle Angelegenheit ist, welches Mikrofon jeder Einzelne nutzt. Daher kann ich auch keins empfehlen. LG Manuela
LJmbbremen replied 10th May 2023 - 1 year ago
Hallo Manuela,
ich hab das ganze bald geloest, hoffe ich jedenfalls.
Vielen Dank, fuer diese hilfreiche Antwort.
Liebe Gruesse
2Sisters 28th Apr 2023 13:19 - 1 year ago

on Du bist nicht mehr hier by LJmbbremen
Hallo Matthias, irgendwie warte ich auf ein Update von diesem Song mit deinem Gesang! Er ist so toll, hat so viel Kraft und Spirit! Leider kann ich auch nicht rappen, sonst wuerde ich einen Versuch starten *smile. Liebe Gruesse Manuela
LJmbbremen replied 28th Apr 2023 - 1 year ago
Hallo Manuela,
das Ganze ist in Arbeit! Kann, so wie es aussieht, noch dauern, da ich keine Probemoeglichkeit finde. Ich uebe zwar schon etwas zu Hause, aber ich merke, dass ein Proberaum, aufgrund der Lautstaerke schon ganz gut waehre. Mikro wird bestellt. Hab gehoert, dass das Sure SM58 wohl so das Ding ist, stimmt das? Hab im Moment ein 5€ Mikro; das geht erstmal.
Lieben Gruß
joecramer 27th Apr 2023 21:54 - 1 year ago

on Du bist nicht mehr hier by LJmbbremen
Hallo Matthias

Schön verträumt das ganze hier. Gefällt mir sehr.
Sauber gemischt und getan. Alles passt soweit.
Ich bin gespannt wo das ganze hin führt.
Ein trappiges Liebeslied? Das wär mal was neues.
Oder wirds dann doch was dunkler? mmmm Man weiss es ja noch nicht und lass mich mal überraschen.
Deine Vorlage ist zumindest eine gute Basis.

Mir haben die paar Minuten auf jeden Fall gut gefallen und mich angenehm entspannt.

stay tuned
LJmbbremen replied 28th Apr 2023 - 1 year ago
Hey Joe,
dein Kommentar ist aufbauend. Es wird ein Lied fuer meinen Bruder, der letztes Jahr gestorben ist. Den Text hab ich schon. Leider finde ich keine Moeglichkeit meine Stimme mal auszuprobieren, da ich Zuhause nicht das Haus zusammenschreien moechte. Bin etwas aelter, hab zwei Kinder und die sollen sich nicht fuer den jugendlichen Leichtsinn ihres Vaters schaemen ;). Hier in Bremen, ist es unmoeglich ein Proberaum zu bekommen, suche schon seit langer, langer Zeit.
Hab mir mal drei Sachen von dir angehoert, auf deiner Seite. Gefaellt mir. Du hast so ne typische 80er Stimme, gefaellt mir.
dubjoka 27th Apr 2023 18:40 - 1 year ago

on Du bist nicht mehr hier by LJmbbremen
nice work on the track g ;)
LJmbbremen replied 28th Apr 2023 - 1 year ago
Thank you!
RitajustRita 22nd Mar 2023 23:15 - 1 year ago

on Du bist nicht mehr hier by LJmbbremen
Wow Matthias.
So chill and i love the sounds that you didd use.
LJmbbremen replied 27th Apr 2023 - 1 year ago
Hey Rita,
thank you! Hope you are fine.
Will listen to your next!
BeatMaker4real 6th Mar 2023 15:40 - 1 year ago

on Du bist nicht mehr hier by LJmbbremen
Nice work on the track.
LJmbbremen replied 21st Mar 2023 - 1 year ago
Thanks Beatmaker4real2,
2Sisters 5th Mar 2023 21:02 - 1 year ago

on Du bist nicht mehr hier by LJmbbremen
Hallo Matthias versuche es einfach. Jeder kann singen!
LJmbbremen replied 28th Apr 2023 - 1 year ago
Ja, ich versuch es!
KnightHeir 5th Mar 2023 17:16 - 1 year ago

