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  • From : Unknown
  • Joined : Thu 30th Apr 2020, 3 years ago

About Me

No soy productor musical pero amo hacer msica, soy un autodidacta, y todos los das aprendo algo nuevo al igual que exploro.


I'm not a music producer but I love making music, I'm self-taught, and every day I learn something new as I explore.

Instruments I play

No one

Software I Use

Fl Studio 20

Hardware I Use


Listening To Right Now

Cualquier artista de musica elelctrnica.

10 Favourite Albums

No idea

My Influences / Fav Artists

Me siento sumamanete identificado con Martin Garrix. quiero decir, me encanta hacer bigroom y festival progressive house, y puedo pasar horas hacindolo sin cansarme.


I feel very identified with Martin Garrix. I mean, I love doing bigroom and progressive house festival, and I can spend hours doing it without getting tired.

My Music Sounds Like

Mi estilo de msica lo comparo con el de Martin Garrix, auqneu no llego a esas vibraciones y sonidos que l pero me esfuerzo por hacer lo mejor.


My style of music is compared to that of Martin Garrix, although I do not reach those vibrations and sounds that he does, but I try to do my best.

In My Other Life I ...

I explore.