
Acapellas & Vocals

Showing 6 acapellas by Daivinofficial . Use the advanced search option to filter results.

Acapellas (6)
18th Dec 2023 17:38 - 10 months ago
Description : Free for commercial use BUT you have to add me (Daivin) as a feature (NOT main artist) and link to my channel (YT, SC, etc) if possible. If you add me as a main artist instead of a feature artist I will have to take the song down.

I would very much like to hear the songs you make. Please comment the link.
3rd Dec 2023 09:48 - 10 months ago
Description : Description : Free for commercial use BUT you have to add me (Daivin) as a feature (NOT main artist) and link to my channel (YT, SC, etc) if possible. If you add me as a main artist instead of a feature artist I will have to take the song down.

I would very much like to hear the songs you make. Please comment the link.

I'm not sure about the bpm. But it should be around 125.
26th Nov 2023 14:18 - 10 months ago
Description : Free for commercial use BUT you have to add me (Daivin) as a feature (NOT main artist) and link to my channel (YT, SC, etc) if possible. If you add me as a main artist instead of a feature artist I will have to take the song down.

I would very much like to hear the songs you make. Please comment the link.

Left an open space for a second verse.
24th Jan 2023 09:21 - 1 year ago
Description : Free for commercial use BUT you have to add me (Daivin) as a feature (NOT main artist) and link to my channel (YT, SC, etc) if possible. If you add me as a main artist instead of a feature artist I will have to take the song down.

I would very much like to hear the songs you make. Please comment the link.
27th Nov 2022 13:06 - 1 year ago
Description : Free for commercial use BUT you have to add me (Daivin) as a feature (NOT main artist) and link to my channel (YT, SC, etc) if that's possible.

If you add me as a main artist instead of a feature artist I will have to take the song down.

I would very much like to hear the songs you make. Please comment the link or send me a DM anywhere (Insta or Twitter name is Daivinofficial)!
24th Sep 2022 12:11 - 2 years ago
Description : Free for commercial use BUT you have to add me (Daivin) as a feature (NOT main artist) and link to my channel (YT, SC, etc) if that's possible.

If you add me as a main artist instead of a feature artist I will have to take the song down.

I would very much like to hear the songs you make. Please comment the like or send me a DM anywhere!
Acapellas (6)