on Du bist nicht mehr hier by LJmbbremen
Nice smooth trap bra.
LJmbbremen replied 21st Mar 2023 - 1 year ago
Thanks KnightHeir,
Zootman 4th Mar 2023 21:47 - 1 year ago

on Du bist nicht mehr hier by LJmbbremen
This is quite haunting Matthias, I really like it. If you still have my email can you send me it and the bpm??
LJmbbremen replied 5th Mar 2023 - 1 year ago
Hi Chris,
this sound really nice. I will send it to you. What are you doing with this? Singing? Or do want to add a few instruments?
2Sisters 4th Mar 2023 12:30 - 1 year ago

on Du bist nicht mehr hier by LJmbbremen
Hallo Matthias, zu diesem Song sage ich nur: "So schön kann Sehnsucht sein!" Liebe Grüße Manuela
LJmbbremen replied 5th Mar 2023 - 1 year ago
Hallo Manuela,
danke fuer das tolle Kompliment. Hier habe ich auch mal Lust einen Text zu machen und zu singen/rappen (wenn ich das nur koennte)!
Liebe Gruesse zurück
DijamMusic 4th Mar 2023 01:51 - 1 year ago

on Du bist nicht mehr hier by LJmbbremen
Wow Hi Matthias
Matthias and Paul and BaoBou!!!!!!!
That is going to be an LM epic of the century.
I can't wait.
Well done.
LJmbbremen replied 5th Mar 2023 - 1 year ago
Hey Maj,
thanks for your kind words. I am sure it be like you wrote. Paul has always great lyrics and togther with BaoBou it can be really great!
BaoBou 3rd Mar 2023 12:57 - 1 year ago

on Du bist nicht mehr hier by LJmbbremen
Hi Matthias and Paul, that would be a lovely idea! I'll send you a DM Matthias, I already have Paul's mail.
LJmbbremen replied 3rd Mar 2023 - 1 year ago
This is nice BaoBou,
I have send a mail back!
phantomproduction 3rd Mar 2023 09:08 - 1 year ago

on Du bist nicht mehr hier by LJmbbremen
Hey Matthias , what a beautifull track !
well done !
LJmbbremen replied 3rd Mar 2023 - 1 year ago
Thanks, Michael!
pseudoble 2nd Mar 2023 23:39 - 1 year ago

on Du bist nicht mehr hier by LJmbbremen
Lovely work Matthias - all really nicely crafted, balanced and mixed. To my ears synth pop more than trap but I guess the drum pattern is trap huh? (Im never sure about genre). I especially like that synth that comes in around a minute with the sweet little melody and the compressed bell sound is darn cute too. : )
LJmbbremen replied 3rd Mar 2023 - 1 year ago
Thanks Ian,
yes, you are right. I have call it trap because of the drum loop. And in my mind is a rap text in the pop direction. We have some real good gangsda rapper here in germany (real gangsda) and I heard one song that I really like because of the flow, beat and voice. The text is on one or another point not mine but also good for what it is and stands, with the story of the singer and so on.
My track is not a copy or in any way similar. I have tried to catch the feeling and tried to do my one.
Thanks for listening and feedback!
dimestop 2nd Mar 2023 19:25 - 1 year ago

on Du bist nicht mehr hier by LJmbbremen
thanks bro, ill do it by myself if bou isnt available, i'll ask though see what he thinks. but we'll mail anyway, so i'll be in touch
LJmbbremen replied 2nd Mar 2023 - 1 year ago
I am on the way to send you the link, wait a minute
dimestop 2nd Mar 2023 18:54 - 1 year ago

on Du bist nicht mehr hier by LJmbbremen
bro loved the whole show want to do a song with bouboa, both singing, this would be a nice track to try, i'll ask him or he may read it here, if you wouldn't mind first of course. a trio collab sort of. let me know.
LJmbbremen replied 2nd Mar 2023 - 1 year ago
bro, want you to know I am honored, i am sure this will be great! Thank you! I will send you an email with a download link!
2Sisters 28th Feb 2023 21:51 - 1 year ago

