We couldn't find any loops that mention melancholic. Use the advanced search and try again.
Your search included this keyword: melancholic. The results were ordered by keyword relevance. If you prefer to order by date uploaded for example adjust the order field. more info ..
Your Search For +melancholic Loops Did Not Match Any Results
Read this for help finding what you are looking for.
How to search for loops
Remember the keyword search only looks at the title or description of loops
If you are searching for a specific genre such as Trap, Hip Hop or Dubstep for example use the Genre drop menu in the search form rather than entering this in the keywords area.
If you are searching for a specific type of loop such as Drums, Bass or Piano then use the Category drop menu in the search form rather than entering this in the keywords area.
The keyword search should be your last option and used to filter out results after using the Category, Genre & Tempo options.