on First Touch by LJmbbremen
Hallo Matthias, schoene runde Sache, die du da kreiert hast. Es hat eine gewisse Dramatik ohne zu schwerfaellig zu sein. Sehr gute Mischung. Aber was hast du mit deiner Antwort bei Paul gemeint, als du geschrieben hast, dass du dein Ziel mit Sounds nicht erreicht hast? Was war dein Ziel? Liebe Gruesse Manuela
LJmbbremen replied 2nd Mar 2023 - 1 year ago
Hallo Manuela,
also erstmal Danke. Also bei meiner Antwort meinte ich, dass ich gerne einen volleren und nicht so sprunghaften Klang (zu dumf und zu hell zusammen)haben moechte. Manchmal bekomme ich Sachen nicht so hoerbar, wie ich es mir vorstelle. Braeuchte mal jemand, der mir ein paar Sachen erklaert, die mich an mein Ziel fuehren. Ich eiere viel zu sehr rum und die Zeit, die fuer kleine Erfolge viel! Aber ich geb nicht auf, der Spass ist einfach zu gross ;)
Liebe Gruesse
daydreamnightdream 28th Feb 2023 19:28 - 1 year ago

on First Touch by LJmbbremen
Nice assortment of elements that you have made/chosen!
Sounds very epic!
LJmbbremen replied 2nd Mar 2023 - 1 year ago
Thank you daydreamnightdream
pseudoble 24th Feb 2023 03:48 - 1 year ago

on First Touch by LJmbbremen
Momentous! This is really impressive in its cinematic scope, lovely interweaving melodic themes and grandly orchestral. I cant imagine how long this must have taken buy with such very fine attention to detail it sure sounds like a lot of work. Huge congratulations - keep this up and you are going to poached for a film score.
LJmbbremen replied 28th Feb 2023 - 1 year ago
Hi Ian,
thanks for listening and warm feedback. Yes, it took a while. Now I am working on a selfmade track and that takes really time.
RitajustRita 15th Feb 2023 07:08 - 1 year ago

on First Touch by LJmbbremen
Rotterdam is better then Amsterdam lol.
And utrecht is a cute authentic town.
And Zandvoort near the sea is great.
but the annoying thing is:
Everything has been so busy here since corona.
I don't understand where all these people suddenly come from.
During sunny days, parks and beaches are closed by the police because it has become too crowded.
Never experienced before in my life.
I hope for your sake that this will not bother you in the summer.
LJmbbremen replied 22nd Feb 2023 - 1 year ago
Hello Madam,
now we change a little and we will be for five days between the Northsea and the Maarkermeer, in De Rijp. And two days in Den Haag. Maybe you are interested in a meeting with me, my wife and children. Maybe for a coffee anywhere (also Rotterdam), at a nice place! and hopefully on a sunny summerday!
ShadowTrait 14th Feb 2023 15:21 - 1 year ago

on First Touch by LJmbbremen
This is very well done! Good job. I hope you continue making stuff as good as this :3

LJmbbremen replied 22nd Feb 2023 - 1 year ago
Hi ShadowTrait
and thank you!
RitajustRita 13th Feb 2023 22:00 - 1 year ago

on First Touch by LJmbbremen
Sorry for my late reaction.

This is definitely a wow Matthias. Crazy sounds that sound exciting.
I immediately get that cinema feeling.
Very well done!!
LJmbbremen replied 14th Feb 2023 - 1 year ago
Hi Rita,
I am happy you like it and I wanna tell you that we spend our holidays in your country for one week in the summer, in the near of the coast. We will also visit one or two citys. Defenetly Amsterdam and maybe Rotterdam.
ProdTRAPDOC 10th Feb 2023 17:31 - 1 year ago

on First Touch by LJmbbremen
Nice melodies and arrangement, all goes together very nice. The piano was a nice touch.
LJmbbremen replied 13th Feb 2023 - 1 year ago
Thanks ProdTRAPDOC
DijamMusic 9th Feb 2023 23:07 - 1 year ago

on First Touch by LJmbbremen
Wow, Matthias.
I love the sound of that piano mate.
Great piece of cinematic work my friend.
Well Done.
LJmbbremen replied 13th Feb 2023 - 1 year ago
Thanks Maj
Comments 51 - 75 of 407